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Topics - Bambow

Pages: [1]
Art Gallery / Evening arts weirdly
« on: April 23, 2017, 01:45:43 pm »
helloo people
I decided to share my doodles n stuff with you  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
more can be found from my deviantart, << I have commissions open there, if you're interested, I accept paypal and da points.

**req closed**
I can draw humans too, but bust/head only
Please fill out this to get a request and I'll answer ya when I'll accept!!
Name: your username
Character name: the name of character you want me to draw
Character ref/preset: link link
What kind of position and expression you want to have: ~
Bg or not: this'll be just very simple with one or two colors


Actually just drew this one pff
I created Rosa one day back and gah ilovelegendaryitemstoomuch
my dog anatomy is a bit off and everything looks like cats since I've been drawing stuff for my warriors amino >_<'
but hopefully you like ;v;

//Tempy is my other nickname

Just drew refsheet for my warrior cat bby (one of the many welp), as I made a preset for her too. The preset can be seen here!
I'm also looking for a warrior cats rpg group for her, so if you know any, just comment down ;v;

Game Help / "WaterMillGates.cfg failed!"?
« on: April 22, 2017, 10:05:55 pm »
Okay so I dunno what I did, but after I had finished up making my map and finished exporting it, I closed FH for a while, and when I opened it again, it just freezes to black screen for a few seconds and then says that it has stopped working.
The FH.txt log looks like this:

Capabilities:: VertexProgram: YES
Capabilities:: FragmentProgram: YES
Sound:: Initialized: YES
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!
ERROR::SaveFile:loadz: WaterMillGates.cfg failed!

I tried installing it again, didn't help.
There weren't no double particles, that was what I checked first~

Introduction / woAH HELLO THERE
« on: April 22, 2017, 07:19:01 pm »
wowz I've been kinda on and off here??
I registered in like what, 2011? Then I kept about four or five years pause of this game since I didn't have a good enough computer to run it (mini laptop, never again)

I don't think I've ever even talked here in the forums, just stalked around etc
And now I've kept about a years pause, since school has taken all my time pff
I have no idea where I got this oh-so-unique nickname when I was kid lol, nowadays I go by Tempy(short from Tempestheart) or Footurtle (< my dA-name), so feel free to call me by those names if you feel like it. I use my free time animating, drawing, writing and playing games. I'm 18-years-old kiddo from Finland who wants to work for 2d animation company and have million cats.
I dunno how to introduce myself, never have.
okay bye now, I'll go back to fight with Feralheart's map maker.

Pages: [1]