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Messages - Goldroses

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Game Discussion / Mates!
« on: July 14, 2015, 02:50:45 am »
So, what do you guys think about mates? Do have diffrent mates on more than one charictor or do you stick to one player for your whole account? What do you think makes a good mate? After what time do you think it's safe to assume a mate gone for good and move on? Do you guys have multiple ways to talk to mates? Also, feel free to brag about your mate! xD

Introduction / Re: New Player, Old Account
« on: July 13, 2015, 09:03:32 pm »
Thanks guys~! The FH community is turning out to be a very nice one~!

Wolf Children! (I've seen this multiple times requested on this page, fingers crossed! It's such a good movie!)
Kiki's Delivery Service
Sprit: Stallion of the Cimeron

Game Discussion / Re: A New Feral Heart? (rumor?)
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:06:56 am »
I found a download called fearl heart two, maybe they were thinking about that. I bet they were.

Game Discussion / Re: Are You an Early Bird or a Night Owl?
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:55:53 am »
Night owl, I'm on from 6 to when I get bored or start falling asleep

Game Discussion / Re: How do you make your characters?
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:51:57 am »
I normaly see a wolf who's colors or markings a love and go to make one based off that wolf or lion. I never end up making what I set off to make though, and they always turn out 100% diffrent. I was useing a tan and hot pink color pattern, I ended up with a grey and light grey pup. Some of my favorite charictors are based of of OCs or in the case of Scone, my most used char, it started out as bordom.

Game Discussion / A New Feral Heart? (rumor?)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:19:18 am »
So, I have been told about a new version of feral heart, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Do any of you know anything about this?

Introduction / New Player, Old Account
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:02:04 pm »
Hi~! You can call me Kat! I joined this game long ago, back in 2011. Saddly, at the time I did not have a computer that was able to play the actual game! So I was forced to abandon the game. Now, 4 years later I am back and with a faster computer that plays the game woderfully! I am often online as a char named Scone! You may also know Fay! I have a youtube channel that I hope to post videos on soon! You can often see me, trying to make strangers friends, Role Playing, running around, filming, or begging people to be in my videos! xD

I am a female. I am an older teenager. I am very smart (top 50% in my school~!). I am the oldest of 4 children. I am planning to go to ATM to become a veterinarian. I am a horrible speller, and I have lived with a undiagnosed learning dificulty for a long time (I think it may be Irlen Syndrome, we still dont know exactly what it is). I love to learn weird facts. I love horses and other animals. I show English Angora rabbits and I am planning to get my buck this summer! My current rabbit (who I have put in two shows) is a chocolate doe names Lumina. My buck will be a tort (any kind, Lumina carries the tort gene, has tort siblings and parent) buck from bumblebee acers! I am a big klutz (currently recovering from being kicked by a horse, we will have to get a MRI if it doesn't heal.)

I love to met people from all over the world and learn about their culture. I want to sudy abrod when in collage. I wish to visit, Japan, Italy, and Scotland. My favorite accent is scottish. I am half italian (my mom is full italian) and part, german, brittish, native american, and irish (on my dad's side). I was born and raised in Texas. I wish to live on a large abount of land when I grow up, since I want to homestead and try to eat as healthy as possible.

I am a bit obsessed with my weight, I panick if the scale ever gets over 120 LBS, my goal weight is 100 LBS (even though my doctor says that's to light xD). I love to look good, when I look good I feel good. I am a little over 5 feet tall, so I'm short. I have dark blonde-ish hair. I have multi-colored eyes, and I love them~! I am almost always in my boots (western boots). I always have a flower pined into my hair to keep my bangs pulled back (I like the way it looks).

I am Roman Catholic, and if you have had a bad experiance with them I would like to get to know you, since I would like to change what you think of us, most of us are very nice, like all religions, we have a few extremists. My over-all view on people not of my religion is God gave us freewill, you are free to do what you want, even if I may not like it, it is not my place to nag at you to stop. I also love the saying "hate the sin, not the sinner". Message me if you want to learn about God!

Game Discussion / Re: Pet Peeves?
« on: June 21, 2015, 03:14:39 pm »
Here is a new one: Chars that are sad/depressed/evil, but have no back story to make them that way!

The charactor I am on the most is named Scone. She has become quite popular and has taken on a life and personaliy of her own. One I was never expecting. She was originaly made during a time of bordom. She was made as a joke to Hetalia, her bio reading "England burnt me" (any hetalia fans out there?). She soon me up with a few others who le her join their brand new pack "Exreme weirdos" back the there was only a few of up, now there is around 80 members! On her I have made a lot of friends. While I'm very mature, shy and care a lot what people think of me, she took on the personality of the clown. She made me act silly and out there, she let me get to know many people. While she may seem annoying at times (even to me) she's very friendly and most people start to like her once they get over the initial raction of her randomness xD. Like all my OCs they all gain their own personality. Scone has turned into a very fun OC that brings a smile to many people's faces. Unlike all the other OCs out there she's got a long bio and is very happy, making friends with everyone instantly. Her bio is silly, saying she was a scone baked by a wizzard who she then ate to gain her freedom, this includes giveing her and "evolved' form and some simple powers, like regrowing non-vital body parts, "evolveing" when eaten and other things. Scone has 100% become one of my my favorite OCs. Many people find her to be a breath of fresh air after all the sad/depressed OCs out there lacking a bio/back story.

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