Author Topic: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays  (Read 6062 times)

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wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:21:54 am »
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 12:29:22 am by Panzram »

In-game user: Panzramic

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 12:22:00 am »
Helpful Tips

Glad to see that you’re interested in this guide. Welcome to the first portion. It is completely optional to stick around here, but just know that there are a few helpful tips below that should be useful in the process of creating your group.

The KISS Principle
Yes. It is an actual thing, created by the US Navy as a design principle. "Keep it simple, stupid" generally means that a system would work more efficiently if things were kept simple. Complexity of both the plot and general information might be one possible factor as to why no one would want to join your group. In order to avoid the tl;dr complaint, summarize the premise in about two sentences and give a general synopsis about everything else. Not everyone would like to read a large wall of text that they would need to familiarize themselves with. Keep simplicity in mind when providing the information you want your members to know and understand. It is less work for you, and less work for them. If your members want more information, give them the option to ask you for it. That is another reason as to why you are the host.

Original vs Unique
What’s the difference between being original and being unique? When creating your group, you need to be able to differentiate the two terms. Take a look around- what do you notice in groups? The species and colors, for one. Most groups may look similar to one another as if they were original copies. Is this a bad thing? Not at all. Taking a deeper look into the groups, you will notice the ranks and tags are different from other rank structures. You might notice that the traditions and events their members participate in will vary between groups. You notice so many things that make that particular group stand out from the rest despite the fact they appear similar on the outside.

Forum roleplays are somewhat similar. For example, apocalyptic roleplays are original copies from one another, but the way the story plays out and how the disease spreads in one thread makes it unique from the rest. So, to put things in more simpler terms, you want to your roleplay to be unique, not original.

This is an effective method to keeping any roleplay alive. Create a schedule for your group that will notify your members when this or that is happening and when to hop online. It’s almost like a plan in some way, where you can also assign recruiting sessions to what days and when a certain plot is to progress into the next stage. Which, yes. Scheduling comes in handy when pacing the story or plot for group.

When it comes to forum roleplaying, the same thing applies. You have a bit more control in this case, however. Forum roleplays generally need to be a bit more active in terms of posting, mostly because that is the only interaction there is in that particular thread. You, as the roleplay creator and host, will need to decide when to progress the plot. You don’t need to wait months for everyone to post their part. If things are dragging on, you can tighten the schedule and disregard those who haven’t yet posted. They’re most likely busy with other things and should understand if you progress the roleplay without them after a given amount of time.

Whether it’s the construction of your group or the plot itself, pacing is an important factor that may save you some trouble. Do not work on everything in the span of one day. Space them out and work on one thing at a time. As for your plots, do not have everything happen all at once. Things need to be taken at their own pace so that each and every member has a chance to participate and progress along with it- unless it is a forum roleplay in which the story constantly needs updating. Be sure to interact with your members as well, and listen to their suggestions or advice for scheduling and pacing the roleplay and group contents.

If you have any questions or would like to add something to this portion, do not hesitate to post them below.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 12:31:53 am by Panzram »

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 12:22:18 am »

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 12:22:32 am »
Laying the Groundwork

Now that you have read some helpful tips, you can finally begin the process of creation. Every roleplay must start with something, correct? Before doing any of the central planning and establishing, we will need to lay the groundwork. Decide what species your group will consist of, what genre or type of roleplay it is going to be, what the ranking system and traditions are, what your roleplay’s history is, etc. All of this should be decided on before we begin creating the actual storyline and the setting. It isn’t a requirement to do all of the things listed here, but it would most likely help you later on.

In terms of in-game roleplaying, you first need to establish what kind of characters your group should allow. Keep in mind that there are only two models in the game- a canine and a feline. A majority of the groups out there consist of all canine or all feline, commonly known as packs or prides / clans. Using our imagination, however, we are able to create alternate species using those models such as horses, deer, dragons, humans, customs, etc. You will need to decide what species or how many different species you’ll want to include. The decision is completely up to you, though if you reject input or suggestions from others who might be able to help, you most likely won’t be finding many members willing to involve themselves. Try to come up with something that you are absolutely sure others might find interesting and enjoy.

Forum roleplaying will be the same, especially if it’s in the Feral-heart related section.

Now that you have your species, you can decide on what type of genre your group will be focused around. Would you like for your members’ characters to possess powers or even strange mutations? Or would you much rather have them go about their lives in a more realistic setting? As you will come to see, the genre will be a great help in establishing the plot for our group. Whichever genre you choose, be it horror, fantasy, realistic, historical or what have you, you will need to make it work somehow. We do not want everyone running around killing things with lightning bolts or ninja stars. Set a restraint on how far things can be taken when choosing any genre. Also don’t be afraid to mix and match genres to create something entirely different.

Here is a list of roleplay genres to choose from.

Anime / Slice of Life
Apocalyptic / Dystopia
Horror / Gore
Medieval / Fantasy
Modern / Fantasy
Modern / Realistic
Romantic / Comedy
Slice of Life

Not all of them may work out how you want, and there are some you must be careful with. Remember to always keep the Feral-heart rules in mind and that there are younger players who might want to join your group. You can’t be exposing them to very graphic or gory elements.

Ranks and Tags
A common thing roleplay groups have is a rank structure. There are the leaders at the top, recruits towards the bottom, and “task” ranks of different tiers in the middle. Setting up the structure is completely up to you, though be sure it makes sense to others. Feel free to look into other groups and see how their ranks are set up. Just be careful not to steal or copy their ideas. When setting up names and tags for your ranks, remember to also keep things simple and unique. Foreign or hard-to-pronounce names aren’t entirely necessary, and lengthy tags are a definite no.

When creating your ranks, you can also apply the genre you’ve chosen to the tiers of your structure and the names. For example, your roleplay group is based around a medieval premise. Your top tiers should consist of the King and Queen and the Noble ranks. The middle of your rank structure may have something along the lines of a Knight, a Guard, a Hunter, and other “task” ranks. The lower portion should consist of the Peasants, Apprentices, and your Recruits. It is a simple concept. Do not add fifty different ranks / jobs and tiers. That will over complicate things. Now, depending on what your roleplay is about, you can start renaming those ranks. The King can be known as the White Lord or simply the Regal. Your Knights can be renamed as the Warlords. Your creativity can shine brightly here, though like always, the names you choose must make sense.

Events and Traditions
If you ever reach enough members for your in-game roleplay group, you can always surprise them with events and other fun stuff. It encourages bonding and overall keeps the group tightly knit and close. The last thing you want is for some of your members to feel unwelcomed or left out. Schedule an event on a day when everyone is free to participate. Shower them with games, host a movie night, and don’t be afraid to create contests for them to partake in.

Traditions are something that is held ICly, both in-game and forum. They can be certain ways your group upholds their beliefs or religion. Your plot may contain something about the gods and how every month, your members will partake in a ceremonial howl or something along those lines. There could also be ceremonies to welcome new recruits into their first proper rank.

Mostly every group or roleplay out there has some sort of history. However, this is completely optional and can be done much, much later. If you would like an in-depth plot, a history usually comes in handy because it will let your members / players know what the purpose for this plot is and where it originates from. You may want to mention how your group was “founded” ICly, what Gods or other beliefs there might be, and how things fared from them to now. Be sure to have fun with this and provide as much information as needed, though remember the KISS Principle.

Naming your Group or Roleplay
Now that you have most of these things, you can finally name your group or roleplay if you haven’t done so already. Using what your roleplay is based off of and applying the genre, you can easily come up with a name. Take a look at the names of others and see what’s common and what is not. Remember that you are looking to be unique, not original. Being too unique may cause a bit of an issue. Don’t set up some strange or hard-to-pronounce name. Don’t use excessive symbols that decorate the name. Keep it simple, yet effective.

If you have any questions or would like to add something to this portion, do not hesitate to post them below.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 12:33:55 am by Panzram »

In-game user: Panzramic

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2015, 12:23:08 am »

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2015, 12:23:17 am »
Setting and World-Building

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2015, 12:23:30 am »
Maps and Websites

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2015, 12:23:40 am »
Tour of the Group Feature

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2015, 12:23:49 am »

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Re: wip ] Panzram's Guide to Creating and Hosting Roleplays
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2015, 12:37:00 am »
Although this is a work in progress, I have to say that this is a fantastic guide to creating a roleplay. There are some themes and techniques here that you've included that I've never considered, or even heard of before. I can tell that this is going to be an amazing tutorial and guide when it's finished. Good job!

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