Author Topic: The Eggy and Shelly Debates  (Read 1885 times)

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The Eggy and Shelly Debates
« on: October 29, 2016, 01:51:25 am »
I was forced to watch some debates for school so...

Henrietta turned on the camera and aimed it at Eggy and Shelly, and then placed a microphone on each of their desks. They both glared at each other, waiting for Henrietta to finish her announcment.
"Hello everyone, and tonight we are here to hear the third and final debate of... Shelly and Eggy, who are arguing about really no subject at all. Alright everyone," she said, glancing over to look at the audience, who was just Noodles and Sprinkles and a few of the neighbors, "Eggy will answer this first question.
"Okay, Eggy, this question is about apples. If you haven't noticed, the fridge is full of apples from the apple tree. If you could do anything with those apples, what would you do with them?"
Eggy inhaled deeply, and then replied,
"First, you take them out of the fridge," and she paused for a few seconds to let Sprinkels, Noodles, and the neighbors finish cheering at the idea, and then continued, "And then peel them, and eat the apple peel strings," and again the audience cheered, "And cut up the peeled, sliced apples and put them in a pot, and make apple preserves," and everyone agreed to this as well.
"Okay, everyone, calm down and let Eggy talk," Henrietta interupted briefly, and then let Eggy continue.
"And the apple preserves will be made with the hard apples," Eggy continued, "And apple sauce will be made with the soft ones, so not one apple will be wasted!" she finished, letting Shelly have her turn.
"Very good, Eggy. I will ask Shelly the same--" Henrietta was cut off by Shelly.
"Not a single apple will be wasted," Shelly said, glaring at Eggy, "they will be used to make apple sauce, and apple bread, and any other thing that is made with apples, including apple ice cream, and apple jam," and Shelly paused, waiting for cheering, but none of them cheered because they had never heard of apple bread. "And the apple bread will be eaten with apple preserves and apple sauce, with apple ice cream for dessert, and apple sauce will be put on the ice cream, and we will eat nothing but apple and apple bi-products for months!"
Everyone cheered, but sadly, for despite all the goodness of apple products, they would truly miss pizza and soda.
"And apple juice will be the only drink in the whole house!"
Again, everyone cheered sadly, wishing they could have soda and milk. But they also didn't want to waste the apples, and apples tasted so good.

"And for the next question, Shelly will go first this time." Henrietta clucked, while Eggy and Shelly glared at each other, "Shelly, what sort of things would you do after school?"
"I would clean up the house and put everything away, and then go play outside--" Shelly began, but then Eggy spoke.
"That's not what she would do!" Eggy said.
"Let me try to translate that for you--" Shelly clucked.
"You can't."
"Hens! It is Shelly's turn to talk, so just wait your turn Eggy." Henrietta interupted.
Then Eggy and Shelly both started talking at once, so no one could understand what they were saying.
The audience looked on helplessly, unable to say anything above the noise of the arguing hens.
And then Henrietta tried to shush them, but it, too, just added on to the noise, making it even harder to understand.
Finally, Eggy and Henrietta stopped, and Shelly continued, looking very angry.
"After putting away all the schoolbooks and wiping the table, and scooting in the chairs, I would go out and wash the patio, and pick apples and play outside all day. Then I would go inside only when it is time for bed." Shelly said.
"Good, Shelly. Eggy, you have the same question."
"Unlike her,'' Eggy said, glaring even harder at Shelly, "I'm going to say what I would actually do. I would go to the store with Henrietta, and when we got back I would eat lunch. And then I would go on the computer until my turn is up, and then go upstairs and read a book. And that is also what Shelly would do."
"No!" Shelly protested.
"Yes!" Eggy confirmed it.
"Okay, calm down." Henrietta sighed, tapping her foot.
And then they both started talking at once again, and then the camera battery died, so no one ever knew what the end of the debate was.
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Re: The Eggy and Shelly Debates
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2016, 02:12:49 am »
Aw man I wanted to see how that ended. Dang camera!
But that is...a lot of apple much for DAYS