Author Topic: cant download the new patch  (Read 6866 times)

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cant download the new patch
« on: June 20, 2022, 01:16:15 am »
i am new and i want to play the game, because it seems pretty interesting, i know that it needs to replace the old file with the new one, but the new patch just wont download,  checked if the download was blocked, and even tried on another browser, but it just wont download!
it dont appears any message or anything on the screen, the download just wont start

(( i am sorry if there's any spellling error, english is not my first language ))

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Re: cant download the new patch
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2022, 05:42:41 pm »
Hello! Here's a link to a post that has a google drive and media fire download that contains a vanilla FH folder with the new .exe already installed (both downloads are exactly the same, simply pick where you prefer downloading from): Linkie

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