Author Topic: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Inactive since 05/02/2013]  (Read 11832 times)

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 05:47:24 am »

Name: Augustine Jones
Augustine has a curl just like South/North Italy that appears when she is embarrassed or when she unties her hair and rolls around in her sleep. Her back has multiple scars from previous wars ongoing throughout time and tends to at times rub some leafs on her back when alone to soothe the pain.
Representing Country/State/Territory:  South Florida
Age Looks: 15 (This region was the oldest discovered but her appearance is quite young due to the annexation date into the United States.)
Personality: The stubborn will of the Jones name is alive in this region as Augustine is the one to never sleep and will hold only the past very closely and would harass someone about it. She isn't, however, the type to bicker towards everyone and provide the same friendly but wise interface that her brother does as the two are well, older, than most of the states and have a long history with other countries. Her patience can be drawn very quickly towards those of the "stupid kind" (ie: America) especially when they do something she tells them not to do if she is working on something (usually gardening.) Augustine, however, takes much caution into what she does and can get quite paranoid when facing with several matters but she will deal with dilemmas that aren't caused by her own self as only Christopher pulls her out of problems she causes herself.
Crush(s)/Spouse: ---
Gender: Female
Favorite(s): Oranges, chucking alligators at those she dislikes, fauna/flora around her, entertainment industries (she can be seen aimlessly holding out business cards or advertisement to big corporations in her region such as "Disney"), and her garden.
Dislike(s): Cuba (for many recent conflicts in the late 20th century but she occasionally buys a sugarcane from him), America's antics and sometimes the stupidity emitted from those she knows personally, and her height (the height is based off loosely of Florida's southern point being under sea level..)
Siblings: 49 other states (North and South Florida will be countered as one entire state but their region split like North and South Italy) and their current caretaker/big brother America. Florida was originally conquered by Italian in the name of Spain and was also traded to France who then gave them the United States. So, both regions have history with positive relations with Italy and Spain but a hinted hatred towards France (only South Florida, North doesn't show any aggression.)

North's hair is more of an lighter brown color as his eyes are green which resembles some similarities between the siblings (and possibly the only.) The sweatshirt would be a sweatshirt which is orange and can be seen biting down onto oranges as North Florida's soil is mostly used for agriculture unlike South's marsh land.
Name: Christopher Jones
Representing Country/State/Territory: North Florida
Age Looks: 19 (He is the younger part of Florida but holds the oldest town ever built on U.S. soil thus he is given an older appearance.)
Personality: The rather laid back Christopher is the sluggish out of the two for he tends to take rather long naps throughout the day and spend his times out on a hammock while in Augustine's garden which is near the shoreline. He takes on full responsibility for his sister and will only truly get concerned or bothered by only Augustine as he usually picks her up and pulls her out of dilemmas before they worsen.  Christopher usually shows a stoic expression and never does truly express himself unlike his exuberant bring brother Alfred but his patience doesn't drain as quick with others. The relaxed nature of this region also provides for his friendly and alert interface (despite the bags under his eyes) when speaking to others but as for the bags under his eyes, they are just marks from being constantly kept up for wars such as the Cuban Revolutionary War with South Florida dealing with the issue head-on.
Crush(s)/Spouse: ---
Gender: Male
Favorite(s): Oranges, taking long naps, growing crops along the American household, and trying to revamp old military forts.
Dislike(s): Being woke up abruptly, having cold winters coming from anywhere, and his sister's own antics (but he puts up with anything else even America.)
Siblings: 49 other states (North and South Florida will be countered as one entire state but their region split like North and South Italy) and their current caretaker/big brother America. Florida was originally conquered by Italian in the name of Spain and was also traded to France who then gave them the United States.So, both regions have history with positive relations with Italy and Spain but a hinted hatred towards France (only South Florida, North doesn't show any aggression.)

[[Done ^u^]]
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 07:30:45 am by SoaringAway »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2013, 05:52:16 am »
@Black: America's accepted. And, Canada is also America's brother. ^^

@Soar: Yes. ^^' I know I put 'Country' as a section... But remember Igotzalazy.>.<

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2013, 05:57:01 am »
[[ Is that so~? (I sound like Spain, oh god.) It's alright but I'll be making my lovely forms. ]]

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2013, 06:49:15 am »
o3o -Le waits for Temp/Blacki/Soar-


@Soar: Accepting.

The only thing more awesome than a drunkard like Prussia, is me.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 07:33:56 am by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2013, 06:12:48 pm »
North and South Florida

"Oye, oye, oye," the squeak voice of the smaller region of Florida chirped over while she shook the hammock which hung over her prized newly sprouting trees for sea grapes. Her outfit was pressed cleaned with her long sleeved undershirt's collar neatly folded as her stockings brushed up against the hammock as she tried to knee the sleeping taller region of Florida. Her head tilted down with her glasses as well slipping to the tip of her nose with a frown on her face as she pressed her warm hands towards the cool face of the sleeping individual. The taller region jerked a bit with his leg twitching but he turned his body over to the side, facing the his younger counterpart without much notice as he was already in a deep sleep. The green eyes of Augustine was already rolling about to how lazy her brother could be at times just like Greece and she pressed her lips together in mid thought. 'Wouldn't this make me Japan? Always behind with the sleeping type?.. All I need now is a masked pervert,' she sighed with that thought oddly making her imagine in a small kimono as a chibi dancing side to side with horrible animation with Christopher with cat ears and snoring while a masked stranger was running around (also badly animated) with an array of colorful panties in his hands.

The young region shook her head and stuck out her tongue in distaste towards that horrible idea. Her blonde hair got loose from the shaking of her head as several locks veiled her face a bit but the younger region sighed as she moved herself into the hammock and laid beside her brother and was given very little space to work with. The older region was drooling onto Augustine's sleeve as her eye twitched but the older brother hugged her contently and began to mutter his breath," ..Oranges." Augustine was crossing her arms, having a rather aggressive poker face as her brother was cuddling her in his sleep but sooner or later she would need to wake him up.

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2013, 07:58:52 pm »
((*glomps Blacki and Soar* >w< Welcome~!))

The girl had been sitting at a table that was covered with green tablecloth, staring absentmindedly at an empty piece of paper in front of her in a mood that seemed to be of boredom. She didn't really have a lot to do-- going shopping with Hungary was only one of the few possibilities she'd thought up, or maybe go tag along with Japan with whatever he had to do. No, he'd be busy. she interrupted herself from thought with a sigh, crossing her arms on the table and resting her head gently upon them. There wasn't much else to do in a situation like this, or so she thought.

Taiwan let out a small squeak of surprise as a red-haired girl poked her head up from beneath the tablecloth, shrinking back a little in her seat with that same emotion. "E-eh?!" came the traditional gasp from the brown-haired teenager as Ireland made a mischievious remark about her and two of the other countries of Asia-- Japan and China. Her face flushed pink as she blushed, while her curl that seemed to be shaped like a loose, upside-down number 'three' tightened ever so slightly to show her surprise and shock at this. "What makes you think that?!" she began nervously, tapping her two pointer-fingers together in an anxious manner, but before she could throw back a full retort at Aednat, Taiwan looked up to see that the red-haired girl had already fled from the scene. With a short sigh, she relaxed a little, though looked around to make sure no one had overheard their rather short conversation, especially not Japan-- or China.

Surely Ireland was partially wrong, as she didn't think of China as a crush, or even a sibling-- just simply a teacher whom she was able to look up to when she needed help, whether she wanted to admit it or not. Sure, sometimes she got frustrated with the panda-loving nation's actions, but that didn't mean she completely and utterly hated him, and it as well as heck didn't also mean she loved him, either. But on the other hand, she did like Japan quite a bit...
Mei blew her ahoge out of her face and stood up, stretching her arms out with a quiet yawn. This wasn't the time to get flustered over someone who decided to comment on her "possible" love interests-- this was the time to make some of the day count, at least.

The tomboyish nation had just come back from fending off Prussia with her trusty cast-iron frying pan and had a rather annoyed look on her face, her eyelids lowered to give her that sort-of 'bored' expression. That annoying albino-- as she tended to call him --had been pestering her about how 'awesome' he was, shouting triumphantly over and over that she was the least 'awesome', at least until she beat him down with the frying pan she always had in-hand as a weapon. If it wasn't Prussia, it was France attempting to flirt with her, which always ended up in result with his face bashed in. The more they bug me, the more bruises they'll have on their faces, she thought with a huff of irritation just thinking of the two nation representatives.

As she walked into the kitchen, Hungary finally noticed the mess of various foods, though in result she just puffed her cheeks out. There was only one person that could commit to this much filth-- well, maybe more than one, but she had a good idea of who it was --and the first person to come to mind was Ireland. Although she didn't have the urge to blow up at anyone else at the moment, the woman couldn't help but feel aggravated after the encounter with Prussia, and giving her something else to worry about just made her even more irritated, but she decided to just clean up the mess anyway with a call of "You forgot to clean up your mess, Ireland!"

((I think I got this right... If not, just tell me and I'll go back and edit~ owo))

ヌ - ド ル

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #16 on: January 20, 2013, 08:04:45 pm »
(You got it right. ^^ I'll wait for Blacki to post.)


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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2013, 10:21:31 pm »

America honestly had no idea what the hell he was doing at the moment- well, he had a pretty good idea of what it was. Sitting on a plaid-patterned couch with a flat screen Television perched infront of it, which was hooked up to a video game console. You could probably guess what that meant- considering there was quite the number of clues, but just in case your that clueluess.
The nation was basicly just wasting minutes of his life away, playing some sort of most likely violent video game via-the-pretty-glitchy-and-crappy-X-Box. He really should of been out there in the world at the moment though, making most likely feeble attempts to pay off China's simply immense debt. Really, the only thing he heard from the Asian these days were "America! You own me twenty-five American Dollars, Aru!" Or at least something somewhat similiar to that-- the ammount often times varried, and was usually higher than just twenty-five dollars.
Yet again, twenty-five dollars payed what felt like twelve thousand times was quite a bit of money.
Oh well, that didn't exactly concern him at the moment- after all, the blonde nation was slowly nearing the end of his quest to build an entire kingdom out of glow-stone in Minecraft- using only glowstone. This city would be so bright that it would make you blind. . . well, actually it was kind of making him blind too-- no one was probaly used to the bright yellow-orange glow the pixelated blocks let off. It was also getting him a little hungry-- after all, it had been a whole two hours since he had last ate.

"I will finish you later. . uhmm. . . blinding-kingdom! Ha! Yup, that's fitting~" The blonde announced, moving out of the computer chair right after clicking the 'esc' button- which paused the game.
Now to simply search the darkest corners of this earth for a burger or milkshake. You know, go one some kind of journey. Pester some people on the way, and be the hero the entire time~!

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2013, 12:05:44 am »
(Little Ireland is a drunkard now. XD)

Little Ireland/Aedant

She hopped out of her hiding spot, fore she felt that Hungary wouldn't try to flatten poor Ireland's face, and went to Taiwan's seat. After sitting on the ground she wondered a new thought. 'Would I be like Prussia if I ask Taiwan to come get a drink with me? Perhaps force her?' She mentally shrugged, then continued. 'Screw it. I'm going for it.' "Hey Taiwan... Can I go to your place, just for a little while; not for the night. Perhaps," She paused, a smirk creeping upon her face. "get a couple drinks. You can't refuse." The smirk turned into a large and idiotic grin, her green eyes huge and glittering with happiness. 'I do sound like freaking Prussia!' She silently cursed under her breath and sighed.
She could hammer a few cold ones, maybe Taiwan might get a level one on her 'drunk-ness' bar. Now, her absent-minded self started thinking of America. What was he doing? Eating? Drinking a nice milkshake? Perhaps at his bar. She wished she would join him. Then her mind transitioned to Italy. He was on vacation with Germany somewhere; last she knew. She quickly snapped back to reality, just to hear the answer. Her red hair was nice and neat, besides some stray curls on the top of her head.

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Re: Colors of the World! {Hetalia RP} [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2013, 02:31:28 am »
North and South Florida

The river of drool which seeped from Christopher's mouth was drenching Augustine's prized button sweater but the female obediently stayed through and occasionally swung the hammock in order to have her brother fall out but alas, there wasn't any success. Finally fed up with her brother's snoring, Augustine deliberately drilled her own heel into his stomach which caused a whale noise to escape the now waking Christopher who cringed a bit and fell out of his hammock, curling up into a fetal position. "You were going to crush my sea grape sproutlings!" The girl hissed as she jumped out of the hammock and held out her hand towards her damaged brother who did happily accept the hand. She pulled him up as he was still clenching onto his stomach but now, their normal day was about to begin!

"Augustine," his gruff noise escaped as finally one arm rubbed against his eyeball with his long sleeve pressing against his cheek while his sister had her arms crossed in disappointment. "How in the world can I destroy your pla--" "You're fat like America," Augustine spat out in disgust and as well in shock to find that her brother follies about about how her garden is very important to her (and practically everything in the Jones household) as cultivation was one of her large tasks to do about the house (and well, Alfred would be pissy if he didn't get his food.) Christopher was quick to grab his stomach and stretch it out with a groan, not rather pleased on being compared  to their fatter older brother but he understood the importance of her crops despite sea grapes being extremely sour and inedible unless you're part of the Eastern culture who have weird tastes. Very weird. Seriously, they have a green tea soda. GREEN TEA!

With a sudden huff, South Florida left the room with her older brother sluggishly following behind as he was loudly yawning and the entered the house to find that the living room was unoccupied by America.The male went towards the desk present in the living room to find that oddly enough, no other states or country was occupying it. His hand groped out for a book on military forts and he was quick to flip through it as his younger sister had other plans. As the T.V. screen was showing a paused screen for the spectacular-crap-of-the-decade XBOX for it seemed someone was playing Minecraft. Certainly they do not know of Augustine and her rather curious nature regarding video games, be wary of it next time. The state grabbed hold of the controller wit her legs crossed while sitting in the plaid couch to find her eyes almost screaming in horror to find the pixels nearly brightening up the whole room but with North Florida having his back turned, he didn't seem to notice. "Thanks for lighting up the room," was all he said for he thought she turned up the lights.

A cat-like smile appeared on her face as South Florida began to press down on the controller for "Steve" to explore around the area and her eyes sparked with joy. "This would be a nice addition to Orlando," she muttered under her breath while she allowed the "Steve" to continue exploring the area but feeling a bit of gratitude, she began to play several glow stones about, trying to patch up a wall.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 02:33:56 am by SoaringAway »