Author Topic: {|: As Time Fades :|} - Semi-Realistic | Literate | Fantasy | Open & Accepting -  (Read 17219 times)

Offline Bunnehz8D

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The light above will shatter into pieces as darkness fills the world.

The musty gray skies filled the upper area of the world, bringing the early Sunday morning a dull glow. Cumulus clouds danced upon the horizon, shielding eyes from the sun's warm glow. The moon still towered in the sky, not quite ready to take it's bidding upon the small town of Harven.
The old, worn-down streets scattered dust into the air, making the whole place seem like a foggy mess. Prints of Horseshoes were forever stamped into the dirt, never letting the moment the old stallion pressed his hoof into the ground, steering a carriage away from the filthy mess of an area. There were many residents here, yet they mostly preferred to tend to themselves, keeping their families locked up inside their little house, never to show their faces.
As the night made it's descent, the day took it's place, giving light and warmth to the streets. Faces peered through curtains inside windows, pondering if to take a leave from the dusty old house, and find life out in the streets. Then, one young maiden, who could only be around the age of fifteen or sixteen, took a step out of her small cottage, flowing hair in the wind.
 A few others decided to make their life a little more...interesting. Creaking their doors open, some shielded their eyes from the sun, it's warm glaze was a new thing, since they had always been kept up in the shadows of their homes. Cautiously making their way outside, slowly, Harven was to teem with life.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 08:12:46 pm by Bunnehz8D »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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This RP takes place in the early 1800s, when there is few to no technology. People still ride in horse-drawn carriages, the poor still may use candles for light in their house, and there is still un-tamed Wilderness in the realm in which this all happens in.
If you are uncomfortable with fantasy things such as Shifters, Elves, Werewolves, etc. Then do not join this RP, because those things are what mostly take up roles in the plot and such.

As time fades the light above will shatter into pieces as darkness fills the world.
 Grey skies let no light touch the soil as it once did as darkness towers among the skies.
 The forevermore night passes by, guarding the cage that bears the sun.
 Thundering roars crack and shiver among the icy heavens.
 Earth binds itself with hell, demons lurking about.
 Soon do those discover the ghosts among them.
 The kingdom of peace and happiness is long forgotten as the new era overcomes it all.
 The time of darkness has come, spread the word, or you may be done.

Since the prophecy may be rather confusing, I shall give an explanation for those who get their minds twisted about trying to figure out what it means.

As time fades the light above will shatter into pieces as darkness fills the world. As the time passes bad things will happen.
Grey skies let no light touch the soil as it once did as darkness towers among the skies. The bad things will overpower all else, making it almost impossible for one to fight it and end with victory.
The forevermore night passes by, guarding the cage that bears the sun. The dark creatures who overpowered all else put all who dare challenge them into a prison that they may never escape.
Thundering roars crack and shiver among the icy heavens. The creatures bring horrid storms into the lands, and the skies flash with lightning.
Earth binds itself with hell, demons lurking about. The world seems like it has become hell with the dark creatures ruling over.
Soon do those discover the ghosts among them. People find out there are traitors among them who are followers of the demons.
The kingdom of peace and happiness is long forgotten as the new era overcomes it all. People soon forget they ever had a happy life as the darkness is almost a disease.
The time of darkness has come, spread the word, or you may be done. Those who do not believe in the demons will be taken by surprise as their world changes before their eyes, unprepared they are bound to perish.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 06:00:28 pm by Bunnehz8D »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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The Rules

Since this is a fantasy RP, I will give a list of Species allowed.

Species listed in White are not able to have elements.

Species listed in Grey are able to have elements.









If I forgot anything please tell me and I will add it to the list.

I do note however, that a Dire is simply a stronger and smarter demon, but rare. So not all Dires will be accepted, and anyone who wants to be a Dire will have to start out as a Demon. Also if you are to be a shifter, you must put what species you can shift into, and provide a picture of your character in that form.


Species: Wolf-Shifter

[Human Picture]

[Wolf Form Picture]

I will also give a list of classes allowed inside the RP, and more will be added later as I think of them.

Tends to carry a weapon more often, and will battle often.

Usually likes to lurk around at night, and tends to kill innocents. Always carries a weapon.

An average person, usually innocent.

King, Queen, Princess, Prince, etc. Just like a peasant, but in a higher league.

Sorry for the lack of classes, I could not think of many. If you have any class ideas, please inform me and I might add it to the list.

Note: You must ask permission to be a Royal who fights, or to have two classes.

Please respect and follow all Feral Heart rules, no matter what the cause.

If you are not Roleplay (IC|In Character) Then please put brackets around your post. Brackets: () [] {} etc.

No Mary/Gary Sues. This means your character cannot be perfect at every. single. thing.

If you chose to be a Shifter, you may only have one animal your character can shift into.

This is a literate RP, so at least 5 sentences in your post, and keep it detailed. I do not accept:

Bob woke up. He scratched his chin. He was hungry.

But we do accept:

Bob woke up from his deep slumber, drowsily looking around. Scratching his whiskery chin, the young man heard a loud grumble. Alerted, he looked around cautiously, wondering where it came from. He checked everywhere, making sure nothing was spying on him. That was when he smelled a delicious aroma from the kitchen. The rumbling sound had only been his stomach! Running into the kitchen, the hungry man eagerly took a plate out of the cupboard to eat his bacon.

Yes, that is what I mean by detailed. So please stick to this rule.

No God-Modding or Powerplaying/Insta-Kills. This means you cannot just stab somebody and kill them. You one, have to ask permission before killing a character that is not yours, and two, Let the other person reply before you can hit them again.

Stay semi-realistic guys, there are no unicorns running around or griffins. This is simply made for human fantasy, not animals.

I don't care how much you whine and beg, you cannot and will not have a character who is a god, or even part god.

Please stay PG-13, this is not a RP with sexual behavior in every corner, and gore everywhere. If you wish to do this, please take it to PM with the other person. (Please add tomato to the Other section of your character application.)

You may have unlimited characters, as long as you are active on all of them.

You are allowed to post a picture of your character at the top of your post of what form they are in, and small pictures of the events inside of the roleplay post, such as where this is happening, what they saw, etc. Just as long as you don't spam it or use huge pictures. (NO SEXUAL PHOTOS OR HEAVY GORE)

More rules will be added later.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 06:47:02 pm by Bunnehz8D »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 03:15:21 am by Bunnehz8D »

Offline Bunnehz8D

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Haven Moona Lee





She can be rather shy around strangers, and will appear small and helpless, but that is right before you realize how skilled she is. Also very sarcastic at times, she can be a know-it-all when she feels like it. A bit of an attitude, she isn't to most kind person you meet, but when you get to know her, she is very nice. She is very fast and stealthy, able to hide in the shadows like a ghost. Quite an artist, this young girl can draw almost anything at least decently, especially cats. She can sing well, like most girls too. But, she isn't much of a cook, so don't ask her to make you something to eat. Another con is she isn't best best swimmer, but she can definitely climb. Jumping from tree to tree, you would think she were an elf.

Just like any child, she would crawl around and gurgle, laughing at almost anything, except for being hungry.

Slightly more intelligent than the average toddler, she was slowly developing the skills of art. It may have looked like mere scribbles to an adult, but with the imagination of her, she could see it as a cat cuddling with her kittens.

Like most children, she went to school, learning, developing, and of course, drawing. Now her art was more noticeable, and rather nice. She started drawing cats, horses, and many more furry creatures, but it would be rare to find her darw a wolf. For a strange reason, she preferred not to draw wolves, or any canine for that matter. It was like a sort of disliking taken upon the canines. Also at this age, her mother had passed and that urged her father to teach her how to survive on her own. She then became a daddy's girl.

Since her family was more rich than others, she was able to graduate from school with impressive grades. A large brain and a large imagination, she began to sell pieces of art. Deciding art was what she wanted to do, she began to make a profit off of things. Of course, that was in her free time. Her father was making it tougher and tougher yet for the young girl. He had her practice daily with sword fighting and her bow and arrow. He was just protective for his little girl, as he never wanted her to get hurt.

More to come.

A long, beautiful silver sword with ancient carvings in the handle. Has been passed down from generation to generation. (Achieved From | Father) A magnificent wooden bow with a peculiar shape. Has pretty carvings on the handle made by Haven. Her father gave it to her for her 16th birthday. (Achieved From | Father)

A beautiful white horse with a silver mane and tail. (Name | Ivory |) (Age | 4 Years ) (Gender | Mare ) (Achieved From | Mother | Mount)

Tomato. c:

Roleplay Sample
(I own this RP I don't need one.)
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 03:06:04 am by Bunnehz8D »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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((I'd like to join as soon as I can get on my computer I'm not at home.c:))
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Bunnehz8D

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((I'd like to join as soon as I can get on my computer I'm not at home.c:))

((Alright, thanks for telling me. I'm excited to roleplay with you. ^^ ))

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((Question; The roleplay, is it all circled around a fight between good and evil? I'm just trying to clarify for my characters.))
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

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(WIP Finished!)

Oriella Yishata Achterberg


Eighteen Years

Wolf Shifter



Oriella wasn't brought up like the other children that lived outside the castle. She wasn't allowed to run and play or get a little dirty. She was always being taught how to act proper and how to walk like a princess, how to eat like one, how to talk like on, etc. She didn't have many friend either, just the maids and servants that took care of the royal family. Oriella never gets to leave the castle unattended, and when she does get to leave it's for a meeting with a prince from another town. Oriella longs to live elsewhere, where she doesn't have to be a princess, but this is her life and she must live it.

Weapons(You may only have two)
Since she is a princess she is not allowed to wield weaponry.

She has a pet dog named Orion. She also has a black stallion, but she rarely gets a chance to ride him.


Roleplay Sample
Oriella looked in the mirror, her large honey brown eyes were bright and full of life. She looked at her features, she had a slim face that was framed with long dark wavy hair that fell down to her waist. Her skin tone was almost as white as snow and made her eyes shine even brighter. Oriella had just a light amount of eyeliner on her top lid and just a faint amount of blue eye shadow to match her blue gown. Her gaze traveled down to her dress, it was sky blue and had a silky texture to it as well as lace at the bottom. It was sleeveless and had diamonds across the front of it, making intricate swirls and twirls. This dress was one of her favorites. She got up from the chair she had been sitting on and walked over to her bedroom door, her white heels clicking on the wooden floor. Her small hand reached for the doorknob but the door was opened from the other side by one of the servants. "Oh, Princess!" she said in surprise as she bowed "Your father has asked me to come bring you to him." Oriella frowned "Okay. I shall be there in a moment." Oriella went to her nightstand to retrieve her crown "Oh! Can you bring Orion inside please?" The servant bowed "Yes, Princess." Oriella smiled at her "Thank you." She lifted the crown of the nightstand and looked at it. It was silver with pink gems in it. It was rather beautiful but she hated wearing it, it hurt her head. SHe sighed then exited the room to go see her father, the king.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 01:08:17 am by ????????? »

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Offline FantasyDawn

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Adelheid Monika Klaus



Species(Human, Elf, Shifter, etc.)

Class(Assassin, Warrior, Peasant, etc.)
(she is actually a part of a familly of nobles,so not related to kings or queens,just in a higher rank than peasants,im not sure where to put her but if it's not okay,i'll change.)

Adelheid is your average tomboy-in-a-dress type of girl.In fact,you'll rarely see her wearing dresses or other sophisticated clothing.She likes living modestly and would rather choose to go on an adventure that includes fighting then rather staying locked in a house.She is friendly and would gladly help someone in trouble.However,you may find Adelheid as an arrogant person who can't help but just see and criticise other people's flaws.She's not gentle as a flower like every girl should be and her short-tempered attitude makes her snap easily.When angry,this girl doesn't care anymore if she says something rude to someone and she's less likely to apologise.

Just like any baby,she would either sleep in her crib or crawl around the corridors,looking for someone to play with.

During this time,Adelheid and her older sister,Elizabeth, spent most time together,learning to read,write and,of course,playing.Their father used to tell them stories about great kings,fairies and elves but Elizabeth never paid too much attention to them.

Now older,Adelheid's behaviour changed completely.After all the fairy tales she read,she started seeing herself as the prince who was meant to save the princess,this is why she would run around,dressed like a "warrior",pretending she was fighting with dragons.Meeting with the boys in the village was her favourite thing to do,seeing as how they were always competing on who can ride best a horse,shoot an arrow further or win a duel.Adelheid's parents usually complained on how they have a son instead of a younger daughter and Elisabeth would tease her,calling her "brother".Seeing her insistence,Adelheid's father started teaching her how to fight,ride a horse,and use a bow,useful for future soldiers.


Adelheid became more skilled in battle and aspired becoming a soldier.Her mother was rather dissapointed of her because she wanted both her daughters to be lady-like,not going out in the unknown,with the risk of getting killed.She tried convincing Monika by giving Elizabeth as a good example bu the girl wouldn't listen.Her once strong bond with her sister slowly vanished,mainly because Elizabeth became the most loved child in the family and not Adelheid.

Weapons(You may only have two)
A long,sharp sword and a dagger which she always carries around,to make sure she's safe.

Pet/Mount(You may only have one Pet and one Mount)
Asfaloth,a light-brown horse with golden mane.She is very fond of him.
4 years-Stallion-Achieved from:Father

She hates the name Monika,therefore she never uses her second name.
Her sister is 2 years older than her.

Roleplay Sample
The 10-year old girl couldn't sleep,not during this night at least.Shifting throught the blanket,a small smile escaped her lips.Swiftly,she got out of the bed and,tresspassing the darkness that filled the room,Adelheid soon found herself in front of the door to Elizabeth's bedroom.The door creaked open,revealing,as far as human eyes could see,another girl,sleeping peacefully.It would be a shame to wake her up from her dreams,but Adelheid didn't cared much.She advanced towards the bed,accidentally stumbling across a doll Elizabeth probably left on the floor.Her sister didn't played too much with toys anymore,but whenever bored,she would join her younger sibling's games.Monika tried pushing Elizabeth gently,hoping she would wake up without too much effort."Hey,sis,wake up!"she said,breaking the silence.She didn't received anything but a lazy moan as an answer.This time,she pinched her sister's cheek."Sis,wake up!"Elizabeth's eyes opened a little."Go to your room,Adelheid."she ordered her younger sibling.But she knew too well Monika's stubborness."I would,if I could sleep."Adelheid replied."So you have to bother me now?I'm surprised you actually made it here,without crying,because of the darkness."Elizabeth said,her lips curving into a smile."I'm a big girl now,I'm no longer afraid of the darkness!One day,I will be a great warrior,you'll see!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 06:16:58 am by Fantasyna »
