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Topics - KoolenKitKat

Pages: [1]
Introduction / Hello! (forgotten introduction)
« on: July 13, 2017, 10:15:18 pm »
Hello! My nickname is Koolen (I only give out my real name to friends). Anyway, the reason I'm posting this now, is because I totally forgot to introduce myself to the community when I signed up. I just went straight for the Mate Search section, and forgot about this. Now, a list of my real life traits (my characters usually reflect me, except with minor differences):

Gender: Male
Time Zone: EST
Orientation: Homosexual (I wanted to make this clear, because I don't do heterosexual characters due to my real life orientation)
Likes: Tech, Furries, Retro Games and Tech, Rubik's Cubes (speedcubing), etc.
Dislikes: Bugs, Horror Movies, Halloween, Women, etc.

I'm quite introverted, I dunno why. If you see me in-game, I'm usually not gonna come up to you. I'll wait for you to come up to me. I'm really shy. If you read this all the way through, thank you! If not, that's okay, I'm boring imo.

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