Author Topic: ||The Path of Destruction|| {PG-13} {Sci-Fi RP} {Open & Accepting!}  (Read 3206 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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The Path of Destruction

It was once told, that if you choose the wrong path, you choose the path of destruction.....

It was long for spoken about a prophecy of a choosen one, who is born under a lucky star... In other words spoken.... The Lucky one.... Or as others like to call it, The Choosen One.
It was told - That if one was born under the lucky star... has always had an arch-enemy.... Who, well, maybe you're just the lucky one were looking for, eh? Haha.

The real point of this, is that you are the lucky one..... Maybe the enemy of the lucky one? We'll just have to find out. Shall we move on, to the story part, of what it all began of?

It all started in 3456. It was a sunny and normal day, with kids playing outside in there own rooms or streets, when out of the sudden, the sun was blacked out by the moon in the way.
People, didn't really pay much of attention to it, as everyone knew it was the Eclipse time.
But one strange looking old man, spoke up, to all the people that were near him at that moment.
"People of Besalina! I have come here to warn you all, of a prophecy told by the god itself!" People, looked suspicios at the strange old man. Everyone thought, of how he came to be here in this city. After all, whoever enters the city, is a neibghor to all... Expect him. So, as he told of a prophecy, everyone gathered to hear what he had to say. "The god itself, told me to tell you a prophecy, or as you all like to call, a 'message'! He told me, that child's will be born under a lucky star and be the choosen one's! They will save us all, from the grave danger, that is nearing near us!"
After, that, the eclipse was starting to disapier and when the sun showed up, the old man dissapiered into the thin air, like the win itself!

Nobody, really paid attention to that prophecy, or a message so called, sent from the god itself!
But, one stormy night..... A child was born.... It was told that it was born under the lucky star!
And so on... a lot of children were born under the lucky star! But with them, were born the arch-enemies, of the choosen one's.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 11:08:58 am by TinyTail »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ||The Path of Destruction|| {Ranks & Locations!}
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2014, 08:18:55 pm »
The Ranks of Besalina

The Choosen Ones
So, basically, if you're born under the lucky star. You'll be the choosen One.

The Arch-Enemy
So, they are the Arch-nemies of the Choosen Ones. They are born after the lucky star. They are not the lucky ones, no.

The Emperor of Besalina
So basically, the ruler of all Besalina.
He might seem all happy and kind at the first sight. But when you really get to know him.
You better run my child. He is very rude and gets angry at every slightest gone wrong thing.
As far as I heard, he is the worst Emperor, that ever rulled their kingdom.

Empress of Besalina
She is formely the wife of Emperor. She is highly respected as the Emperor.
She is more nice and kind and can be very touched. She is beloved by all the Besalina.

Next In-Command
So, basically, if the Emperor is not in a very good shape, busy or is dead. The Next In-Command, takes over.
He is highly respected as the Emperor itself. But if the Emperor is near, he will be threated as every other medium rank.
As I heard, the Next In-Commond is Emperor's and Empress son.

Emperor's Teller
So, this is the rank of of the Emperor's Teller. They mostly tell Emperor's what to do if the Emperor doesn't know or has no idea what to do.
They are not very respected, but if you talk with them nice, you might get somrthing out of 'em!

Royal Guard
So, the Royal guard is the one who protects the high-ranks. Such as Eperor, Next In-Command or Emperor's Teller.
They are respected with the rest and if needed Royal Guard's may take on missions that other guards can't.
They are trusted by the Emperor very much.

Emperor's Daughter
The daughter's of Emperor and Empress. Their are respected as everyone else and is kept safe very well.
Whoever tried to harm their children, died or were sent to dungen.

Lead Guard
The Lead Guard.... Well, he is there to attend to the Emperor.
He is the lowest, compared to the Royal Guard, but is respected the same.

A simple guard. They are mostly found outside the castle. But when needed they will be summoned or may come to tell a message.

They are the lowest and are the poorest. They are not very well respected.

They are most unrespected people in the Kingdom of Besalina.
They can be found anywhere, so I suggest you stay way from them.

Yes, I know that they are the same, but there are a lot of saying's of there names.
They will steal from gold to bread, so I suggest you keep you're treasure safe from thoes.

Still need time to choose? Go on, there's plenty of time!
I'll meet you by the Lacations. Okay?

This is the castle of Besalina! Beautiful isn't it?
Let's move on. Shall we?

This is more like it!
Alright. So this is the close up of Besalina Kingdom castle.
Basically, the ones I mentioned after the Chossen One and Arch-Enemy. Thoes live there.
This city is the most beautiful of all around it and is most likely the target for lurking Assassin's and Thief's.
You might want to check you're back to see if you're not being followed, my friend.

The cities are most magnificent to be in.
They are beautiful and magnificent to see, for the first time if you're here.
You might want to explore all of 'em if you're a tourist. Haha.

Some of 'em may seem as if you're near the castle, but they are just simillar to Besalina Kingdom Castle, because the Emperor's Teller or the Royal Guard or so, may be found there.
Maybe you'll be lucky to see how they are trained.

Some might seem like from the creations of the movies or maybe even you're own dreams.
The cities are most likely filled with people and life, but be careful, you don't know what people you might find lurking around just the corner, ready to...... STRIKE.

Some may even look like the dungun or even creepier.
But don't worry! As long as you are with me, nothing will harm you, for now.

Some might look like test labaratories. Why?
Because, there must be one city where tests are being tested.
Maybe you'll be just the lucky one to see them or even to test them with you're own will!

Some might even remind of a dead spider. But don't you worry, everything will be all'right! I

In the night, the cities shine very beautiful. Like a shining Diamond or even crystal!
It is a miricale to see them at night as they beautifuly shine.

This might remind you of the castle, but it is not.
It is the training center, where you are being trained for just the right rank you wish of. Expect for Emperor and Empress and also Next In-Commandrank. They are not available.

This the last of all the cities.
This is the Underground city, where the Thief's and Assassin's lurk in.
If you're not one of them, you might want to go back from where you came from. Unless you wish to have problem with them.
If you are looking for trouble. No luck for you.

The only place where only the strongest ones survive.
Are you that strong enough to survive? We'll see!

Only thoes with the pure heart can see this. Thoes who are not pure hearted, are not worthy to see this Sacred Crystal Cave.
Are you pure hearted?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 11:09:28 am by TinyTail »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ||The Path of Destruction|| {Rules, Application, Plot/Story & Time!}
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2014, 12:39:25 pm »

1. Respect all FH Rules and Rp Rules!
2. You may choose to be any of the above listed ranks! If the rank is taken, you will have to choose from other listed ranks above!
3. You may have as many characters as you may, as long as you can handle them!
4. No Power-Play, God-Mod, ect. People get annoyied by that. :/
5. Please, post 2-3 sentences just to make this Rp a bit more literate. If you have a Post-Block, it is alright to post 1 sentence. But don't make it too offen!
6. Page 13+ only! Lower aged people are not allowed! Sorry. :c
7. You are allowed to cusse, but don't make it too offen!
8. Please, don't let this Rp die! :c I worked hard on it! I know I can do better, but it's just all the lazy day's.... Yah know...
9. If you do not like this Rp, please just simply message me or post in this board telling that you are leaving this Rp. Not just simply leave and make people mad. :/
10. If you break any of these rules ( I don't say anything about the Post-block, character choosing, how many characters you wish to have, the choosing of ranks, or the Rp die) you will be amideatly kicked out of this Rp! I am sorry. :c
11. If you have read the rules, the Location's and everything else, put Lucky One, somewhere in you're application! Thank you! ^.^
12. For god sake! Have fun! ^.^

Code: [Select]
[center][img] IMAGE GOES HERE! [/img][/center]
Full Name
Personality (Optional)
History (Optional)
Weapons (Optional)
Family(Yes, it is okay to even say who's you're gf/bf or children)


Not Started, Yet.

Time~ 8:00 AM
Weather~ Sunny
« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 12:59:13 pm by TinyTail »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ||The Path of Destruction|| {PG-13} {Sci-Fi RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2014, 01:00:31 pm »

"Life is easy, when you know how to live."

she is knowen by her Assassin name~ Falcon.

Full Name~ Her real name is~ Zeta Lee. But she never tells anyone her real name. Just her nickname. Falcon.

Genger~ Her genger is Female. I think it is seeable to you?

Personality~ Sacrastic, but outgoing. She is the one for anyone. She might seem all rude and unfriendly, but when you get to know her. She is pretty awesome. She can be sneaky like the wind, but tricky as the fox.

History~ She never told anyone her history. But hey! If you get to know her and if she can trust you, she will tell you.

Rank~ Asssassin

Skills~ You will know in the Rp!

Weapons~ An adviced potocol and a remake of a sniper's gun. She also has a small hiden knife and a small laser gun.

Family~ N/A

Other~ N/A

"You can be all dirty and unfriendly. But inside you're heart, you can be very gentle and friendly. If you want."

Name~ Lily

Full Name~ Wendy Vincent Lee

Genger~ Female

Personality~ Friendly and always there to help. You'll see her when you need help and if you're one of her friends.

History~ Prefers not to talk about it.

Rank~ The Chosen One

Skills~ Rp.

Weapons~ A Laser gun and a tech to let her track anyone she ever wishes to.

Family~ N/A

Other~ N/A

« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 01:33:22 pm by TinyTail »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ||The Path of Destruction|| {PG-13} {Sci-Fi RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2014, 03:21:45 am »
Bump? :c

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ||The Path of Destruction|| {PG-13} {Sci-Fi RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2014, 11:10:40 am »
Bump? :c
Someone please join. ;u;

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ||The Path of Destruction|| {PG-13} {Sci-Fi RP} {Open & Accepting!}
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2014, 11:41:09 am »
Bump, again... ;c

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