Author Topic: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] [Inactive since 02/11/2012]  (Read 27611 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2012, 07:39:44 am »
"Marcous, where do we go now?" The older girl cocked her head. "Without Mom and Dad, we've got nowhere to live." "Let's see what's on T.V. I don't want to talk about this anymore." He answered. "Can I go upstairs and pack?" "No. Agus, keep Koilana here. I'll pack for you guys." He picked up the remote and turned on the T.V. Then left the room. Spongebob was on, the T.V. was a bit fuzzy, but it was always like that. Koilana laughed at every part the older girl thought that was stupid. After two or three episodes, Marcous came downstairs with three bags in his arms. He started humming a song that sounded familier to Agus. He shrugged to the door. Agus picked up Koilana and opened the door. Some odd stench filled her nose. It wasn't so bad, but it made Koilana plug up her nose. The three siblings hopped into the car and Marcous tried to turn on the car.
The battery was dead.
"Dammit!" "Watch your mouth!" She watched as Marcous got out of the car and got some jumper cables. He pulled up the hood and did something that Agus couldn't see. "Will you hurry up?!" SHe called out the window." Some people were limping around the streets. Some wearing hospitalized gowns others in casual clothes or bathrobes. They were pale with some scratches on them. After the car was able to start, Marcous threw the cables in the back. And started the engine again. It ran. "Listen to her purr." "Will you shut up?" They drove off, not saying a word. Her brother ran into some people along the way, but she watched them get but up. Some.

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2012, 08:09:32 am »

Kasimira didn't know where to go, who to call, or what to do, in rage she slammed her palms against the steering wheel and cried softly. She could hear the mews from Jynx, she looked over at her and rubbed the kitten's head then smiled through her tears. Kasimira looked up and saw that there were people limping through the street, covered in blood.. Kasimira jumped from her car and ran to a elderly woman who was wearing a hospital gown, she hesitated for a second, her brain telling her to go back but it was too late the words had already escaped her lips "Hello! Miss? Can you tell me whats going on?" The woman looked at her with bloodshot eyes, Kasi looked at her confused. Suddenly the woman lashed out at her, Kasi let out a blood-curdling scream as she was pushed to the ground "Someone! Help!" She screamed as she fumbled for her pistol but saw that it was out of reach. She didn't know how long she would be able to hold the woman back for but she knew she better figure out something fast.

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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2012, 06:35:45 pm »
"Marcous, did you hear that?" Koilana whined. Even Agus heard it. Marcous sped up and turned a corner, only to see more of the people. A normal looking young woman was being attacked by another person. "Stay here, be quiet, and listen. Be nice." Agus saw fear in her brother's eyes, but could only nod. She watched as he grabbed his gun. A Desert Eagle. He walked a little closer, and saw the elderly lady's head. Before he shot, Agus saw something. Something she'd never seen in her brother. A loud gunshot lay overhead in the sky. Agus' eyes were wide with fear. The old lady had a bullet through her head. Her brother was stiff.

"Did you get bitten? Are you ok?" He asked, lowering his gun. He crouched down beside her and only saw minor scratches in her clothes. Hardly any real damage to her flesh. He looked back to the red Sudan, seeing his sisters. Then looked back at the girl on the ground. "Who's dead in your family?"

(Murps. Marcous' post is short.)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2012, 08:30:45 pm »

Kasimira's eyes widened in shock as some of the woman's brain splattered onto the driveway. She rolled back and grabbed her pistol and aimed at the boy, her hands shaking rapidly, her heart beat began to quicken as she as prepared to pull the trigger. But a thought popped into her head, He did just save me. Kasi lowered her pistol and stood up, putting the weapon back in it's place at her waist. She looked back at the sickened woman, her skull ripped open by a bullet, her brain matter on her driveway.. She shuddered and began to rub her arms, her blue eyes flickered over to the boy "Y-Yeah I think so.." Her eyes seemed to trail back to the dead woman then she saw another gowned foe walking behind the boy she quickly pulled out her pistol and aimed at the oncoming foe. She closed her eyes for about a second before re-opening them and taking in a deep breath, then she pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed past the boy's head and hit it's mark, the man's skull. Kasi held her gun in the firing position for a moment before putting it back, "Who's dead in your family?" Thoughts were flying through her head, she looked down "They all are." She still didn't know about her two younger brothers but she suspected they shared the same fate as their mother and father. She wiped the sweat off her forehead Oh gosh! All this sweat might make my makeup run! Then I'll look like one of those...things. She groaned as she wiped away the running eyeliner and mascara, "Whatever." she growled as she leaned up against her SUV. Another though dashed through her head Bitten? What does he mean? All these questions were starting to give her a headache.

"Where's your family?" She looked at the girls in the car and suspected they were his sisters, but she could be wrong. But if those are his sister's...are his parents... She began to rub her arms again as she looked down "Never mind, don't answer that.." She could hear Jynx in the car, Kasi jumped to the car window and scooped her up and brought her out to try to get her to go to the bathroom before their journey to who knows where.

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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2012, 12:40:03 am »
A bullet went past Marcous making him freak out a small bit. After a couple breaths he calmed down enough to say, "My two sisters are in the car, I had to kill my parents." He said, looking at the ground. He could hear moaning in the background, making his head swivel around. More creatures were coming. A lot more. "Damn. We should go somewhere safer. Hop in." He commanded. He went around and opened the car, smacking a creature in the face. And before the creatures touched him, he slammed his door. He made sure that he crushed some fingers. "Agus, in the back." He told his sister. She shook her head, until he unbuckled her and picked her up. She was placed in a children's booster seat. "Stay."

(Short, dinner's nearly ready.)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #15 on: October 22, 2012, 12:59:01 am »

Kasimira nodded her head understandably, she looked behind him and saw that more of those things were coming. She grabbed Jynx and ran to her SUV to grab her belongings and bow, she spun around and saw that they were coming closer she groaned and took aim at one's head and sent a bullet flying through it, sending blood flying into the other's face. She was still popping rounds until her gun started to make that unforgettable aggravating clicking noise "-Removed by Moderator-." seeing an opening she ran to his car and jumped in slamming the door behind her. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked in the backseat and saw two girls, she smiled at them and handed Jynx to them "Here, she need's some love right now." She rubbed Jynx behind the ear then faced forward "Where to?" waiting for a response she dug around in her bag for some candy bars, she pulled out two candy bars and handed one to both of the girls "Here, I'm not a fan of chocolate." She yawned and pulled out her quiver and counted how many arrows she had "..1..2..3..4..5.." she counted all till she go to the last one "..16.." She then went into her smaller bag and loaded her pistol, she grabbed one single bullet and tucked into her pants pocket, save that one for myself, then she grabbed one last one, and for Jynx too. She looked out the window and saw all the helpless people and infected and felt her eyes tear up, she sighed as she saw the hospital "Goodbye mom and dad.." She whispered.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:26:48 pm by Kynvuu »

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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2012, 12:20:02 am »


Marcous floored the gas pedal, the sun blinding him. He blinked it out, planning of what to do. We should go to Arizona. Or, Chicago. Or even Texas... Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. First, food. Then, place to stay for now. Lastly, moving time. Yes. We need an area the has at least a brick structure, or a fence. Plus some wooden boards. Just something. Including candles, new weapons, and flashlights. And duck tape. Lots and lots of duck tape. He thought. Ignoring the road for a minute, he didn't see he was about to crash off of a broken bridge. "Marcous, watch the road!" Agus' voice broke his thoughts. He swirled the car around, seeing a large horde of creatures. "Holy -Removed by Moderator-," He muttered under his breath. "Hold on to something." He slammed his foot on the gas pedal, running over bodies repeatedly. After a while, the creatures died down a bit, and Marcous thought it would be a great time for finding a place to stop. He parked by a police station, and hopped out. A "Stay here." followed him. He ran to the doors and giggled them, they were locked. He called the girls over, after he found a fenced area. He waited for the girls.



After Koilana and Agus were handed chocolate bars, they were gone as fast as they were given. But, Agus put hers in a satchel she always carried. Before she could remember anything, after she blacked out, she yelled "Marcous, watch the road!" right before her brother crashed. She was thankful too. She came close to her little sister and started humming a lullaby to lull her to sleep. It worked. Within seconds, she was restfully asleep. Luckily, she fell asleep before Marcous turned the car around and started hitting the awful creatures. She left her iPod on repeat, playing "Home" over and over again. After about two hours of hiding, the things settled down. They drove around a bit, only stopping at one place. The police station in town. Her father used to work here. Marcous told them to stay, and they did, until he called them over. He was waiting. She opened her sister's door, and woke her, and ran to Marcous, and climbed over the fence. She was holding her skirt to her legs, just incase some pervy creature wanted to see her underwear. Instead of climbing her way down, she hopped off the fence. She called over Koilana and Marcous helped her over.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:27:12 pm by Kynvuu »

Offline silverMarie

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2012, 01:05:25 am »

Kasimira jumped in surprise as the car began to buck running over the bodies of then infected. As the car came to s atop she rubbed her head "Ow." her headache wasn't going away she looked back at the girls "You okay.?" She was surprised as Jynx jumped at her chest and latched on to her sweater "Whoa!" She laughed a little and faced forward watching the boy exit the car. She looked at the windshield, it was cracked and bloodied, she shuddered a little before exiting the car, ignoring the boy's command, she figured he wasn't directing it to her anyways. She crouched down and scooped up her belongings and sighed "I think I'm going to head out. Thanks for the lift." She stretched her legs and swung her bow and quiver over each shoulder, she didn't want to be in the way. She looked back and sighed, maybe I'll stay just tonight, she looked at the sun, it'll be dark soon anyways. "On the second thought, I'll stay for the night." she walked back and was greeted by a fence. She threw her things over and tucked Jynx into her coat and as swift as a cat climbed over the fence and landed on the other side quietly. She looked at her bow then at the area in front of her, in the distance she saw an old building "Stay." she said, to her it sounded like a command but she wasn't the commanding type. She took her bow and loaded an arrow into it and cautiously walked forward looking for any of those things. Every step she took made a crunching sound, crunch, crunch, crunch, she could faintly hear another set of footsteps and drew her bow, ready to fire. She turned the corner and saw a dog, she dropped her bow and whistled to the dog, but something was wrong. The dog looked at her with milky eyes, it's skin was covered in blood and scratches, blood and drool were dripping from it's maw,"Oh my gosh, what happened to you?" then it let out a low growl as it began to walk towards her. She raised her bow and fired, hitting it in the head, the dog let out a loud yelp before falling to the ground. Kasi had always loved animals, but she knew this wasn't a normal dog anymore. She walked up to it and rubbed it's side with her gloved hand "Sorry, boy." before retrieving her bow from it's head. She wiped the arrow clean and put it back in it's quiver, she went to the front of the small building and attempted to open it, locked. "Damn. Well only one thing to do." She put her bow over he shoulder and prepared herself to kick the door, okay remember what dad taught you. the thought of her father almost made a tear drop down her face, but it didn't.
    She took aim with the bottom of her foot and kicked the door, the door responded with a loud bang but it didn't open "One more should do it." She backed up a few feet and ran towards the door giving it a hard kick, the door slammed open, she rubbed her hands together "That was fun." she smirked. She drew her bow and quietly walked into the building, it was only a one room building with two small windows "Well nothing in here. Okay it's safe to come in." she called to the others before setting her stuff down. She pulled out a small pink yarned blanket and folded it neatly and layed it in the corner of the room and set Jynx on it "There ya go girly." She kept her bow and quiver swung over her shoulder and went outside to find a way onto the roof. Seeing a large garbage bin she pulled it over to the small cement building and jumped on it then swung her body onto the roof "I'll stay up here, keep an eye on Jynx please." She sat cross legged on the rocky roof with her bow in her lap.

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Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2012, 01:10:12 am »


Marcous kicked the door in front of him. Nothing could break in or out. Whimpering and barking filled the place. What if this stuff is airborne? What if it reached the animals? A loud gunshot told him, 'Probably.' He went into the back, and found the locked weaponry. He kicked it, his large hiking boots putting enough pressure on it to open. Once it did, he grabbed a couple Desert Eagle bullets, and went to the back. Finding the kennels, he saw that only one dog was whining. The rest were vicious with milky eyes. He held out his pistol and began shooting the infected dogs. Only one looked normal, and that one was the one who was scared. He looked at the name plaque on the cage. Hermes. "Here boy. Hermes, come here." The dog bowed it's head and ducked it's tail. Hermes listened and came. "It's ok boy." He began stroking the black Dutch Shepherd. He was filthy. The dog looked sweet, and was. He went to a benched area in the lobby, the doors were boarded with wooden planks.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2012, 01:43:59 am by KleinerFingerKuchen(PinkiePie) »

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Re: Mortis volunt [Rated PG-13 To R] {Open And Accepting!}
« Reply #19 on: October 23, 2012, 01:51:34 am »
Wow, looks fun. I would like to have a little information on what exactly is happening in the RP, too lazy to read all of it. I will post my application when I get an answer. c:))