Author Topic: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [Inactive since 07/03/2013]  (Read 13192 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2013, 01:49:51 am »

Name: Joann R. Caulfield
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Appearance: With distinctive bright blonde hair, she has her short curled hair cloaked over with her mandatory cap which has a black rim, with the remainder being white. Her eyes are an a odd shade of grey and green that are usually cast off towards the sea and over towards the captain's deck. She wears the black suit which folds over with around 6 rows of two buttons per each to keep it folded. There is an iron pressed shirt with the collar neatly folded and a tie under and is in the male styled uniform and avoids wearing skirts at all times (unless on break.)  She stands at 5"3 and weighs about 115 lbs, not having a good appetite but when she does, boy..she can devour more than a man.
Personality: Very much independent, she rarely takes her time to walk over to anyone, especially men, to help her complete her tasks and will often ignore the suggestions of help and wave them off. Joann can be seen always patrolling out by herself and gazing out towards the sea at the night when off duty seeing as how much of the passengers and employees go off to party (she isn't the dancing type, she lost her urge to dance after her brother's death) but instead sit in the bar, spark up a casual conversation with a shot or two. However, if patted unexpectedly, she will have very fast reactions and will end up spinning about within a matter of seconds with a fist folded, but not stuck out to punch.

Joann is a rather serious individual when on duty but can be seen to be rather patient with passengers and constantly repeat what she said without hesitation. She is nonchalant still when speaking with other crew members and can sneak up a joke once in a while. She can always lend out a helping hand when you least expect it and warms up on a professional level with passengers. When in personal she is rather causal and kind when not being approached forcefully, getting cat calls or being pestered with rude remarks would be ignored as she'll merely shrug with a cold glance and consume her liquor. However, she can take the affirmative and place out her own thoughts without much hesitation as already dealing with arrogant men, there was a point in which she needed to stop being too empathetic.

The safety of the crew and the passengers are her number one concern and will show no regret if need be when having the staff members restrain someone for their violence or wrongdoing. She is lenient with several things but when it comes to rules, there is a thin line between right or wrong for her.

History: The foreigner was born in Ireland on February 29th, 1904, within the privacy of the Caulfield residence with her older brother, Alphonse around the age of eight. The times within Ireland were rather rough and uneasy with the collision of economical and religious issues present within everyday life but the middle-class family held their heads up high during the time with Mrs. Caulfield acting as a house-wife and educating both of their children while Mr. Caulfeld went off working as an accountant. The family soon moved off with the tensions rising around 1913 within Ireland and with World War 1 shortly approaching and they were unaware of what was to come. Meek and rather perky with her Irish roots, the young Joann was always about and following her brother in glee while that resorted in Manhattan, New York, in a run down apartment. She brought much attention towards her brother and due to the success of women flocking to him, Alphonse bonded much more with his sister and took her out to his baseball practice.

Having well based accounting career, the father of the house moved upwardly working under The Standard Oil Company owned by John D. Rockerfeller and kept himself away from family, day to night, and often arrived home when both of his children were off to public schooling. They were the fortunate bunch seeing as how they weren't forced to work into factories or dangerous jobs in order to help their father keep up with rent. However, they weren't fortunate enough to own the latest fashion and wore the "hand-me-downs" with even Joann wearing her brother's clothes. Around 1917, Alphonse was drafted off into the military and left his family alone and a sweetheart named Noelle Jones off to take his place in the apartment. Fortunately, he survived World War I and he personally believes that his sister's letters along with his lover's allowed him to continue on in the tragic war zones.

Going forth in time, Joann was able to apply for Missouri University (She was part of the shooting club) and compete with other men within the field as her brother went off to work as a manager of a small clothing factory in New York with with now wife, Noelle, and with their first child approaching. This was when Joann acquainted herself with the Arcadia when speaking up with the Captain at a bar one day, ignoring the flirting gestures, and enjoyed the old man's company.  Later on, she would later become the pursuer after years of struggle and along the way tragedy had hit. The building in which Alphonse worked in caught in flames and seeing as how there was no permanent firehouses during that time (and rare), the building burnt down with both female factory workers and several employers including himself dying. Noelle at the time was pregnant with their second child  and began to pull herself away from reality and bring herself into isolation, and was nearly in shambles. That was until Joann adopted them both into her house out in the outskirts of New York and has raised them ever since.

Anyone with you?: Working at the Arcadia, she does not risk bringing along her family members (her mother or father) and her adopted niece and nephew seeing as how presenting them in rather risque environments would negatively influence them. (Besides, it is against the ship's rules.)  
State of Relationship: She is currently single but interested in finding a partner that enjoys caring for children.
Offspring: No biological children but she adopted her older brother's daughter and son:
Liana "Lil' Ann" Caulfield ( Age: 2 )  

Alphonse Jr. Caulfield ( Age: 8 )

They are currently with their grandparents over in Manhattan, New York and are seeing away their aunt/guardian before the trip to England.  
Room number: #48
Pet: Sadly, her Chow Chow "Maverick," (shown above) is unable to go due to the weigh restraints.
Drink/Smoke?: Yes/No.
Celebrity, staff, or passenger?: Joann is the purser of the Arcadia. She takes her job very seriously as being the very few women within the industry with a higher up job and refuses to allow the gender discrimination to ruin her career.

*She has a concealed pistol within her cabin room and will travel about in the night shifts with it, keeping herself protected as several drunken men at one point tried to attack her while she was on board.
"Iceberg ahead."  

[[ Fixed the typo. Sorry about that xD. ]]
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 03:03:03 am by SoaringAway »

Offline Kasai

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2013, 03:05:38 am »
? Evelyn Caldwell    ?
Inside a small bar, dark-haired dame sat sipping a martini casually. Her eyes stared into the colorful liquor bottles that sat on the ledge across from her. Her legs remained crossed and she leaned back in her chair a little. "Another Evelyn," the bartender asked, his eyes fixed on her since she walked in.

Evelyn couldn't blame the guy. He looked to soon be out of his prime and he had every right to look her up and down just like any other man on the street. Offering him her usual smile, she shook her head a little. "No thanks. I gotta catch a boat." Placing her empty glass and money on the counter, Evelyn got down from her seat and continued towards the door to go find her Vices. Not her actual "vices", of course, but her back-up singers. She had told them to meet her at the ship by eight. Looking around, she spotted a gentleman staring at her. Smiling her sweetest smile, she approached him. "Would you happen to have the time," she asked. The man, a little starstruck for a moment, fiddled around in his pockets until a flash blinded the singer briefly. The spots leaving her eyes, she noticed the camera in his hand. The man stood a bit shaken until he bolted. "I would've posed for him if would have given me the time..." she mumbled to herself. Sighing, she continued towards the ship.

Lust was already there and in plain sight when Evelyn arrived. True to her name, Lust was making out with a sailor on the dock. Evelyn looked around and soon found Envy and Greed standing beside each other, looking for their leader. That only left- "And if you think you can talk to me that way, I'll tear you into so many pieces that Humpty Dumpty will look like child's play compared to you!" Wrath.

Evelyn turned to see Wrath holding a scumbag by the collar. The fourth vice had caught the attention of the other three vices, Lust even stopping for a minute or two. Evelyn, knowing Wrath now had her other Vices' attention, let out a whistle of a few notes. This was a calling to her Vices and one they had come to automatically respond to. Lust, who had been holding up the young sailor, dropped him unceremoniously to the ground and Wrath did the same to the man who was supposedly talking badly to her, but God only knows if a word even left his mouth. Evelyn then motioned for her singers to follow her up the ramp. Lust blew a kiss to the lovestruck sailor and Wrath pulled a 'I'm watching you' move to the shaken man.

On the deck, a flock of reporters and photographers waited. Evelyn was being called by the reporters and her Vices surrounding her in an arc, all popping a hip to the cameras. "Miss Caldwell, is it true that you're soon to be married," a woman called out.

The Vices all laughed and Evelyn smiled at the question. "Absolutely not. If you know me at all, you should know Evelyn Caldwell doesn't settle," she answered. Her eyes then met the Captain's. "Ahoy, cap," she called, walking over to him with her usual long stride. He nodded to her and gave a smile. "How about a picture?" The Vices soon surrounded Evelyn and the Captain. The old man seemed a bit ill at ease with Lust nearly crawling over him and Greed stealing his hat momentarily for the photographers. Many flashes went off and the girls soon abandoned the Captain. "Well, we gotta get goin'. I loved seein' all of ya and hope to see ya when we return." The reporters thanked her and the photographers continued to snap pictures until the ladies were out of view. Only a few photographers caught a picture of Lust sneaking back to pose for another picture. This moment ended when Wrath dragged her by the arm to follow the others back to their rooms. The Vices shared a large suite next to Evelyn's and the four grouped into their suite to let their leader get a moment's peace before she would greet the passengers and start to talk to her fellow celebrities.

? Clarence Price   ?
Apologies were being thrown left and right as a somewhat lanky blonde worked his way through the Americans around him. A camera was in a slung over his shoulder while the remainder of his luggage was held in his hands. While Clarence wasn't the most muscular man in the world, he was able to carry the three suitcases and the camera bag with ease. Well, ease as in the fact he could carry them. Actually being able to navigate through the streets without hitting anyone within two feet was a different story. The words "Sorry" and "I apologize" were beginning to just sound like a mantra leaving the Englishman's mouth.

He arrived at the ship still somewhat early. Unfortunately, he received word that Evelyn and her Vices were already on board. Going up the ramp, he continued to his cabin to drop off his bags. After all, he might have already missed half the celebrities. Looking into the mirror on the dresser nearby, Clarence made himself look presentable and grabbed his camera bag. Slinging it over his shoulder once more, he exited his cabin and went to the upper deck, where most performances would be held. For now, the staff was bustling around on the upper deck to get it cleaned, but that's all that was really happening up top. Wandering around the upper deck, he noticed a group of sailors leaning against the railing as they chatted with each other and relaxed for a bit. In passing, Clarence heard one say, "Buying that car was the biggest mistake I ever made. I'm on the sea half the time and it cost me an arm and a leg." Clarence spun around, looking the man up and down immediately. Confused on why the man wasn't literally missing "an arm and a leg", the Englishman continued on. /Must be an American phrase,/ he reasoned, still looking a bit troubled as he wandered away from the sailors.

Going down the stairs, the photographer went down to the middle of the boat. Back on the main deck, Clarence leaned on a nearby wall. Removing his camera from his bag, he began to adjust it to fit the lighting he had. Holding up the camera, he looked into it to see if he could even get a good shot of the crowd on the dock. Deciding he needed a better lens, he put on an accessory to be able to capture a face from a distance. This was the newest camera on the market, the Leica II. Clarence still wasn't that comfortable with the new technology, but figured he'd have to get used to it quick. Going to the railing, the cameraman looked around. He soon found a great picture waiting to happen. Raising his camera, he focused it in on Miss Evelyn Caldwell, who was resting her back against the railing as she tilted her head back. With her steady breathing, the singer seemed to be relaxing, or trying to at least. Clarence snapped the picture and lowered his camera as Evelyn seemed to notice the shutter noise and looked over at him.

"No place to relax on this ship, I guess," she sighed, strolling over to him. Clarence held his camera to his chest and looked quickly over to his camera bag. About to run for his camera bag, he was stopped by the singer extending her hand towards him, pointing at him. "Don't you dare bolt from me." Caught, the blonde stared wide-eyed at the celebrity. Her serious demeanor seemed to fade a little when she noticed how petrified the photographer was. "Who do you work for," she asked casually, leaning against the railing once more.

"Uh- The People, Miss Caldwell," Clarence replied. Although he was scared out of his wits, the man still stood where he was. Whether this was because he was showing he wasn't weak or if it was because of Evelyn's order was up to anyone's guess.

Picking up on the accent, the singer smiled a little. "So heading home, then?" The blonde nodded. "All right, then. Well, I suppose I could let a foreigner off the hook this one time, but there's one rule you should know with me: Never take spontaneous pictures of me. Got it?" Once again, the blonde nodded.

"I apologize for the intrusion," he said, drawing a shocked look from the celebrity.

"An apologetic photographer... now I've seen it all." With that said, she walked up to the upper deck. She was sure to get the attention of the sailors, but she didn't mind them as much as the reporters and the photographers. Sitting back in a wooden chair, she looked over her shoulder to the deck below to see the blonde man scurry away with his camera, nearly dropping half of his equipment. He then continued towards the back of the ship to go sit down and wait for the ship to move out. 
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 03:51:36 am by Kasai »

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2013, 03:36:04 am »
Darlene Anderson
"Darlene! Hurry up or you'll be late!" Darlene rushed around her room, making sure she didn't forget anything "Coming!" she yelled as she rushed down the stairs. She could hear her son's giggles as her father tickled him in the living room "Robert! Come kiss mommy goodbye." Darlene chuckled as she knelt down with her arms open. Robert wriggled from his grandfather's hold and charged over to Darlene, a giant toothy smile on his face. Darlene embraced him warmly "I'm going to miss you so much, bug." Robert had been given this nickname due to his interest in insects. "I'm going to miss you too mommy." he said with tears in his eyes, "Robert, why are you crying?" she smiled. Robert backed up and looked at her "You're going away." Darlene wiped away his tears "I'll be back, don't worry." she hugged him again "It makes me hurt when you cry." She could hear Robert's deep inhales as he was trying to calm down.
She released her hold on him and placed her hand on his shoulders, she looked at him, his hazel eyes matched his well toned skin and his dark hair, he resembled his father so much, she gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. "Robert, no need to cry. She will be back." Darlene's mother chimed in "Yeah, bug." her father had entered the room "Besides, we are here to take care of you!" he swiftly grabbed Robert and swung him around before carrying him to the backyard. Their laughs echoed through the halls until they were outside playing a fun game of tag. Darlene stood up and grabbed her bags "Ready?" Darlene nodded and walked out the front door and towards the car. The morning rays laid evenly across her light skin, her auburn hair seemed to glow as the rays hit it. Her white blouse made her eyes look even brighter than normal and her black pants hugged her hips comfortably. Her mother left the house and stood beside her "Beautiful out, isn't it?" Darlene nodded her head "Sure is." She looked at her mother with a smile on her face, Darlene was a spitting image of her.
Darlene and her mother both got into her father's 1930 Minerva AL Cabriolet, with their family friend, James, behind the wheel. "Good morning ladies." he greeted as they finished loading the bags in the trunk "How is your morning going so far?" They all shared their morning events as they drove the Arcadia, "It seems like everyone is doing dandy this morning." Darlene said with a friendly smile "Seems like it." James chuckled. Soon enough the stern of the Arcadia entered their vision, the ship was massive and absolutely gorgeous, it had jet black siding with a red and white waterline. "She's a beauty." James complimented with his an expression of awe on his face. After they were finished staring at the massive ship, James parked the car across the street "Ready Darlene?" Darlene nodded "As ready as I'll ever be." Darlene exited the car and grabbed her bags "I'm going to miss you, mom." Darlene's mother smiled, teary eyed, "I'm going to miss you too." Darlene laid her bags gently onto the ground an hugged her mother "See you soon." Her mother nodded.
They said their goodbyes then Darlene grabbed her bags and walked towards the boat, her palms were becoming a little sweaty as her nervousness grew. One of her bags fell to the ground a busted open, sending her clothing onto the wooden dock. "Darn it." she mumbled to herself as she got onto her knees and began messily throwing them back into the bag. "All aboard!" a man boomed, Darlene quickened her pace and tightened her grip on her bags and made her way over to the ramp. She looked back and saw one of her shirts, a gray blouse, laying on the ground "Are you kidding me?" she grumbled. She looked at the man checking tickets then back to the blouse, she sighed and knew she couldn't risk losing her place in line. She stood their for a few more minutes until it was her turn to hand over her ticket "Ticket ma'am." The man sounded extremely bored, he had a small dark mustache with short hair. "Here you go." she stuck her hand into her pant pocket and pulled out the ticket and handed it to him. He looked it over then handed it back "Enjoy your Voyage." he attempted to put on a smile but failed, Darlene chuckled softly then entered the ship.
Darlene was aw struck once she entered the main hall, it was absolutely beautiful. Once Darlene was finished staring at the interior she made her way to the cabins. Once she reached Cabin 16, she pushed in her key and turned the lock. She entered the room and smiled, even though it wasn't a suite it was nice to her. She set her bags on the floor and plopped onto her bed, she yawned then stretched out. She shot up when she remembered Evelyn Caldwell was aboard, she almost bounced off her bed when she remembered she would get to see her live "I can't wait!" she beamed. She began to dance around her room singing on of Evelyn's songs,she didn't even notice her door was still open.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 04:01:05 am by Auriakuri »

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2013, 09:49:59 am »

Alix Monet

"Uh," the young lady raised her arm, it primed in its point as they came into view of the large ship she was due to reside until they reached England, "Stop here." Alix smiled briefly at the cab driver, collecting a large suitcase and smaller bags and left a small tip for the man at the wheel. Placing her things down on the path, she straightened up as the cab drove off at a slow pace. Furrowing her brow for a moment, she returned her attention to the hull of the ship; it was big... She rolled her shoulders before picking up her suitcase and bags again, dragging them to the ship so she could get on in time. Monet had always been one for tardiness, it was a thing her teachers frowned upon in her educational years, she even arrived late for her role in her 'film', and sometimes respond minutes after being asked something when she was younger. 'It is in your nature,' her father once said to her.

Stumbling towards the man that examined the tickets, she tiredly shoved the ticket she bought into his hands, only barely remembering he would give it back. She huffed, half dragging/carrying her items, down to the cabins. Looking over her ticket for her cabin number, she stood in the corridor, dumbstruck by how luxurious the ship looked so far. Alix found her cabin quickly - Cabin #23 - entering immediately, but was disappointed that she couldn't afford a suite because she wasn't classed as a celebrity. Letting out a irritated huff, she unpacked her things.

Looking over the room, she raised a brow and wondered how the higher class cabins were like but sighed, defeated. She only brought a month supply of clothing, some toiletries, stationery and items she named antique that were important to her. Monet took one last glance over her cabin before locking the door and venturing down in hope to find celebrities or the bar where she would like a cigarette.

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2013, 02:56:49 am »
[@Soaring: Accepted, but keep in mind your title is "Purser", not "Pursuer". =) Also, the captain, for now is a NPC, meaning no one player has control over him. Just move him or interact with him as much as you would another bystander. Just keep in mind he thinks he owns the ship, but Joann's really the one running this boat. He's just an obstacle to her for the most part.]

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2013, 01:34:52 am »
Lawrence Edward Williams

"Sir, shall I bring her around?" Lawrence who had been deep in the latest book added to his library raised his head to glance over at Garrison,  the keeper of his house and his driver for when he wasn't needed onset somewhere. He neatly placed the book on the side table beside his leather armchair and turned the knob on the standing lamp behind him until it was completely off. "Is it that time already? Oh dear, well than I suppose so." He pulled himself out of the chair and quickly grabbed his gray suit jacket and fastened on his black tie. "Right away sir." Garrison's footsteps faded into the distance as he heard him open the door and exit to the front, soon being replaced with the sound of a car's engine humming outside. Lawrence stepped away from the library area of his house and patted his dog Sadie on the head before stepping out of his house and into the ivory limo that awaited him outside with Garrison holding open the door. "Watch your step," Garrison said as he shut the car door behind him and went to take over the steering wheel up front. Lawrence watched his house fade from view as trees began to come into place as they drove down the driveway.

 With a loud thud, the trunk of the limo was closed and Garrison stood with his bags in each hand. He nodded to Lawrence and began to follow him towards the port of the cruise ship. Already the media stood ready at the ramp that would bring passengers to the upper deck. He had been given strict orders from his film director to arrive early in order to get passed without being bothered. It seems he wasn't the only one with this plan, as another celebrity probably had boarded before him. He gripped the cold metallic rails as he pushed himself up onto the deck squinting his eyes from the blinding flashes and anonymous questions that emerged from the people behind the cameras. "I'll take care of these. Enjoy you're trip, Mr. Williams." He spoke his thanks and farewells to Garrison who hobbled off to bring his belongings to his suite and quickly leave afterwards.
Sporting a sigh, he paced forward to the upper deck leaning his head over the water. His gaze focused on the glistening waves of the darkened water. He was never one to get sea sick, but watching the waves topple over one another did indeed make him a bit queasy. A honk of a horn sounded from the car park for the port as Lawrence turned his head in suspicion. Sure enough there was Garrison driving away sticking his free hand out the window to wave only leaving Lawrence to do the same smiling, though he was pretty sure he could not see him from that far off.

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2013, 01:52:53 am »
Evelyn Caldwell    ♫
Lazying back in her chair for a few more minutes, the dark brunette gave a sigh and decided to get up. Her heels clicking across the wooden floor, she walked by the sailors and to the railing overlooking the lower deck, where photographers and reporters were snapping pictures of some other big name star who waltzed onto the ship. With the paparazzi surrounding the man, Evelyn wasn't able to get a good view of who it was. When the man was able to escape,  a reporter glanced up and soon spotted Evelyn. The brunette quickly turned and moved away from the railing before a photographer could get her. Now turned around, she noticed many sailors staring at her with an open mouth. /Not even having the decency to pretend they weren't looking.../ she thought, shaking her head a little.

Her eyes ghosting over the various bodies on the upper deck, she was surprised to find one in a nice grey suit, looking over the ocean. It was a somewhat expensive outfit, one a passenger wasn't likely to wear. As the man turned to look over at a car beeping, Evelyn immediately recognized him. "Lawrence Williams?" Evelyn smiled a little. "Cruise lines really know how to plan their celebrities, hm? Put an innocent young actor like you and Evelyn and her Vices on the same ship-" Her joking manner faded quickly as she noticed his somewhat sick looking features. Careful not to show too much concern, the singer raised an eyebrow to the man's sickly expression. "You okay? Sailing a new thing for you or somethin'?" The woman moved to lean on the rail beside her new acquaintance.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 02:43:37 am by Kasai »

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2013, 02:36:52 am »
« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 02:43:13 am by SoaringAway »

Offline Kasai

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2013, 03:41:21 am »
Clarence Price   
  "Last call for staff members and passengers! Report immediately!" Clarence jolted awake, not realizing he had fallen asleep. It was nicely warm out and very comfortable for a doze. /Might as well continue looking for celebrities./ Nearing the stairs for the upper deck, he paused. Remembering Evelyn had gone up there, Clarence thought it better not to go up there just yet. Turning a corner, he bumped into a woman that he vaguely recognized. "Oof!... Oh, hey there, baby," the girl purred. Clarence stared at her with a blank look, trying for the life of him to remember what the hell her name was.

Giving up, he simply gave a polite smile and asked, "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"

The woman, to his surprise, didn't look offended by his poor memory, but instead smiled seductively. "Not really, but we can change that," she said quietly. Before he knew it, she grabbed his jacket and pulled him forward. Before she could plant one on him, the man got to his senses and pulled back the best he could. The girl's eyes fixed on his and she gave him a small smile. "The name's Lust. I don't need to know your name. I just need your room number," she purred.

The Englishman's eyes widened and, as she leaned in to seduce him further, he placed his hands on top of her's. A bit confused by this move, the Vice froze. Clarence then removed the hands from his jacket. "Um- no- no thank you," he replied, his voice cracking a little.

Lust, looking a bit confused, gave a small shrug. "Well, I'm sure you'll get lonely on this trip. If you need something, I'm in suite 7," she replied, soon walking past him to seduce another passenger not a minutes later. This was almost an every day occurrence for the Vice, often wandering off on her own away from the other three to seduce men.

Clarence, his heart racing and his face flushed, decided to try and avoid the Vices and their mistress the rest of the trip if he could. Loosening his tie, he went towards the front of the ship. People were finishing boarding and he opened his camera bag. Trying to calm himself, he held onto the camera to give his body a task to distract himself from the recent event. Looking around, he spotted the purser, a female to his surprise, waving her hat in the air as she shouted the last call. Standing behind the woman, he noticed the beautiful city landscape with its people as the background. Lifting his camera, he had to wait to snap the best photo, but finally got it: the blonde, her hand in the air, waving her hat, and the people all around shouting their goodbyes. Lowering his camera again, he began to wander the deck in the hope of getting another good shot.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 08:19:56 pm by Kasai »


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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2013, 04:11:01 am »
Mmm-Hmm...............-.- Err... the, the who was it? huh? oh yeah.... the guy, with err. no mustache.
the dude who killed everyone is MEEEEE!!!!!!! MWA HAHAHAHAHA HAAAAA!!!!! what?