Author Topic: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?  (Read 42700 times)

Offline Dragoneer22

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2013, 03:50:28 pm »
He nodded. "You're welcome, I do need my daily eye candy." He slammed his head on the table, waking himself a bit, but mostly just causing pain. "Well, that hurt." He yawned. "So, what's up with you?"

Preston touched Rochelle's shoulder lightly. "Need help moving through the crowd Ma'am?"


Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2013, 09:47:12 pm »
    As usual.  He halted all movement as they introduced themselves and reached a hand out for a shake.  He thought about simply saying that he had to go and getting up, but dumping his nervousness he tried.  And shook Kyler's hand.  His grip was firm, but the shake was weak.  "Aster.  And  Ses-..!?"  He yanked his hand from the shake suddenly to smack the side of his neck suddenly like it was a mosquito bite.  "Sesthilis!"  He  yelled in a frighteningly quiet manor after she had nipped at his neck.  "Stop that!"  He growled at her...  He shook his head.  "Sorry.  I gotta go...  Have a match in a moment apparently...  I hate fighting..."  The last bit he mumbled as he stood.  "See you whenever."  He moved over, quickly finnishing most of the leftovers on his plate as he walked.  Clearing his plate and placing it on the rack to take for cleaning before he moved, walking out for the halls.  He wasn't in any rush...  

     As he moved through the halls for the teleporter things.  The message going over an intercom was already calling for the match participants.  8 names including his telling him to hurry there.  Entering the room and moving to boredly sit on his position rather than stand.  It was there that he noticed his blade was sat still on the table of the cafeteria.  And for the first time since he had been forced to come here.  He cursed, albeit minorly.  "Shiiiit..."  He buried his head in his hands.  Sesthillis snuck a glance from his hood just long enough to nuzzle the back of his neck before hiding back amongst it, trying to comfort him as the teleporters were already warming up to send them to the battlefields.  Sesthillis dropped from his hood.  Changing to her large form and simply sitting next to him, only visible for a brief moment before the flash and he was off to the battlefield without a weapon.  The matches were set.  And announcements were being called of who was fighting as they pointed out the anomaly that Aster didn't have his weapon.  Had he done it on purpose?  They couldn't know.  But now it was time for them to test their skills on their opponents.  

     They had said earlier that there wouldn't  be any fights today.  But that was a lie obviously as the screens around the place flashed on to show a sky view of the battle.  Aster still appeared to be sitting there with Sesthilis sitting in his lap, he simply rubbed at her neck.  They were both alert though.  What are they doing?  Was it some sort of strategy?  And if so.  How would it play out for this lowly rookie at Gylar Xen?  With no weapon and only leather trappings for armor.  How did he expect to win?  On the other side of the arena.  Another figure moved forwards looking for their opponent in a straight sprint.  If they could get this one in one quick clean strike like last time they would be able to win.  Hopefully it worked as well as last time.  

     Aster finally stood up.  Sesthillis also standing next to him.  His expression was different though.  Blank, with an unhealthy absence of enthusiasm.  He just stood there.  Listening to the quick footsteps through the trees and bushes.  Leaves rustling in wind overhead.  The forest again.  They were getting closer now as he only slowly took a few steps forwards.  He'd have to be extra careful if they had a weapon... How had he left his weapon sitting next to Kyler..?  His opponent burst through some bushes rushing for Aster ready to clip him a good one with their blade.  Who would ever give a warrior such a tool to fight with..?  He questioned to himself as he stepped backwards quickly, dodging the first long arc swing of the large weapon.  He had to be careful.  He couldn't make mistakes.  He needed to focu-  Uhhg!  He barely managed to evade the next swing  as it sent a  large cut straight through his leather shoulder sending blood running down his arm as he held it.  The opponent stopping to take a breath.  The heavy and unwieldy weapon showing it's weight as they stepped back ready to block a strike.  Before they noticed he didn't have a weapon and smiled.  

     "No weapon?  Just going to use your hands?  You expect that to work?"  They moved forwards for another swing, he leaned backwards grabbing their weapon bluntly, using his opponent's own weapon to keep his balance as he forced it down.  The tip of the scythe dug into the ground as he placed his left foot firmly on their weapon, and his right foot sprung up, mashing his heel straight into their chin as they flew up a foot or two and then just slumped down.  Their jaw had snapped loudly.  It was possible their jaw was broken or dislocated.  But where were the companions?  Sesthilis drug a large ice covered bat over next to the other cobatant, letting out a playful hissing squeel.  "Good job."  He stated, rubbing at the back of her neck.  His opponent was stunned and severely injured, trying to speak with some pain.  "What?  How..?"  "I have feet too."  He explained obviously, lifting one foot and pointing at it.  

    Aster had already engaged with the other person.  She knew that much at least.  So it was her job to keep Aster's opponent's companion from interfering.  She moved rapidly through underbrush and grass, using her decent sense of smell to track the unfamiliar scent of those here.  A large bat flew overhead, not quite aware of her.  She changed into her smaller form for the moment.  This was always so constricting to be like this.  But it let her hide much easier, plus in this form her wings were operable as she took off.  Such a small thing.  And shot for the bat like a rocket.  Smashing into the thing from the top just as she changed forms.  A small cup sized beast and suddenly much larger as the bat screeched being forced straight down for the ground by her weight as she gave him some free piercings on his wings, leaping off as they thumped down.  She focused then and breathed out, and then in on her opponent as a section of ice covered half of their body.  She hoped Aster would like this gift.  Her first hunt.  

     She hissed happily to Aster as she approached.  Dragging the bat along.  The companion was definitely fairly fresh.  Unused to life, let alone fighting.  She didn't kill them.  That wasn't good for making friends.  Above she heard some loud voice that seemed to echo a little too much, but as she thought about hissing to answer it, Aster rubbed her neck softly and she murred happily hearing him speak with praise "Good job.", sitting down next to his side as her tail curled about his ankle and she leaned against it.  "Round over.  The victor is Aster...  With a somewhat blistering comeback.  And without a weapon no less.  According to this he should have a reversed blade dagger...  Well.  Better get them to the infirmary.  Looks like there's a few injuries."  And then the screens showing Aster's fight blacked out as the others still continued.  

     In a soft flash she found herself next to their opponents in the infirmary. They quickly bandaged the cut on Aster's shoulder and rushed the other to set their jaw to heal.  "Uh...  Treat him nice."  Aster spoke unsure, though he wished his opponent well, crossing his arms.  This was the first he had seen Sesthilis stay her larger form outside the arena.  She nuzzled his leg, trying to make him get going.  So he did.  And she followed after still in her larger form.  Others stared at them, since all their companions were remaining in their small forms.  She didn't care though.  Being able to be so close to Aster was all she wanted nuzzling his leg as they walked.  He eyed her a little oddly as they walked but shrugged, now for them to find Aster's weapon...

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Galeforce

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2013, 10:16:46 am »
Hey guys, seems like I have to break my own rule, but I just got a message from Tomas saying that they blocked the OOC chat e.o I don't really see why it's a problem but hey, they're mods and I'm not, so obviously something about just having a chatting page messes them up or something. So it seems like we have to use this, though considering how much talking that happens I don't want the thread to be crowded too much. If you guys have Chatango, I can make a private site just for us to go to, though if it's just way too much trouble and we have no choice then I suppose we can just use this.

I'm gonna wait till Wolfy and Tomas's post so that I can slip in my usual turn for the rp, cause right now I'm exhausted e.e only came on when I got Tomas's note so made time to make a quick note on that. Try not to chat too much on here but if you do, try rping as well so that we don't lose track.

@Tomas: Your posts need to be longer. I'll let it slip this once but please try to be more creative.[/color

Offline Dragoneer22

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2013, 05:49:26 pm »
Sorry, that's what I get for writing in the morning. :U And you're welcome by the way.))

Thersea advanced towards the sword-wielder, then quickly side-stepped, brought her self behind him, as he began to turn she flung out one nunchuk for an attack. It connected with the figures head, turning the figure to ones and zeros as it turned to strike her.

A two figures appeared now. One wielding a staff, the other, yet again, had a sword. Though this one had a scimitar. She rushed towards them on the offensive.  She attacked the pole-wielder first, though he had other plans. The pole flung towards her chest, though she easily evaded. The second attacker descended from on high. She the blade with the chain of one nunchuk, and the pole that tried to smack her with the other.

Locked together she looked between the two figures. She yanked the pole down, then twisted the sword, sending out of the figures hand. She released her nunchuk and ran along the pole, giving a swift kick to the pole-wielder. She back -flipped, landing infront of the figure B. She sweeped her legs under him, knocking hus legs out from under him, then she jumped and landed elbow first on the figure, blasting him in to binary.

She quickly got back up, discarding the nunchuks. They were useless compared to her fists.
(To be edited later.)


Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2013, 11:22:59 pm »
((Oi, well, everything I was going to say I already sent to Draco in a note, which really doesn't matter anymore. >.> I'm posting to say I'm still here, but unfortunately cannot RP for crap at the moment... but I'll edit this post later and try to get in some RP. I mean, I know what I want to write, I just... can't. Sorry, please give me a moment. v.v''))
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 02:45:42 am by WolfishGrin »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2013, 11:17:14 pm »

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2013, 02:31:22 am »
((Ah... sorry guys... x.x I've really been struggling with my RP mood, and I've been attending other issues as well, so I'm very sorry I haven't been coming back to post. As for the chatango idea, I mean, if you're up for it I am too, but isn't that just a... chatbox? I think we'd need a bit more than just a chat box but, that's fine if that's all we need, I guess...

Another thing, em, since the OOC Chat thread got locked, I believe it was also deleted... along with the character forms and such... :c And how else will we be able to do recruiting now? ._.'

EDIT: And I know this isn't that much of a big deal, but ever since the staff sorted the Offtopic roleplaying section, our thread has been moved to the Animal Roleplays ( old news I know >.> ), but I don't think TS fits in either animal or human RPs, because... we have both? xD If you guys want, I can PM WhiteLightHeart ( whom seems to be the staff member 'patrolling' the Offtopic RP section if you will ) about moving this thread to the Misc. Roleplays section. And while I'm at it, I could ask her about our deleted thread and if it's possible to get any of that information back ( such as the character forms and OPs ).

Anyways, my post's a little jumbled up in direction and such, because I forgot the layout of the building, haha. ^^''))

"Nice to meet you," he said, grinning as usual.

But just then, the young man, now identified as Aster, yanked his hand from Kyler's grasp to swat at his neck. Slightly shocked and confused, Kyler slowly retracted his hand and furrowed his eyebrows in concern. He watched silently as Aster mumbled a handful of things, stood up, and rushed off. He was unable to catch most of his words except for that he had a match he was going to be in, and interestingly, "I hate fighting."

He opened his mouth to say something- good luck, good bye, or anything- but the young man had already hurried away. Kyler watched him move quickly out of sight with analytic grey eyes, and Mirrie hobbled dazed around his food tray at the sudden flurry of motion. She chirped confusedly, and cocked her head and different angles as she too watched Aster depart.

"I don't know," Kyler mumbled as confused as she was, "I didn't think there were any matches today as well..."

Almost as if they had heard them, a female voice over the intercom came on and announced the participants in the upcoming match. Kyler turned his head and strained to listen above the hubbub of the cafeteria, and his frown deepened when the announcer confirmed the name "Asterian Ni'Tiari."

Slowly, Kyler leaned back in his seat, unusually wary and seemingly tied all of the sudden. While he had made a dent in the pile of food he had served, the rest of it sat untouched and forgotten, for he had no appetite now. Bringing his hand to rub the bottom of his chin and lost in thought, Kyler's gazed fell across the table. A large, dark object to his right flagged his attention, and he realized that it was Aster's weapon. His eyes shot open and he scrambled out of his seat to retrieve it, reached across the table to grab it quickly but carefully. Mirrie fluttered out of the way, surprised in his sudden lunge.

"-Removed by Moderator-, that boy needs this!" Kyler took a split second to admire the blade and it's casing, before tucking it underneath his arm and grabbing his tray. "Come on, Mirrie, we gotta get this to Aster before he starts his match!" She warbled worriedly and flew onto his shoulder as he moved across the dining area to dump his tray into the trashcan. Looking around frantically for the spot to place used trays, he gave up and shoved it into an unsuspecting, nearby girl's arms.

"Here, gorgeous, would you mind putting this away for a troubled young man, thanks!" Kyler asked hurriedly already backing away. Without waiting for a response, he winked over his shoulder and moved away to exit the cafeteria. As he reached the doorway, he let out a relieved sigh and gripped Aster's weapon in his hands now, determined to find him before he entered his fight. Without anymore than a second's pause, he dashed off in the direction of the arena teleporters.

He knew he didn't have much time as he rushed along the hallways, trying to reach the teleportation room, and just as he reached the closed door, the tv monitors set up along the building flashed to life of the multiple arenas. He pushed against the locked doors, but he knew they wouldn't open- the participants had already been teleported to the arena. The battle had already begun.

Kyler cursed under his breath, and slammed a fist against the thick doors. "Damnit!" He took a breath and stepped away from the room, clutching the blade in his hand. Mirris chirped worriedly, trying to comfort him. He sighed, and glanced at the nearest screen and tried to identify the combatants they were showing. The announcer said two names, neither Aster, so he continued walking off towards the main lobby. He sat down there on a couch there, his eyes fixed on the monitor above him. When Aster's match came on, he sat up and listened to the announcers as they pointed out that he had no weapon with him. Kyler clenched his teeth, and moved the blade to his lap, watching as Aster simply sat with his companion near the battle field's forest. What the heck was he doing?

Once the battle unfolded, Kyler watched eagerly cheering the boy on as he proved himself against his armed opponent. As the odds turned in Aster's favor, a grin spread across his face. His opponent made a simple mistake while wielding his heavy blade, and once Aster caught it, Kyler knew he had the fight in the bag. In a matter of moments, the other combatant was on the ground, clutching his jaw beside his frozen companion.

"Oohoho!" Kyler muttered excitedly, glad the fight was over and delighted with the turn of events. He was impressed with the way that Aster was able to bring his opponent down so fast and efficiently, as the other arena battles weren't quite over yet. He was relieved that Aster had won the battle with ease, but in the back of his mind something made him feel a little uneasy. Unsure what that was about, Kyler shook his head and brushed the feeling aside, standing up with the young man's blade still in his hand. 

"Alright, Mirris, let's go find him now," he said, stroking his companion's furry head, and headed off towards the medical wing to find Aster and return his weapon to him. When he reached the infirmary, he noticed a hooded figure walking out accompanied by his ice dragon creature in her large form. Breaking out into a grin at the sight of them both, Kyler gestured to get the couple's attention and called, "Hey, Aster!"

He moved over to join them, and patted the young man's shoulder saying, "Wow, congratulations on the crushing victory! I got to hand it to you that was a really great match- the both of you." He nodded towards Sesthilis as well. "Oh, yeah, I believe this is yours." He continued, extending the sheathed weapon to Aster, "Sorry I couldn't get it to ya before the match started, but you obvious fared fine without it!"

((Holy sheet, didn't think I had that much RP in me... Man, took forever to type that up, though. e3e Ah, well, it could've been better but I'm glad I was finally able to write it down. Sorry for the wait and the fact that I haven't really RPed with anyone else besides Aster. D8 Everyone's just so... spread out or absent, and who knows what's going to happen with any new RPers... ;n;))
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:25:25 pm by Kynvuu »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline Verinian

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The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2013, 08:38:08 pm »
((Lol, I spent awhile listening to that. xD Who you gonna call?

Btw, has anyone seem Tomas? I can hardly remember the order now, but I think it's his turn. No rushing or anything... ^^'' And what about, like, Re, and Buio? Anyone seen them? .-. I've seen Draco a little bit in-game, but I don't spend too much time in-game at one time so... I dunno. Everything's just all hectic, but my offer to PM WhiteLightHeart and see about our RP stuff still stands if you guys would like me to do that... ._.))
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline Verinian

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Re: ?Talent Seekers? ?Fantasy, combat, creatures??Open and Accepting?
« Reply #29 on: June 30, 2013, 01:09:24 pm »
I dunno anymore...   I don't even know what to do.  And I don't even think calling the ghostbusters would help with this one...

The shadows that surround us.

The Plight of a Dragon.  Chapter 2

I...  Might literally be losing my mind...  It's scaring me... ;-;