Author Topic: ?? Curse of the Moon ??  (Read 1825 times)

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?? Curse of the Moon ??
« on: May 09, 2011, 01:12:55 pm »
Ahaha, first story on here....please rate!

NOTE: I may put in a considerable amount of violence and detail, so read with caution.


Prologue: Eclipse
Book of Warning Crescent
Book of Half Moon
Book of Alerting Chimes
Book of Red Anger
Book of Bloodshed
Book of Solutions
Book of Forgiving Sorrows
Epilogue: Sunrise

.:Current Characters:.

.:Author's Newsletter:.
5/9/11: Prologue is written! Might add in Illustrations and music.

Prologue: Eclipse

A white, soundless night.
In other words, silence filled the snowy valleys of Caelestia, the Celestal territory of the FrozenMoon Pack....or what was left of it, anyway. Akemi was the Female Alpha. She and her mate Takeshi were the only ones left after the Great Forest War. Even worse.....Takeshi had found another love interest. It was time for him to leave. Akemi had failed him, so she predicted that this would happen. Even though they tried many times, Akemi and Takeshi somehow couldn't make pups. No signs of little ones anywhere on Akemi. It was quite peculiar.
"I must leave now, Akemi."
"I am truly sorry. Please, go on and live."
"...are you okay with this, Akemi?"
"I'm sure. A cursed one like me should have never been a mate to you."
"Akemi. No matter how many times you say it, you are NOT the cursed one in the prophecy."
"B-but....I meet all of the conditions to be one!"
"...There's one condition that's still not satisfied."
"...and what would that be?"
"You do not have the Moon Mark."

Akemi heard an impatient howl in the distance.

"That is her. I must go now."

Akemi watched her only mate lave her in the snow, trashed away like rotton food.
She padded over to the Moon Cliff.
The moon in the sky was a full one, and there was a Lunar Eclipse coming as well.
Legend said that any pup born on this day would bear the mark of the curse, the Moon Mark.

Rumble. Kick. Roll.
Akemi suddenly felt sensations in her stomach.
What was happening?
Could it be.....?

Akemi had realized her worst fear.
She was going to give birth.
The moon slowly turned into a blood-red color. It shined more brightly than ever on the sparkling snow. The sensations would not stop. Akemi's belly felt cold......

Akemi wasn't in a condition to give birth, either.

If she gave birth, she would die after licking her pups. Their pups would not survive. But it was a blessing to Akemi, now that the Time of the Curse Birth had been occuring. She resisted it. Those pups had to die. NOW. But it was no use.

Even though the three other pups died on the now bloody-red snow, one still managed to make it.

A white pup.
With the Curse Mark on its forehead. A Black Crescent Moon.
Its wings were the color of Blue Ice, and combined with her lavender markings, she could have been the most gracefu Winged Wolf to live in Caelesia. Its eyes were the color of....Akemi really couldn't describe it.

According to the prophecy.....

The Pup that is born during the Red Full Moon shall surely be graceful.
However, that pup will bear a Black Crescent on their forehead, a symbol of the curse they have sealed inside of them.
The Black Crescent Curse states that wether it be Male or Female, it will kill everyone mercilessly, through paranoia.
If such a pup is ever born, it must be killed on the spot.

Akemi couldn't do that. It was her only pup, the last of the FrozenMoon Family. But it was cursed.
And it was too late to make a descision.

Akemi was losing life fast, and she could hardly breathe. With her remaining strength, she licked the "Cursed Pup" furiously.
With the last of her breath, the poor mother let out a long, mournful howl towards the bloody moon.

Takeshi of course, could hear that howl.

----Book One: The Book of Warning Crescent----

Well, this was truly a big pack.... No wonder the BlazingFire Pack called itself the strongest. Such a healthy and alive pack....along with discipline and honor. Even though I'm just a visiting loner, everyone seems to be being kind to me. It must be a strategic thing.
As I walk around, I see a few pups training. Most of them were black wolves with red or orange markings. The BlazingFire Pack Apprentices and Warriors were said to be very fierce. The pups here must be being taught well.
I watch the little pups practice their flame-handling.
However, there was one pup that seemed different.
It was a tiny white pup, with shining ice blue wings. I'm surprised that none of the little male pups had never tried to get near her.
Then I realized why.
She had a Black Crescent on her forehead, which means that she was cursed. Nobody believes the curse anymore, but it seems that this pack is still holding on to the myth about the curse.
The poor pup was using ice attacks, while the others were using fire, which meant that the Cursed pup didn't have a chance. WIP/
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 12:27:40 pm by KoriNeko »


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Re: ?? Curse of the Moon ??
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 08:45:00 pm »
This is great! :o I FEEL INTERESTED O_O that usually doesnt happen unless I love a story :O WHICH MEANS U MUST WRITE MORE!??!?!
....Please? :P