Author Topic: Wolf rain like story| The wolves  (Read 1587 times)

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Wolf rain like story| The wolves
« on: January 16, 2014, 05:43:04 am »
Hello, I made this story like wolf rain( got to love Tsume! ) anyway hope you have time to read it
Here goes
A story by me
October 8th 2213

"Holy shit"
"Dude that's one huge dog, it's hurt too"
"What kind of breed is it?"
"It looks like a German Shepard"
"Nah it does not"
"Look at its face"
"Yea... What about it?"
"Dude it moved!!!"
"Poke it with a stick"
The man poke's at the dog, not realizing the dog was alive. The dog started a low growl at the man, the man backed away from the dog and went to his friend. "Dude I think this dog is alive" "Dude it just growled at you, yea it is alive" The dog stands up, and then limps off, the man and his friend follow wondering where it is off to. They pass a road seeing a teenager but no dog, the man looked like he was limping. "Hey! Why are you limping?!" He asked, The teenager replies "I broke my foot when I was working." After hearing that the man and his friend left, walking alone the teenager went to his home, his den as he says, he decides he can go to a bar, since he's 18, maybe he might see some friends, maybe he will get in a fight or something  fun to him, walking into a bar he sees the bartender and some people, "Hey Tsume" Said the bartender, Alex, now siting down, says"What time is it?" "Around 12:30 Am, why are you doing here so late, and why are you limping?" Tsume sighs, "Was at work, Metal bar came down on my leg, then after that I got fired" "Sorry to hear that Alex" the bartender says, pouring beer into a cup, "here, it's on me" Tsume smiles taking a huge gulp of beer, "Do you have any meat?" "Yea, some cow meet, but It has not been "good"" "where is it?" "Out back" Alex goes outside around the back, seeing a door that leads to a fridge, smiling he opens the fridge, and sees the meat, grabbing it he takes a bite out of it. Not taking a chance he goes into a bathroom, the. Locking the door he eats it. After a while with blood dripping from his mouth he licks it, puts water on his face just in sureness he will not be caught, moving to the door he unlocks it, seening the bartender he says"thanks dude, that meat was great" "Your welcome" Tsume pulls out his hands with a 50 Dollie bill in his hand. Giving it he heads out, for his "den" as he calls it. So he walks home, his home is a lab, that was abandoned, "Stupid lab" he says when he walks in. He sees dead bodies, Guards dead with I bitten mark all over there body some had bullet holes. He sees his bed, a rusty old bed he found at a abandon ware house. "I have to move the body's away. Maybe hide them" he says to himself not know he spoke it out loud. He sees the glass tube, that was he first spoke, born, even ate. That glass tube protected him, until he escaped. They were fools to think the drug will work, to keep me in control. Maybe he did it because he wanted revenge, maybe because of freedom. He didn't really know, he did know that the russians wanted a human/wolf hybrid, but it turned out there are millions that escaped too, but they keep hidden. He have three abilities, one is shape the form of a wolf, the other is a wolf with wolf abilities, our skin is fur. Our paws are like hands. We can run faster then any human, we can even jump higher. The last one is the camouflage ability, they put some sort of DNA that made us invisible, we can also regen our wounds. So we can get hurt really bad and it will feel like we Spain our leg. They created us for war. Russian wanted to sell it to America, but they could not transfer the goods, so they made it in America. They plan was to use us as a mass destruction towards the America. But their guards are not protected enough, so we had a huge advantage to kill them. For freedom it was great. We were wolfs, they took out memories and put it in a human then they did a thing to mix the two DNA. When I awoke I was in the tube, I saw people dead and guards dead, then I saw a human with blood dripping from his mouth, he looked at me and push a control panel to free me. He name was Jacob, after that we ran, saw other humans that looked like They had been tested on, others helped others and ran for the door. We had no idea to go, we only had Russian military pants, they looked like American military pants, but change the color of it, it is mostly white with a hint of blue. We ran to the fence, and opened it, I had to watch out for the others, I was an delta, I had to watch out for them, the alpha was Max, who saw a turret pointed at me. He yelled "TURRET, RUN!" With bullets flying I saw a control panel, but it was 50 feet away from the turret. I had two choices, one was to run, and maybe get hit, or I can disable the turret for the others. I thought hard. Then I ran. Toward the turret as it was spitting bullets. I took a lot of hits, trip once and got shot a lot. But I keeped moving. Not noticing other wolves have been following me. I ran up to the panel, and disabled it, then everything went quiet, really quiet, then I suddenly blacked out.

I worked up, it was all a dream. i pasted out on the floor, and i was sweeting. meaning i should get sleep. I flop myself on the bed l thought " I should get a shower" geting up and changing to my hybrid, I went into the shower, got out and brushed my teeth. Sharp as can be. Then I flop on the bed feeling the nice warmth blanket around me. My room had three rooms. One is the bed room, second is the bathroom, normal size, and the kitchen, that has all my food. Tasty meat.. Maybe I can go shopping for food. Most likely. But beforehand I moved, in fell into a deep sleep. Dreaming on  what will happen in my life. My dream mate, and all that Crap In my life that has happend.

I wake up in the morning, and feeling good. I decide to go get something to eat. As I was walking into the kitchen, I saw a face. And I know who it was my refection.
The end
I am a Russian wolf
Trying to survive, A winter wasteland

Offline DungeonSiegeWolf

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Re: Wolf rain like story| The wolves
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2014, 05:12:37 am »
Kewl. I've always loved Wolf's Rain, and I loved your story! I hope you'll be making more of it.