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Messages - Jettblack

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Finished Maps / Re: Woodlands Map
« on: August 16, 2016, 09:22:46 pm »

Glad you like it

Finished Maps / Re: Woodlands Map
« on: August 15, 2016, 10:14:52 pm »
Thank you  ;)

Finished Maps / Woodlands Map
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:38:07 pm »
Here's a quick forest map I made some days ago, requested by someone in a group I was in that doesn't exist anymore. It has many dens, two territories for packs and some surprises.



Finished Maps / Re: Sabertooth Woods - Tundra!
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:57:13 pm »
Very well done   8)

Finished Maps / Re: The Wild West
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:42:31 pm »
Thanks for all the nice comments guys  :D

Finished Maps / The Wild West
« on: August 15, 2016, 01:57:54 am »
T h e  W i l d  W e s t

Welcome to the Far West, a place where only the wisest and strongest survive long enough to tell their tale. What will yours be about?

This is it. I have finally made a map I have been wanting to make for so long.
This map was greatly inspired from Red Dead Redemption, which is one of my favorite games ever. It features a city, a ranch, a bandit town, a small indian camp, dens, hideouts, snowy mountains, a really awesome soundtrack and many more.

Some pics:

It's the largest map I've ever done and it's probably gonna be my last project since life is catching up with me. Here's a link to my DA for more screenshots:

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while making it. Here's the link:

Please tell me if you have issues with anything and I'll try to fix it.
All the meshes, textures and songs belong to their respective owners.

Now I won't keep you any longer... Stay awesome!

Finished Maps / Kjall Kingdom: Pirates vs Royalty
« on: April 18, 2016, 07:40:02 pm »
This map is no longer available due to broken files

Kjall Kingdom (aka Duthia Dynasty)

Ahoy mateys! I've finally completed my medieval/renaissance map and it's up for download. If it crashes, inform me and i'll try something else. It's working for me but i had trouble exporting it so issues are possible. Also, it might take a while to load because it's loaded with objects.

  • I don't own anything except the height map and mask. Credit for the meshes goes to their respective owners
  • Awesome soundtrack is by Derek & Brandon Fiechter
  • Rules remain the same


Thank you all

Hey, thought i'd share the progress of the map i'm currently working on. It's a fairly large realistic medieval map (ok, maybe not that realistic or accurate since i'm not an expert on the middle ages but i do know they were full metal...)

Yup, here are the screenshots

I'm prob gonna finish it this week if everything goes according to plan


I'm almost done and i'm super thrilled, especially since i added an awesome soundtrack but it keeps crashing when i export it and i almost lost it (had to reinstall the game twice and add back the lost meshes). Same thing happened with my other map but i have no idea how to fix it this time. It's either because it's huge, or it's cause one of the meshes doesn't want to cooperate, which would be logical since it keeps crashing while trying to load one specific object. I'm gonna try to figure something out and i'd welcome the help if anyone knows how to fix this.

Also, i seem to have an obsession with trees. I never can make a map without adding ten million darn trees.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Dark Gray Pawpads
« on: February 13, 2016, 08:30:02 pm »
I knew that i forgot something

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