Author Topic: Not Divided ~ Journal  (Read 968 times)

Offline Jackkdaw

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Not Divided ~ Journal
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:03:54 pm »
This has just been an encouragement to me, so I wanted to share with you all here on FH.

As you know, my youth group experienced tragedy last week when the youth group van blew a tire and flipped- killing two of our beloved youth leaders.
Hours after the accident, one of the students- his mom, brother, and best friend were all on board (they are all perfectly fine, don't worry), returned to the crash sight to retrieve the cell phone of one of the leaders who had passed.
Obviously all of the van windows were completely blown out.
As he searched among the wreckage, he found this.
Our church decal sticker that was on the back windshield- holding together the piece of shattered glass it was on.

Well, he collected it and gave it to our pastor on Sunday- who used it as a demonstration that we "are broken, but not divided."
It is a reminder that we are going to be okay despite the horrid circumstance.

I just wanted to use this as an encouragement to you guys.
I don't know what you any of you are going through, but just know that no matter how hard the time is for you, you are held together by the love of your friends, the love of your family, and the love of God.

All things work together for good, and even when we can't see in the darkness, there is always light.

No matter what trials you are put through always be strong, because love is a powerful thing, and even in the lowest of valleys the love of others and of God can help you climb back up that mountain. <3

Thank you for reading, and please continue to keep us in your prayers.

An update on the student who is still in the hospital- he opened both eyes yesterday which is a huge good sign. He is still in critical condition, but is slowly improving.

Guys, I want you to know that it's okay to not be okay.
If any of you ever needs something or needs someone to talk to, feel free to PM me. <3
God bless.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 01:06:52 pm by JimMoriarty »
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