Author Topic: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)  (Read 4475 times)

Offline ritat

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Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« on: June 21, 2016, 06:02:36 pm »

Offline Hakumi

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2016, 06:35:17 pm »
To be honest, this was very well 'said'. My thoughts on this,

Yes. It is true that some people don't take the time to think about what they could be doing to not only the other person, but to themselves as well.
People aren't really 'seeing' the whole picture and it could be affecting how they perceive things. Not only that, but some aren't so open minded to such things. When you talked about resilience, that too, gets overlooked or brushed aside because they're focused on the main thing. I agree, out brains are constantly working and whatever we don't really focus on for the moment, it'll get pushed to the side until something triggers that thought.

Understanding can be a difficult thing if the person doesn't know where to begin or hasn't been 'exposed' to it in their environment and you can't really blame them for that, it's not like they asked to be brought up like that or anything.

All in due time, with a little guidance , encouraging words and the patience, I'm sure people can see this a whole lot better than now. And even though some may refuse, we just have to be careful on how we interact, associate ourselves with them. Everyone is free to express and choose how they act on their own free will, we can't simply bend them, forcing them to see that what they're doing is 'wrong' even though it might jot entirely wrong. It's up to 'us' whether or not we continue to let ourselves be exposed to such environments or do 'we' just simply move ourselves and as you said above 'move' on and not dwell on the matter.

( Sorry if my thoughts were practically all over the place , I can be a bit of a scatterbrain when it comes to these sort of discussions, Lol.. )

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

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Offline ritat

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2016, 07:29:27 pm »

Understanding can be a difficult thing if the person doesn't know where to begin or hasn't been 'exposed' to it in their environment and you can't really blame them for that, it's not like they asked to be brought up like that or anything.

All in due time, with a little guidance , encouraging words and the patience, I'm sure people can see this a whole lot better than now.

( Sorry if my thoughts were practically all over the place , I can be a bit of a scatterbrain when it comes to these sort of discussions, Lol.. )

That's a really good point actually! I started out being really confused on my first argument and I did many mistakes, and people learn from them and develop to be more mature.

And you can say all you like, even if it's scattered. It probably means you're a thinker with lots of ideas yet to be investigated. I might be wrong, as I am investigating my ideas.

Offline Hakumi

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2016, 07:36:40 pm »
And you can say all you like, even if it's scattered. It probably means you're a thinker with lots of ideas yet to be investigated. I might be wrong, as I am investigating my ideas.

Actually, you're right on the money with that one. I tend to go astray sometimes and it can cause some confusion without even me realizing, Heh..

But I think this is a really nice and fun discussion you have up and going. It allows users to express and share their ideas / opinions on how they view things. Can't wait to see the others ~!

Keep on traveling across this road called 'Life.'

Discord: Haku - Haku#74O7

Offline ritat

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2016, 08:04:44 pm »
I'm so glad! <3 I'm also excited to discuss some more with other people.

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2016, 09:15:11 pm »
I'll be only talking about this part since that block of text is giving me a headache. No fault on your own, I just can't handle it unless it's chopped up nicely. XD!

" 1- Is the person suffering from depression, stress?
  2- Will this affect my future? or is it important?
  3- Will me being positive, drive the other person to be positive too?
  4- Does it waste my time?
  5- Should I take it to seriously? "

1.) As a long-term sufferer from depression whom did not know the signs of my own disease (IE, being /incredibly/ lazy, not wanting to do anything, frustrated with myself and my lack of strength in the emotion department) You should always remember that no-one person is the same. Some people don't like their body, while I am a perfectionist and want to do my best at what I do, not what my body looks like. Some people could pretend to be goofy and fun, and others would just put it right in your face. Some could be perfectionists and some could put up a front like bullying others or making themselves seem to high and mighty to hide the fact. (Darn it I made my own block of text. Shoot.)

2.) You never know if you are going to have an effect by helping the said person. I've heard of a story when a pediatrician pushed himself to the absolute limit to save a child from certain death that looked nearly impossible. Cue in a good few decades in, and that said child saved the pediatrician from certain death when everyone ignored him. So, push yourself to do the best you can with what you have. <3

3.) Honestly, don't force yourself to be a grumpy emo person just so that person feels like they don't have to be positive. Neither should you force on a happy face just because of the pressure. Be yourself, whether that includes being a hairy chubby mammoth of a female, or a skinny little twig of a male. Maybe the hairy chubby mammoth has an incredible amount of self confidence and can help the skinny little twig of a male be himself and grow stronger just by the mammoth being their self. (Making fun of myself and my boyfriend, lol!)

4.) Anything that you can scoot into your schedule that is a good deed that may or may not be seen by the world should be done. Maybe you'll run a bit late with your boss, but you could save someones' life by pushing them away from suicide just by giving a bullied teenager a hug and telling them only their opinion and theirs alone matters to them, that they should ignore the bullies.

5.) Take it the way you would take it, flaws and all. Showing yourself as yourself is much better than pretending to be the best optimist in the world. I, myself am sometimes looked down upon by my blunt (I curse in private w/ friends.) and slightly rude I've been told? Personality? Eh.

That's my thoughts. ;)
In-game Username: Kalaban

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2016, 10:41:46 pm »
I completely agree with you. I'm always trying to tell people to really think about what's important when it comes to arguments. Everyone is different and everyone has different brain waves and experiences in life which effects how they feel and act. It's important to realize this, and when it comes to arguing about things and such, it's important to think if it's really worth it. How does this specific thing effect you? If someone wants to have a character be a certain way, then let them as long as it's not hurting anybody. There's too many issues already in the world to be adding to the drama over stupid things.

Offline ritat

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2016, 03:13:31 am »
I'll be only talking about this part since that block of text is giving me a headache. No fault on your own, I just can't handle it unless it's chopped up nicely. XD!

" 1- Is the person suffering from depression, stress?
  2- Will this affect my future? or is it important?
  3- Will me being positive, drive the other person to be positive too?
  4- Does it waste my time?
  5- Should I take it to seriously? "

1.) As a long-term sufferer from depression whom did not know the signs of my own disease (IE, being /incredibly/ lazy, not wanting to do anything, frustrated with myself and my lack of strength in the emotion department) You should always remember that no-one person is the same. Some people don't like their body, while I am a perfectionist and want to do my best at what I do, not what my body looks like. Some people could pretend to be goofy and fun, and others would just put it right in your face. Some could be perfectionists and some could put up a front like bullying others or making themselves seem to high and mighty to hide the fact. (Darn it I made my own block of text. Shoot.)

2.) You never know if you are going to have an effect by helping the said person. I've heard of a story when a pediatrician pushed himself to the absolute limit to save a child from certain death that looked nearly impossible. Cue in a good few decades in, and that said child saved the pediatrician from certain death when everyone ignored him. So, push yourself to do the best you can with what you have. <3

3.) Honestly, don't force yourself to be a grumpy emo person just so that person feels like they don't have to be positive. Neither should you force on a happy face just because of the pressure. Be yourself, whether that includes being a hairy chubby mammoth of a female, or a skinny little twig of a male. Maybe the hairy chubby mammoth has an incredible amount of self confidence and can help the skinny little twig of a male be himself and grow stronger just by the mammoth being their self. (Making fun of myself and my boyfriend, lol!)

4.) Anything that you can scoot into your schedule that is a good deed that may or may not be seen by the world should be done. Maybe you'll run a bit late with your boss, but you could save someones' life by pushing them away from suicide just by giving a bullied teenager a hug and telling them only their opinion and theirs alone matters to them, that they should ignore the bullies.

5.) Take it the way you would take it, flaws and all. Showing yourself as yourself is much better than pretending to be the best optimist in the world. I, myself am sometimes looked down upon by my blunt (I curse in private w/ friends.) and slightly rude I've been told? Personality? Eh.

That's my thoughts. ;)

Your points are very interesting and I apologies for the large paragraph I wrote lol, that's what happens when have so many thoughts. :) Anyway, let me get to the point. You mentioned throughout that you must be yourself, and that is an important thing, but sometimes the way to be yourself is not right. For example, if you have a bad attitude and you use it within a stressful situation, it's not going to make things better. Literally, this is mainly for people who need to be more resilient, which therefore doesn't mean they don't become their selves anymore. It just means that they become more understanding and knowledgeable about what situations they have experience. I also must say that this is not a force to be resilient, sometimes it comes with maturity, being in a different environment or learning new things. It's in fact, much more better once you develop it. If you push yourself, you will be positive. If you do that, you become more resilient.

(If you ever come to my threads, it's the island of big paragraphs :D).

I completely agree with you. I'm always trying to tell people to really think about what's important when it comes to arguments. Everyone is different and everyone has different brain waves and experiences in life which effects how they feel and act. It's important to realize this, and when it comes to arguing about things and such, it's important to think if it's really worth it. How does this specific thing effect you? If someone wants to have a character be a certain way, then let them as long as it's not hurting anybody. There's too many issues already in the world to be adding to the drama over stupid things.

True, and we are missing out on a lot of people like that, so stay that way. <3

Thanks for suggesting your ideas, it made me learn something new! :)

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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2016, 04:02:02 am »
1- Is the person suffering from depression, stress? I always think of this when I get into a quarrel with someone. That being for one I also suffer from clinical depression and stress. Although I always try my very best to help others even though they have negative thoughts against me or have misinterpreted my intentions. Though I cannot due much being I feel the same hurt as they do, I always will try. I always will. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and I never talk to that person again, or it can be the opposite and we become or stay good friends. In all honesty, I hate it when I can't be friends with someone due to the problems that we've gotten into. I hate it when people hate me. I... really do. It may not look like it, but at least when I try to apologize, I mean it. Sometimes though I've become very hurt by some people and my emotions just won't let me have that person back into my life. But all in all, I never wish to share bad connections with people at all. I suppose it just has to do with different personalities and sometimes some personalities that are different from one another just cannot cope with each other.

2- Will this affect my future? or is it important? I've always dwelled on this. I always fear it will affect my future in a negative way. However I'm always told that it will affect it in a positive way. I don't know which could be true. I guess time will tell. However, it being important? Yes. It has taught me to be stronger. So I can help both myself and others who have the same problems.

3- Will me being positive, drive the other person to be positive too? I believe in this. I have many I associate with who look up to me because of how positive I am. Even though there are times where I just lose it and jet out, I really don't mean what I say because my emotions are just getting the best of me. I always try to be positive with others even though they can be negative with me.

4- Does it waste my time? Sometimes I feel after I've lost contact with someone, I feel it was a big waste of time even trying to associate with them. But does it waste my time entirely? Not at all.

5- Should I take it to seriously? Yes, I always take these things seriously. I even provide advice for others to try and help themselves because I am not physically there with them. It just all depends on if they feel they can do it or not. It pains me to see some fall into such low depression levels and have no help from anyone to make them rise again. If I was physically there to help them, I'd do anything and everything in my power to try and make that happen.

That's my opinion on this, heh. ^^'
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Re: Understanding peoples emotions and thoughts (Subject #1)
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2016, 08:19:47 am »
1- Is the person suffering from depression, stress? I always think of this when I get into a quarrel with someone. That being for one I also suffer from clinical depression and stress. Although I always try my very best to help others even though they have negative thoughts against me or have misinterpreted my intentions. Though I cannot due much being I feel the same hurt as they do, I always will try. I always will. Sometimes it just doesn't work out and I never talk to that person again, or it can be the opposite and we become or stay good friends. In all honesty, I hate it when I can't be friends with someone due to the problems that we've gotten into. I hate it when people hate me. I... really do. It may not look like it, but at least when I try to apologize, I mean it. Sometimes though I've become very hurt by some people and my emotions just won't let me have that person back into my life. But all in all, I never wish to share bad connections with people at all. I suppose it just has to do with different personalities and sometimes some personalities that are different from one another just cannot cope with each other.

2- Will this affect my future? or is it important? I've always dwelled on this. I always fear it will affect my future in a negative way. However I'm always told that it will affect it in a positive way. I don't know which could be true. I guess time will tell. However, it being important? Yes. It has taught me to be stronger. So I can help both myself and others who have the same problems.

3- Will me being positive, drive the other person to be positive too? I believe in this. I have many I associate with who look up to me because of how positive I am. Even though there are times where I just lose it and jet out, I really don't mean what I say because my emotions are just getting the best of me. I always try to be positive with others even though they can be negative with me.

4- Does it waste my time? Sometimes I feel after I've lost contact with someone, I feel it was a big waste of time even trying to associate with them. But does it waste my time entirely? Not at all.

5- Should I take it to seriously? Yes, I always take these things seriously. I even provide advice for others to try and help themselves because I am not physically there with them. It just all depends on if they feel they can do it or not. It pains me to see some fall into such low depression levels and have no help from anyone to make them rise again. If I was physically there to help them, I'd do anything and everything in my power to try and make that happen.

That's my opinion on this, heh. ^^'

You're such a sweet and straight forward person, I like that. <3 I agree with you with everything, even if my view points are a bit different. But, the only thing I can tell you is that you should stay confident and not worry so much, especially since you suffer from depression and stress. Maybe practice being more spiritual by meditating, it really benefited my mental health and even all aspects of my health actually. Believe me, because you spend some time alone and understand yourself.