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Messages - Keegui

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Member Bio & Journals / Re: Keegui's Biography
« on: July 12, 2017, 04:21:02 am »
Awww, Sigunr! How incredibly sweet, thank you! No, I can COMPLETELY relate to Feral Heart being a big part of your teenage years. I was the same way- it really helped me break out of my shell and talk to people! And Feral Heart has helped my literacy skills, too! Today, I took the Language Arts portion of my GED, and I passed with an "above college level" score! Who knew a MMORPG could help my literacy? Hahaha! I would love to talk some time! Feel free to PM me whenever! ♥ You seem so kindhearted!

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Keegui's Biography
« on: July 11, 2017, 07:36:41 am »
Kuri, if it was an Olympic sport, I'd take the gold. U-S-A! U-S-A! I agree. Let's talk each other's ears off sometime!

Hello again, Vortex! Thank you so much for reading! I'm glad you got to read up on me a little bit- now you know to stay far away! Hahaha! I kid, I kid. No, but I am very much enjoying it here. :) Home sweet home!

Member Bio & Journals / Re: VortexAlive's Biography
« on: July 11, 2017, 07:22:08 am »
Oh, thank you so much! That's very kind of you to offer! :) I'll be sure to do so next time I see you on!

I would give a shot! I mean, as frustrating and difficult as it is leading a pack, it's always good to try new things! Personally, I'm trying again, but I just need to create the character to lead it. ♥

I haven't played it personally, but it always looked really interesting to me! My boyfriend always played the older version? He hated the updated graphics.

That would be awesome!! I'd be up for it! :D I love to write... I need to get back to doing it. At the moment, I'm revamping all my old OCs (they either have horribly cliche stories, or no stories at all), but once that's done, I'd be more than happy to! ;D

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Keegui's Biography
« on: July 11, 2017, 07:10:35 am »
Nice to see you Keegui ^^

I hope we are meeting in-game too c:

Absolutely, LordoftheRedBull! It's so nice to meet you, as well! ♥

Introduction / Re: Happy
« on: July 11, 2017, 05:32:33 am »
Welcome to Feral Heart, Ayume! :D ♥ Glad to have you here!

Member Bio & Journals / Re: VortexAlive's Biography
« on: July 11, 2017, 05:26:41 am »
Hey, VortexAlive! It's quite funny how similar we are! I, too, am very shy (and slightly lazy? Haha!), but isn't it funny how in Feral Heart, we can kinda come out of our shells? I still get insanely nervous at times, but for the most part, the community is very friendly! And man, can I relate with not being able to lead a pack... I've never been able to because it seems to be IMPOSSIBLE to take one day off without half the pack leaving! So frustrating! And Runescape is awesome- I used to watch my boyfriend play it ALL the time!

Anyways, I'm really glad you were able to find something worth staying for in Feral Heart. Sure, there's no progression or quests, but it's up to US to make it something entertaining, and it really gets those "imagination gears" turning! You seem super awesome, it's great to meet you! :D

Member Bio & Journals / Keegui's Biography
« on: July 11, 2017, 03:47:41 am »
Welcome to my Biography!

Hello there! Thank you for looking at my biography! ♥

I'm so sorry if my whiteness blinded you... Please don't sue me, I can hardly afford Ramen noodles.

About me...
My name is Keegan. I'm an 18 year old girl living in the ever-beautiful Arizona! I was born and raised in Montana, but when I was 13, my family and I moved here to start a new life. I'm the only one in my family to live here now, but I can easily tell you that I'm the happiest I've ever been because Arizona is my true home.

I would say the most unique thing about me is- well- everything! I'm quite the quirky girl. I definitely don't fit the mold of your typical American teenager. I'm very sweet, and my greatest joy is making others smile! I can be quite the talker when you get to know me, so prepare your inboxes! Hahaha! I sadly suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress, and I have some brain trauma that causes me to act younger than I really am (my behavior can reflect that of an 8-12 year old in certain scenarios). It's gotten better with time, but I still find myself suffering from it occasionally. You could say I'm like Peter Pan! My two favorite video games are Pokemon and Animal Crossing, and I love to collect Tamagotchis. My favorite music genre is Rock/Alternative, because that's what I was raised on. :)  I am fascinated with psychology, but as of the past year, I've decided to pursue a career working with animals.

I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me dearly.  He's very accepting of my odd personality, and in my eyes, he's flawless (okay, maybe a little grumpy, but...). We're polar opposites; me being the happy, sing-songy childlike one, while he's the very serious and mature one. We balance each other out! ♥ I live with him and his family, and I love them so very much. They're like the family I always wanted, encouraging me in all that I do. In a few short weeks, my boyfriend and I will be living in our very own condo!

About my experience with Feral Heart...
I first played Feral Heart in 2012 when I was a wide-eyed, bushy tailed 13-year-old. I was on YouTube when I saw a FH music video. I immediately downloaded the game and got started. I was horrible at role-playing, but I got the hang of things as time went on. I took a small hiatus (computer broke), and joined back when I was 14. From then on, I played daily until I was around 16. It was so much fun, and to this day, I could tell countless stories about all the fun adventures I had on Feral Heart; role-plays, mishaps, funny moments... They're all there. But soon, Feral Heart just wasn't as fun as I remembered, and I stopped going on as much. I also had a lot going on in my life at the time... For a while, I was convinced I simply "outgrew" my favorite MMORPG, but I started to miss it horribly recently to the point of feeling depressed over it. So, I installed it on my computer, and logged into my very first account to see if I still had it by some crazy chance. And surprisingly, it was still here! I changed my username from "Luckypup551" to a fresh, more mature username that is Keegui (Keeg-wee). Despite the changes made to the game, it still feels like home to me! I've made such wonderful friends already, even running into old ones, and I couldn't be more thankful!

If you ever wanna chat, please don't ever hesitate to send me a PM! I'm super friendly, and I love to talk (do I ever...). Be it you want to be friends, talk about a bad day, vent/rant, whatever it is, I'm here to listen! ♥

That's all I can think of writing at the moment! Thank you so much for reading!

Introduction / Re: Hi, I'm a returning player!
« on: July 10, 2017, 09:14:00 pm »
Oh, thank you so much, FlewToTheCity! Yes, I agree that RP in the good ol' days of FH were the best (despite the fact that I was 13 and horrible at RP ;u;')! I actually just welcomed my boyfriend's little sister to Feral Heart, and she is having so much fun! It makes me so happy to see her enjoying it so much- and to think that one day, these will be nostalgic memories for her as they are for me at this age! <3 She can hardly stop playing, and neither can I! I'm thrilled to be back here. It really does feel like old times. :')

Introduction / Re: Hi, I'm a returning player!
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:27:47 pm »
Aaaaahg!! I love you so much! Thank you!! ;u; <3 I'll PM you!

Introduction / Re: Hi, I'm a returning player!
« on: July 09, 2017, 12:06:50 am »
Aww, Accailia! Thank you! You seem very friendly, too, and I'd love to be friends! <3 I'll be sure to PM you sometime! ;D

Hey, Valhayes!! Thank you for the welcome back! :D And oh geez, thank you so much for the Map Finding Guide! I really needed it! I was wandering around aimlessly for an hour, not knowing where I was going! I have a horrible sense of direction both in real life and the virtual world as well, apparently! Hahaha!

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