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Messages - Warrior4ever

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Finished Maps / Re: Ranch/Horse Farm Map!
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:56:03 am »
Wonderful job on your first map floof! Looks like you're well on your way to becoming an amazing map maker c:

Leaving / Re: Gone till october
« on: August 31, 2013, 02:35:34 pm »
I don't care how advanced technology gets, breaking will always be a universal problem x3 Sorry to hear your charger broke, I hope the replacement won't be too expensive! even if it's your parent's gifting it to you XD We shall await your return ^w^

Forum Discussion /
« on: August 31, 2013, 02:13:49 pm »
~Hostile Prey animals (deer that attack wolves owo)
~Rainbow trout
~Intelligent space probes
~Reality game show
~Mario Kart
~Feralheart (a roleplay about roleplaying on FH o0o)

Murh, there's a few ideas for chu o3o

Community Activities Hub / MuffinFest!
« on: August 31, 2013, 02:02:37 pm »

Game Discussion / Re: No... You're not an alpha...
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:04:25 pm »
Normally when I see this happening in Bonfire, I just get a little frustrated with the 'Alphess' characters and walk away. Many times though, I've noticed that when two group/packless Alpha characters meet through the Mate Center, they normally go sit in a corner some where and have a RP about starting a pack together. Perhaps they knew they were starting a group, and didn't want to make the extra trip to change their tag? I don't know for sure of course, but seemingly whenever an Alpha character appears in Bonfire, they seem to think they have special powers or strengths and try to murder all the horses by themselves. We may never know for sure all the oddities of Bonfire x3

~End Rant~

Game Discussion / Re: English, not "wolfspeak."
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:50:10 am »
The origin of the term "WolfSpeak" originated from the game of WolfQuest, the chat filter being so picky that extreme and often normally unused words had to replace simple phrases. The meaning of the name is really just another way of describing the way for writing in the style some people grew accustomed to on WolfQuest, "WolfSpeak" of course is simply "WolfQuest-Speak" shortened.

Now on to your example post. In no way would I consider that "WolfSpeaking," but more towards a literate paragraph RP post. Here's what I've seen described more often as "WolfSpeaking;"

<NameTag> The chocolate fae leaned on back on her columns, swishing her banner against the brute's forehead. She huffed, closing her opticals and turning her cranium towards the baby blue sky. The fae raked her daggers against the tectonics, showing her pearl blades as she drummed a warning at the brute.

I apologize for the bad example v.v (darn my grammar instincts! XD) Anyhoo, WolfSpeaking isn't so much using advanced grammar as it is using incorrect grammar. Banner is often used to in place of tail, cranium for head, daggers for claws/nails and fae/brute for female/male characters. I'm sure there are many other words used, but those are the first which come to mind. Now let's say the first time, it was with a wolf character. If I saw a lion use the same paragraph, I wouldn't think it was weird at all to call them a wolf-speaker.  (Just my way of thinking)

That last paragraph is basically the idea of the whole post, summed up, right there. I believe the reason it isn't called English is either because it is not proper English, or because the name from WolfQuest just stuck. The last few scentances need no comment, and so I'll leave it at that.

~End Rant~

Discussion Board / Re: Anyone got any words of wisdom to share?
« on: August 31, 2013, 04:19:33 am »
Throughout your life, you are building a cathedral. If your base is strong, you will survive far into the future. A base that flakes and cracks will fall under the first storms. Build your cathedral to the best of your ability; the greater your cathedral, the greater your memory is kept. ~My Father

Give someone a fish, it will last a day. Teach someone to fish, and it will last a lifetime. ~Unknown

Expand upon ideas, don't put them down. ~Warrior

Muffins are wanna-be cupcakes, always give them supportive hugs and nibbles. ~Warrior

There is only one thing in this world that is impossible, destruction and creation of matter. So why lie about possibility? ~Warrior

When the world around you lies, be truthful.
When the evil suffer, pray for them.
When your friends turn their backs, turn on a smile.
Love is the worst thing to lose; love anyway.
The world may vote for the strongest, fastest, or prettiest; vote for the little guys.  ~Warrior

*derpface* (~e3O)~

Species / Re: Sea Wolves
« on: August 31, 2013, 03:56:38 am »
*noodle arms* I saw a SeaWolf egg in Bonfire the other day, 'twas so cute ^u^ Lovely little species Iylafloof, I'll keep an eye out for more SeaWolves in the future!

Game Help / Re: Pieces of map missing
« on: August 31, 2013, 03:51:44 am »
Make sure that your friend has all the object files for your map, and check to make sure you included the files themselves. If he/she doesn't have the files, make a separate download with the object folder and have her download that.

If your friend has all the files, they may be in the wrong place. Have her/him check to make sure they sorted the files correctly.

If all else fails, have her/him re download the map and install everything again.

And that is the extent of my knowledge, please enjoy this squiggle line ~

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Those legs...they start to get to ya...
« on: August 30, 2013, 02:21:12 am »
Sorry if I sound at all rude, but I had sent you a PM on a semi-broken internet connection and wanted to make sure it went through ;3; If not, I had said I would love for you to do my preset if you can. ^-^

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