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Topics - .FeralSoul

Pages: [1]
Finished Maps / Alreyah ~ Beautiful Land with Many Secrets
« on: July 29, 2018, 12:56:00 am »
This was a map I made last summer for a group I had been in and left. As I know, after being out of the group for a year, they do not exist anymore when I try searching them up. So here is the map I created, that wasn't really used. The downloaded file is named "AtriMorphus" while the portal is named "Alreyah."

There are...


Hunting grounds.



A swampland.


Forest densite.

Camouflaged mountainous densite.

Densite with fighting pit.

The Crater
This crater is located nearby the densite with the fighting pit. The crater is the entrance to an underground series of tunnels.

Meeting room.

There are multiple tunnels of cages.

Prison / Experimentation Room

There is also a super fun parkour that leads up to an amazing, mystical, floating island.

Flying is disabled in this map, which means players must succeed in parkour to be able to reach the floating island.
Across the map are various animal species; both predator and prey. There are secret areas that one can find only by exploring. The map also has its own Tribal background music.

||Map Download||

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