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Topics - damiian

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Game Help / (Presets) Acceptable or neh?
« on: March 05, 2017, 11:38:40 am »
i just wanted to know peoples opinion on this or the staff themselves to answer
so i clearly dont play FH anymore

recently i've come across a user on deviantart selling presets for FH
these said presets have MASS MARKINGS put onto them and just tiny edits (such as lazy spots or stripes added)
my sister actually commented on one that they should credit the fact it has mass markings someone else made on it, they hid her comment and ignored her

i dont actually approve of people selling presets which clearly has someone elses work (mass markings or original markings) added to it myself so i didnt like seeing it

i've always wondered if anything was made about it though
on if its acceptable to actually sell presets with such markings or not and so forth
so i was wondering what everyone else has to say about it? (staff especially)

Preset in question btw:
It clearly has THESE mass markings on it:
Harlequin body, koolie head

Game Help / reg has some issue for a friend
« on: December 26, 2016, 04:48:03 pm »
im simply wondering if anyone elses friends are having this issue with the new registration
a friend of mine recently just tried to sign up on a laptop in our house, they were told after clicking to continue on the registration screen to go check their email for their activation message
they've been sat here for like 10 minutes and havnt gotten one and YES they've checked all their folders including trash and spam and have repetitively refreshed to no avail on the activation
they cannot log in either as since their not activated their account "does not exist"

Request Other Mods/Creations / "Top Hat" Request
« on: October 14, 2015, 01:29:05 pm »
Im looking for someone who could possibly make a "Top Hat" item as i dont think the other current hat items look correct
or a type of steam punk hat.

It is not for me though since i dont play the game its for a friend who does play at my house

(Can give "deviantart points" for one but the most i'd give is 30)

could anyone make one?

Game Help / crashing none stop when trying to check preset
« on: October 13, 2015, 09:58:07 am »
I've been trying to get a scrolling mane code to work to do a preset for a friend of a rainbow mane
All i have in the folder is preset_1mat and the preset_1mane.png (simply a rainbow texture)
However when i go in game and bring it up its fine but then when i select a mane it crashes over and over again

The Mat code im using:
material preset_1_bodyMatL
            texture preset_1body.jpg
material preset_1_bodyMatR
            texture preset_1body.jpg
material preset_1_headMatL
            texture preset_1head.jpg
material preset_1_headMatR
            texture preset_1head.jpg
material preset_1_eyeMatL
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_1eyeL.jpg
material preset_1_eyeMatR
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_1eyeR.jpg
material preset_1_tailMat
            texture preset_1tail.jpg
material preset_1_maneMat
            texture preset_1scroll.png
            scroll_anim 1.01 1.01
         scene_blend alpha_blend
            texture preset_1mane.png

Game Help / scrolling code?
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:24:32 pm »
A friend of mine wants a preset of her panda wolf "rave" and she has asked me to make it
however it requires a scrolling rainbow mane
years back when i played FH i did have the scroll codes somewhere on my computer but for the life of me now i cant find them XD

Im also looking for tutorials on "scrolling markings" as im not sure if she wants its rainbow tail to scroll or not o3o

and is their a possible way on also making eyes scroll? or just change color? (i know theres a way to get them to change to multiple colors but thats it)

Game Help / creating resource group FH Stopped working
« on: October 08, 2015, 10:05:41 pm »
im wondering, my friends trying to play FH But when they open it a black tab comes up saying
"creating resource group general"

then he gets a pop up
"feralheart.exe has stopped working

how can he resolve this?

Game Help / I have a question regarding "Copying"
« on: September 30, 2015, 06:03:16 pm »
Alright so im hoping a mod actually replies to this but other replies are appreciated as well

Basically. i have found someone using two accounts copying users on PURPOSE and making youtube videos WITH their characters on purpose to upset them
I have found the videos out as well
I also found out my sister commented on a video this user made then in the very next video BOOM she attempted to copy my sisters preset character with default markings (proving shes doing it on purpose)
now i know her usernames and i have actual screenshots of her copying users and links to her videos which shes posting on purpose to get reactions out of all those she copied as well as if users shes not copied comments on her videos she goes and copies them as well
I kind of think this as actually causing trouble because shes wanting to get a reaction off who she copied on purpose which is upsetting them, making them angry, making them swear at the user etc etc
so im wondering although shes using free markings and what not cant anything be done about it because shes doing it on PURPOSE for an actual reaction off users?

Game Help / Is this...even acceptable?
« on: September 25, 2015, 04:37:52 pm »
Ok im getting pretty angry about this i DONT play the game
but my friend comes over to play she has a pack and she has a rank called "Alpha's Eye"
her pack name and pack tags are NOT the same as another pack
However the leader of a pack named [Names Removed]
also has the rank and the alpha has been whispering THREATENING about it
He also said to another friend all over the rank that "this is war" and called my friend who owns the pack "disrespectful"
she owns about 3 packs all of which have the rank
hes been harassing her for two days and any other packs which have "similar ranks" and threatening them with the mods and stuff
surly this is not acceptable?

Game Help / Scrolling mane?
« on: April 13, 2015, 03:17:54 pm »
yeah sooo i only ever did this like once with a preset i never used and deleted when i used to play FH
now i wanted to do a few to actually give away with scrolling manes XD but i totally forgot HOW to even do it o_o
anyone have any links to a good tutorial of it ?

Game Help / Shading and mane code? XD
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:41:30 am »
Alright so i dont actually play feral heart anymore but i do still like making presets on it to give them away
now i have a new laptop because of my PC Broke on me....
I currently cant get anything off the hard drive of it so i lost the shading i had and the code to make your preset mane look less messed up like paper
the mass markings i got back but the items im to lazy to re-download atm since i dont need them XD
so i was wondering if anyone has any links to any CANINE fur textures that might be good? i did have one where it had the 3D type of nose on its shading but for the life of me i cant re find it
(i also dont mind downloads to different eye mods since i did use multiple different eye mods which im trying to re find)
as well as the coding to make the mane look less papery

another thing, i also did have a mane mod so that if you turned your characters mane BLACK it would actually be pure black unlike the normal FH mod where it would look grey ._.
if anyone has a link to that too please post it <3

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