Author Topic: Tillie's Real Life Biography  (Read 947 times)

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Tillie's Real Life Biography
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:03:05 pm »
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Rank Home: Maid
Rank School: Do Face
First Story: When Tillie was three her mother couldn't stay at home to take care of her, she had to go to Her Grandma's. Tillie never knew her Grandma because she had never left the house. She was Excited and scared at the same time, They both walked over early in the morning to drop off Tillie. They got to the door and Tillie Hid behind her mothers legs, when her grandma walked around to see her, Tillie covered her eyes. After that she was never scared of her, She loved her cat Missy. When Tillie was 6 in school she had one friend and one friend only, Her name was Marie Chantal Chamberland. They did every thing together Played wih each other and ate with each other, They were like sisters. until Alex C came to grade 1, and Nathanel. They torchered her called her names at Recess and Lunch, She was scared to go back to school, she had to transfer to a new school called, Pierre Janie. It was a french school but it was her favourite school, it had a Pool they went bike riding on Mondays and Thursdays. Fridays were Movie nights and wendays and tuesdays were pool days.  she got to see her Grandma and Aunt Kim more often. It was the Time of her life Until she had to transfer again to Eardly. She made the Whole school her friend she loved it there. But after three years at Eardly she had to transfer again, back to Greater Gatinue. Alex C was still there meaner as ever, Marie had moved to Ottawa, she was the laughing stock. She had no Friends until Chealey her Bffl Came to realise she was in pain. She still has this problem in grade 8. She only has four friends that do every thing together. One of them is Chealey another is Amanda, the other is Zoe and the Last.... Marie, She was having the best life. The reason why is... She tried... No BODY told her to Try, a Great game did, and that game is.... Feral Heart, she has so many nice friends over 100 and they are the nicest people ever. Thank you For making this game Possible.