Author Topic: More General Roleplay Child Boards  (Read 3490 times)

Offline Xenek

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More General Roleplay Child Boards
« on: March 28, 2017, 03:41:21 am »
The idea, after some thought and back and forth, is to add new child boards to the General Roleplay forum.

The child boards that could be added would be Canine Roleplay, Feline Roleplay, and Misc. Roleplay (Or Miscellaneous if using the more commonly used abbreviation wouldn't work).

Canine Roleplay, as the name itself suggests, would be for any canine specie roleplays. Winged or otherwise, real or otherwise. Feline Roleplay would be the same, but for the felines species. The Group Roleplay board that already exists could be split into two, one for Canine Packs and the other for Feline Prides (names could be different, but the idea is there) for the different groups, whereas the species boards would allow for anyone with that specie character, so even the loners have a place to enjoy some roleplaying.

A Misc. Roleplay board would allow for the mingling of any and all species; Canine, feline, basically anything so long as the roleplay is based within the FeralHeart world. After all, some people have created dinosaur characters, and others have even created unicorn characters. Why leave them out of the fun, right? Of course, as the non-feline or -canine species are few and far between, the board would mainly be for them, just with the bonus of allowing those other odd characters to join in if they want to and the roleplays allow them.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 12:15:57 am by Xenek »

Offline Bawfle

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2017, 06:28:21 pm »
The main General Roleplay board is there to provide only info for the childboards it contains, just like the Off Topic Roleplay board. Both roleplay boards hold the same purpose. They are there to hold the soul information about each roleplay childboard, and some general rules to follow and reminder. Allowing people to mold their story into FeralHeart, is a pretty great idea, but creating a roleplay to create a story for FeralHeart isn't something I personally agree with. FeralHeart is an open world, and has open worlds even, and I think it should be left untouched of a story of some kind, as it limits the freedom somewhat and makes things seem very offical for first-eye viewers and a lot of members in general. Unless there were some kind of 'Theories' on how the worlds of FeralHeart were created. Just like how scientists are trying to figure out how our own earth/world came about. That'd be pretty neat, to hear Theories of the FeralHeart World. Instead of hosting some sort of story through it through roleplay. It's too official. Theories aren't.

However, why not save the hassle and create a group that allows the acceptance of all FeralHeart players in the Group Roleplay Board? That IS what it is there for. Especially roleplays like this. It's already a General Roleplay board, but named differently and is a childboard TO the General Roleplay board. Let them mold their story into/using FeralHeart instead of letting FeralHeart mold theirs? There are a lot of roleplays that are hosted on the forums that either are successful or die out within a few days. Keeping up with the cleaning of that board would be an issue as well, as the forums is probably hard enough to keep on top of cleaning already. Especially with all this forum maintenance and changes happening. Mind you that there have been a lot of staff changes too, to make sure that the game is going to be looked after well and so the process of these changes can happen quicker without a few trying to juggle everything at once. Opening up the General Roleplay board to all roleplays would leave childboards with no purpose and it will even defeat the purpose of creating the childboards in the first place.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 06:32:08 pm by Bawfle »

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2017, 08:13:15 pm »
The world is very much capable of remaining an 'open world' even with a story in place. Considering you think it impossible, Bawfle, you may currently lack the imagination/creativity to see why. To answer how such is possible, please visit this thread and see for yourself the idea I gave. Theories still remain in place, but the story itself leaves the world entirely open.

As for creating a group, that is against the entire reason for the idea of opening the board. You seem to forget that not all characters love the idea of being in a group. Some wish to be loners and/or adventurers. You also seem to not understand what it is to be a child board- It gives a more specific posting selection than the board it is child to. Which, I'm sorry to say, means that the Group Roleplay board is not an open general roleplay area. It is only for groups. Also, the story I had in mind stays very true to the story I posted in the thread I linked to above, which means it would allow any and all characters to participate due to keeping the world open. So you can't say that it would force them to mold their characters to the story, because that is entirely wrong.

With mention of how much of a hassle could be made for the staff, I add this little idea to opening the General Roleplay board for posts: Make it so that your idea for a general roleplay is sent in to a staff member for review, and if decent enough, the staff give their okay, thus allowing the roleplay to be started. That would put a stop to any "trash" roleplays/posts that could be put there, thus allowing the board to remain clean.

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2017, 10:09:50 pm »
Well... I quite feel offended by some choice of words you provided there, but never mind.

Now. This makes more sense to me now you have provided an actual reference to what you were suggesting and not leaving post that branches out, leading to a wide range of grey areas. I never stated that it is impossible, nor do I lack any imagination or creativity. Only sharing my personal view in creating a story for the game through this roleplay idea instead of theories, which could cause certain problems to members taking it as an official story/background to the FeralHeart world. Until, of course, you provided the link you got the inspiration from. Which cleared some grey clouds and questions in mind. You provided something that leaves a lot less of branched grey areas. Neither did I ever say that this idea would force people to mold their characters into the story. I guess the idea would need more structure.

The General Roleplay Board was created because it is a roleplay board created to archive different forms of FeralHeart Roleplay. Just like the Off Topic Roleplay board was. Both serve the same purpose, as stated before. Whether it's use is to advertise your group or create a group roleplay of your own. Honestly, you haven't really provided anything other than opening the General Roleplay board for General Roleplay of FeralHeart. Especially mainly for the kind of roleplay idea you had in mind, as seen/shown in Join the gathering ferals! It's story time. In all seriousness, another childboard could be created specifically for people's different theories on how FeralHeart came about, how the worlds were created etc. A childboard called The Theories of FeralHeart - Roleplays. Even so, it could still belong in the Group Roleplay board, and you wouldn't have to specifically declare it being a group. Just a general thread starting with a theory of FeralHeart's evolutions, creations etc... which people could choose to roleplay to. I understand completely that not everyone likes groups, and that some people prefer to be loners/adventurers... but there's no stopping them from being so or doing so unless the thread host states otherwisde?

Besides, I only see a board being created/opening if there are a number of threads already made that could belong in that board. This goes for even opening up the General Roleplay board for member posting. That's how things have always worked, making sure there's plenty of material to already go in a board before creating it instead of creating something that could die off after a week or so. Like the thread you provided even, it's very touch and go, people have been replying to that days at a time. It was even bumped recently, after being untouched since 2015. I personally don't think it's worth opening up the General Roleplay board for this reason as well.

Even if the General Roleplay board were to be opened up for any General Roleplay, sadly there will be all sorts of categories. Several prides, several packs, several clans. You name it. NOT that it's a problem, but childboards could easily be made for popular roleplay categories. Eventually the General Roleplay board would get very crowded and messy, it's just creates more jobs to do in terms of gathering/searching for all these roleplays to place into the located childboards.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 10:18:05 pm by Bawfle »

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2017, 10:36:07 pm »
I did not intend to offend, I was merely being blunt in what I was trying to get across.
Also, please not that I used the word "currently" when referring to your lack of imagination/creativity. Everyone has moments they can't think certain ways. I did not say you lack them in total, only that you lack them at the moment. To give an example, a baby lacks the ability to understand that something exists when they can't see it. As they grow, they learn that the object is still there, whether or not they see it. Probably a bad example, but I can't think of a different one and I believe it still gets the point across.

FeralHeart is an open world, and has open worlds even, and I think it should be left untouched of a story of some kind, as it limits the freedom somewhat and makes things seem very offical for first-eye viewers and a lot of members in general.

What you said there told me that you believe adding a story would make it impossible to keep the world open.

Let them mold their story into/using FeralHeart instead of letting FeralHeart mold theirs?

What you said in that one did indeed say that characters would be forced to mold to belong, instead of being able to create the world around them.

Now, again, the idea I had for a general, open roleplay is not based off theory. It is, however, based off the idea of the world being open to all other worlds. That said, the roleplay I have in mind would not be allowed in a theories roleplay board if such was made. And, again, that thread being touch and go does not have anything to do with my idea. At all.

To elaborate, consider the world as it is now. We have different areas thanks to the game giving us those areas. If someone wanted to have a roleplay about dragons invading The Grounds through a portal to another realm, it couldn't be done. Why? Because it's too general to belong in the Group Roleplay board. It allows too many people. Not only that, but people wouldn't think to look in the Group board to find a roleplay they can join that has nothing to do with groups.

The idea I had for a roleplay would allow for everyone and anyone to join in and enjoy the story. Magical beasts of wonder as well as normal, real-life animals. None would be left out. By being forced to either start or join a group in order to post such in the Group Roleplay board would kill the entire purpose of the story in mind, as it would limit the people who even think of joining it. I have confidence saying such because I never once thought that the Group Roleplay board was free to people not in the groups that began the roleplays. It is far from obvious, the total opposite in fact, that anyone could join in.

Another limitation that most roleplays seem to have is that if it's a magical, non-realistic roleplay, then realistic characters can't join in. And for realistic roleplays, the non-realistic characters really can't join in. For a forum and game dedicated to roleplay, this is far too limiting, and thus rather sad. By allowing people to create roleplays that are not bound by groups or boundaries, so many more people could have fun. The only problem would be thinking of a story that works for such, as it seems not too many are doing so. By having the option available, however, creativity would begin to flow and more roleplays with so many more options would be pop up.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 10:51:05 pm by Xenek »

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2017, 11:02:45 pm »
I did not intend to offend, I was merely being blunt in what I was trying to get across.

FeralHeart is an open world, and has open worlds even, and I think it should be left untouched of a story of some kind, as it limits the freedom somewhat and makes things seem very offical for first-eye viewers and a lot of members in general.

What you said there told me that you believe adding a story would make it impossible to keep the world open.

"I think it should be left untouched of a story of some kind" - By this, I mean FeralHeart in general. But you're talking about a roleplay here, as long as it was kept clear as such, then the roleplay wouldn't be seen as an official story of FeralHeart. I didn't say it was impossible, only just what I had stated.

Let them mold their story into/using FeralHeart instead of letting FeralHeart mold theirs?

What you said in that one did indeed say that characters would be forced to mold to belong, instead of being able to create the world around them.

Again, I didn't say that people would be forced to. Just a lot of the idea sounds like you're trying to create a specific story for FeralHeart using roleplay, instead of starting off with theories. For example; "It was once said that this Feral World was created by the Gods of the elements, creating realms for a vast creation of species to roam around in." Instead of suggesting it as a fact. Sure, you'd be creating a world for users to maybe start off their characters in, or create a character to join this theory-based roleplay of sorts. I never intended to make it sound like characters would be forced. Meerly just suggesting that maybe to be careful with the material used. Not to try and make aspects sound official to the game, but more theorized from some place.

Now, again, the idea I had for a general, open roleplay is not based off theory. It is, however, based off the idea of the world being open to all other worlds. That said, the roleplay I have in mind would not be allowed in a theories roleplay board if such was made. And, again, that thread being touch and go does not have anything to do with my idea. At all.

I was only being suggestive and sharing my views and thoughts on how this could effect certain things in the longer run if not made clear as an unofficial background/story of FeralHeart. My relation in including the thread, and mentioning it was touch and go, yes that doesn't have anything to do with your idea. I just explained how the board could end up as if and only if a child board of sorts was created for Miscellaneous roleplays. Hey, there's an idea. A Miscellaneous Roleplay childboard for the General Roleplay board. Not bad. If that board was created, it'd be easier to track, and keep tabs on. Maybe a sticky could be created on that board could direct users to say that this is for FeralHeard related and feral-based roleplays etc.

I think your idea on a thread/roleplay would best fit in a board like such. Like I said, and this is only a view/opnion, not an impossibility, but I personally feel opening the General Roleplay board for public roleplay could be too.. over crowded. Especially with no guidelines. A Pride Roleplays child board, and a Pack roleplays child board could be created, even. Just to make things just that more simpler.

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2017, 11:26:44 pm »
Now the air's being cleared a decent amount. This is helping things get where they should be.

I can get behind the idea of a Miscellaneous Roleplay child board. Should probably just stick to Misc., just because people usually see the abbreviation more than the full word, and thus tend to understand it better/easier. It would indeed keep things cleaner, as you continue to mention.

The idea for a roleplay I had is very much so just for a roleplay. The story in mind for it would be rather clear that it's only for that roleplay, and not for the world in general.
I merely pointed out the Story Time! thread with the theories to show the idea I gave for the world itself. It would present the ability to keep the world open, having the story behind the land being that magic allows it to connect to countless different worlds, and at different times. With the story being simply that the world connects to others, it's theory galore with who came from what realm, were there guardians, and so on. That was the main point I was trying to make by saying the RP idea I had connected to the story idea- that the roleplay would connect a different realm, thus giving the story for the roleplay, while all being held in a map we all know and is part of the game.
That said, it would most certainly fit in a Misc. child board, if such was made. I was working with the idea that no other boards were going to be made, thus the idea of opening the General Roleplay board to posts.

With that said, however, do you believe I should edit the first post, with that idea, to suggest a child board being made instead of merely opening the main board?

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Re: General Roleplay
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2017, 11:59:52 pm »
With that said, however, do you believe I should edit the first post, with that idea, to suggest a child board being made instead of merely opening the main board?

Yeah I think that would be a really good thing to edit and suggest. Maybe it will be looked over and specific boards could be added such as; Feline Roleplay and Canine Roleplay could be added. The Group Roleplay board could be renamed to Misc Roleplay, as other places have been categorised. The Misc Roleplay board could used for multi-species groups & other, such as your idea inspired by Sura's thread. The Group Advertising Board could even be renamed slightly to Ingame Group Advertising Board UNLESS it is felt best to be left alone, and just made clear for what it could be in the Roleplay Guide on the General Roleplay board.

I feel that creating group advertisements in the Group Advertisements board, for your group roleplay that is already on the forum, is a bit much to be advertising for on that specific board. I was going to suggest re-naming the board to Ingame Group Advertisements, but the Roleplay Gude could be modified to specify it's in-game only use (if that were to be decided upon, there could be more to that board than meets the eye). Once/if these new or renamed childboards are created, the Roleplay Gude sticky thread could be modified to suit these boards summaries better and give people an easier time finiding what they want, without them being categorised too specifically (example; pride Roleplay, pack roleplay, clan roleplay) as there's more species of cats (canines too) that could all belong on one diverse board. The Misc board would be a perfect addition as people would have the opportunity to be inspired by other roleplays, or find something new that isn't too limited. It's more open.

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