Author Topic: Don't Let Them Catch Us  (Read 2383 times)

Offline jackthealpha

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Don't Let Them Catch Us
« on: September 11, 2016, 06:46:15 pm »
((Based off a dream I had. Some events will be changed, and some characters will also be changed in case they don't want to be in the story, so I'll try to keep most of the details vague. The names of my friends and basically everyone will be changed to protect their identity :3 blah blah blah more disclaimers and stuff, let's get on with it.))
((Just a quickly-written one-shot -shrug- If you guys think it's decent, I'll put it on my DA too.))

  "We're here." A raspy voice caught my attention. I held my bag as she led us into the den. Me and my friends had split up, the rest of them were at a separate den down the road. It was just me and Mark in this den, and the creature protecting us. She clearly had some age on her, but we didn't know how old she was. She was anthro, being a rather short, fluffy, canine/human type creature. Neither of us could figure out why my friends thought it'd be a good idea to leave us in this den. To me, it made more sense for me and Tiana to share this den, us being the only girls aside from the creature protecting us. There was only one, and she would stay in this den, since the other den had the advantage of a larger group. I placed down my bag in the sand, and Mark placed his belongings beside mine. "Your friends have settled into the other den. You remember where it is?"

We nodded.

"Good. Get yourself somethin' to eat from your bag. I'd show ya how to hunt, but only we creatures who come from this world may eat the prey that dwell here." She instructed, then limped off to the very back of the den. "I'll be asleep 'ere. Only wake me if there's an emergency." Her gaze turned even more serious. "Don't wander far, and don't stay out past sunset. Don't talk to anyone you don't know, completely avoid them, but still be polite while doing so. Got that? You've only got a week here, so don't screw things up. Remember, if it's an emergency, there's a mod who'll let ya out. They... ah, nevermind, not important. The important thing is, if things go wrong, find them, alright? It'd be a long trek though, surely take ya a few days." She rambled.

We nodded again, not really paying much attention. We didn't fear anything! Ok, well, we obviously feared some things, but we weren't afraid of this land. Once we'd looked around the den, we ran into a clearing. Our friends were nearby, we could vaguely hear them talking back and forth. Waiting for them to emerge from the den, we played back and forth. The day passed quickly, our friends coming to play with us, then, at sunset, we went to our camp and rested there.

The next morning, we did the same thing. Grabbing a snack from our bags, we were about to wander out, when our protector stopped us.

"Hey, why not stay here?" She suggested.

"But we want to play." Mark said flatly. "We've only got a week here, we want to explore."

The anthro frowned at us, but eventually sighed. "Fine. Go to the other den, and bring your friends here. I must show you one last thing, then you're free to go." She had a hint of despair in her voice, I could tell she was trying to hide. I ignored it for the most part, and we left to the other den.

"YO! TIANA, RICK, KRIS, TYLER, AARON! GET YOUR BUTTS OUT HERE!" I called loudly, much to Mark's amusement.

Tiana rolled out of the den, clearly cranky from lack of sleep. "Whaaaat." She groaned out.

"Pfft, what happened to you?" I asked.

"Those idiots," Tiana paused to point at the den, "Wouldn't go to sleep."

"Not our fault!" Rick called out, emerging also from the den. He went to explain, went Mark interrupted him with a simple,

"Get hit by a bus." Most people would find this line quite rude, but for us, it was a stupid inside joke that made us laugh rather than be offended whenever we heard it.

Rick rolled his eyes, but was quickly tackled by his best friend, Kris. "GOODNESS RICK, STOP BLOCKING THE WAY!" He yelled, only to be tackled by Tyler and Aaron.

"OH GOSH LET US OUT!" Tyler dramatically cried, Aaron posing dramatically along with him, before they crawled out of the den, pushing Rick, Tiana and Kris out of the way. I burst out laughing, and I'm sure my friends did too.

"Wait, why did you guys wake us up earlier?" Rick asked.

"Miss what's-her-face is going to teach us something." Mark groaned.

"It's summer!" Rick exclaimed. "We're on vacation! No learning!"

"Hey, it might be kind of fun? It should be quick, she promised it'd be the last thing she taught us." I commented. "C'mon, let's go, she won't let us explore until we go."

Much to the group's dismay, we made our way back to our den. The anthro we soon realized was named Dawn, as we'd completely forgotten her name beforehand honestly, rambled on about some sort of shapeshifting. We thought we was joking, until she asked us to try it.

"Uh... are you insane? We're human. Not shapeshifters." I commented. My friends agreed, and it quickly grew to a bit of an argument until Dawn told us to keep our mouths shut. "Amy, Mark, come here." She instructed. Me and Mark stepped forward. I assumed she called on us because we were arguing against her the loudest. She walked us through the steps. Neither of us believed her, but we tried it anyway out of boredom. We focused on it. She claimed we all had different ways of shapeshifting, and I found mine quickly. I put myself in the shoes of Lillie, my main FH character. I pretended I was in battle, and focused on Lillie's strengths, like I was going to attack. I soon found that... Dawn wasn't crazy. I'd shapeshifted. Mark shapeshifted soon after. Our friends quickly asked how we did it. I explained my method, and Mark explained he imagined that his body was like building blocks, and he rearranged the pieces, occasionally adding or taking away certain blocks that didn't belong, until he had a character. He was a fluffy, white dog with brown patches.

Our friends quickly learned how to do it their own way as well.

Tiana was a tall calico cat, but had gray instead of white. The cat had one green eye, and one purple eye. She had an almost ghost-like appearance.

Rick was a black cat, with glowing green markings and mane. He was a little bit small, but closer to average size than small..

Kris was a black canine, with a brown tail tip, paws, and muzzle. Average size, quite agile.

Tyler was a canine with several different natural colors, mostly gray, black and brown splattered around his entire body. He was average size.

Aaron was a small, brown and dark brown dog, but was very tough despite his size.

Mark, as stated before, was a fluffy, white dog with brown patches, who was fairly tall. He had a brown marking on his muzzle, giving the appearance of a mustache.

And I was Lillie. A lavender saber-tooth with sharp fangs, claws, and horns, and light blue-ish green eyes with a swirl for a pupil.

We were amazed, and quickly managed to shapeshift back to our human forms. Dawn smiled. "Alright, get lost then." She dismissed us with a flick of her tail, and we all ran out of the den, into the forest. We played until noon, when we heard a scream, followed by the crackling of fire. We all ran back to my den, to find that it was up in flames. Felines and canines of all different colors and sizes, some of which had items or wings, some of which didn't, stood around, with sick grins. We fled to the other den, to find it was up in flames too.

"There's nothing we can do." Kris frowned. "There's too many there. We need to run." He instructed. We ran into the forest, until we realized that there were more Feral-Hearters up ahead. We couldn't let them catch us.

"What now?" Aaron asked.

I shapeshifted into Lillie. "Follow me." I knew the most about FeralHeart out of all of them, so we ran until we came to Ficho Tunnels. We quickly made our way through, until we came to unfamiliar land. I was exhausted by this point, she we all turned back into humans. Finding a place to rest, we slept.

In the middle of the night, I awoke to hear shifting. Suddenly, a sharp pain at my feet. I yelped, sitting up to find a red and black wolf staring back at me. She grabbed my socks, then walked off.

Me and my friends didn't sleep the rest of the night, out of fear of what would happen if one of the creatures wanted to do more than steal socks. In the night, we studied the Feral-Hearters from a distance. They could only walk and crawl, while we could run. However, some of them could fly, and if they really wanted to, could jump forward unexpectedly, covering a good distance, but it seemed that it took a lot of energy to do that.

We continued on, until we heard growling. Shapes crawled out from the trees. A pack of wolves. They snarled at us. We all shapeshifted into our animal forms, knowing we'd be better off that way. We fought the best we could, but they were too powerful. Me and Mark ran to the east, my other friends ran to the west. Finally, it seemed that the wolves had given up. Me and Mark shapeshifted back into our human forms, as it took less energy, and we traveled along the road. Since my socks had been stolen, it was painful to walk, and running didn't help either, but we chose to run in case we were still being followed. We would've gone into the forest, through the much less painful grass, but we could see figures hiding there, and didn't dare risk it.

Eventually, the sun was setting again. My feet were bleeding, and felt like fire below me. We caved in, and fell asleep on the side of the road after healing my feet best we could. Thankfully, though our clothes had been ripped in the middle of the night, none of the creatures dared kill us in our sleep.

We continued to run, and soon found our friends. The painful gravel road stopped, as we entered a forest. It was really the only option we had. Coming to a split road, we were unsure what to do. Go west, towards what seemed like civilization, east, into what looked like a more calming woods that didn't seem to have any Feral-Hearters residing there, or straight ahead, down a road.

We argued for what seemed like hours. Eventually, Tiana and Mark went West, and the others went East. Stubbornly, I walked down the road. The road was dead silent, and alone. My mind continuously drifted off to my friends. Would they find their way out, or were they walking to their deaths...? Would I die here, in this game I used to love?

I soon got my answer. Up ahead stood two mods. Excited, I quickly got let through, not even considering to go back to my friends out of excitement and fear. I turned back to my computer, staring at the still-running game, beginning to realize my mistake. I tried to move the camera to look for my friends, but it was focused on my character, Lillie, and wouldn't move. I tried to move Lillie, but her movements would only copy mine. If I tried to run to my friends, the computer wouldn't pick it up. My character refused to run that far.

So I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until the week was up.

And I realized what I dreaded the most was true.

I'd let my friends walk to their deaths.

I closed the game, one last time.

"I'm sorry I let them catch you."
FeralHeart... *takes a drag of my cigarette*... I hear the name in my sleep. Been years, but I was raised here, back in the old maps. Joined in 2012.
My username has changed over the years, but should be now jackthealpha. Can also be found on lpslover (took over the account years ago, name not my choice lol)