Author Topic: Renegade Row Info  (Read 10913 times)

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Renegade Row Info
« on: October 11, 2020, 11:44:24 am »
Founded: 4/27/2018
Launched: 8/11/2020
Temporary Hiatus

* Note: The group has gone on a temporary hiatus until further notice. If you are still interested in joining, you may still do so!

Misfits and outcasts far and wide who've found each other on their travels
have banded together to form a group, a family, who stick together through thick and thin, always
having each others backs. Will you tag along and join the ranks of the Renegades?

Renegade Row (RR) is a roleplay/social group focused on promoting in-game activity.
The overall goal for RR is to make a safe haven for people to make friends, relax, and have fun.
While this group’s main focus is in-game activity, be it through social interaction or roleplay,
we will also accept  those who can’t always be active in-game but still wish to join.
We are currently a bundle of 35+ Renegades and we are always accepting new recruits!


Our group utilizes a simple dice system to make some decisions within roleplay.
Before joining, please read more about this system so you can have an understanding of how things will work:


Our current home is located south of Bonfire Islands:

We are very loose with character deign restrictions and we encourage you to get creative with your character, however all we ask is that you try not to use neons, horns, or other similar things. If you have a question about if your character's color, design, or item that’s apart of their design will fit or not, don't be afraid to ask!

Anybody can join, for this is an open group for anyone who wishes to roleplay with us. Your roleplay style doesn't truly matter so long as we can clearly understand what you are doing so we can keep the flow of the roleplay going!

While the group is made up of primarily wolves and lions, we will accept a wide range of other large to medium sized canine and feline animals, however keep in mind that smaller creatures such as foxes, cats, and others that are similarly sized will be unable to take on branches that require a more physical approach such as fighting, defending, and hunting to some degree. However, depending on what you wish to do with your character, we can most certainly try to work something out!

While we have the four branches; Fighter, Guard, Hunter and Medic, we also have an additional base rank that won't throw you into ranking up your character. If you would just like to be apart of the group and roleplay with others without having to follow any branch of skills, then that's completely doable! For our branching members, the choice to rank up your character is entirely up to you. We will not force you to rank up your character and have you go through the motions to maintain a spot here in the group. When you are ready, we'll be here to bring you through the ranks.

Here's a list of our ranks if you are interested!: Renegade Row Ranks

While this is a roleplay group, roleplay doesn't have to be the entire focus. If you'd like, you can just hang out and socialize with everyone.

This group’s main focus is to promote in-game activity. Upon joining, we ask that you remain active as best you can. If you cannot uphold an active status however, don’t worry! As stated above we will also accept those who can’t really be active either. At it’s core RR is a safe haven for people to make friends, relax, and have fun.

While we do have a discord server and some of the group's functions use discord's tools in order to use the dice system mentioned above, we strongly encourage in-game activity as it is our main focus. Most importantly, discord activity does not count as group activity, only in-game activity counts.

Our server is made up primarily of our group members, however you are more than welcome to join the server as a guest to check things out and talk with our members for some time to help decide if you would like to join the group or not.

Server Link

Note: Some aspects of the server are still a work in progress.

This forum will primarily only be used for member's training reports as to not clutter this forum with multiple duplicate threads. The report's primary use is to help the RR staff and it's members keep track of it's their rank progress. It is not mandatory that you register an account on it, if you plan on ranking up your character, you will have to make one.

Forum Linkie
(The forum is still incomplete in some areas!)

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. I will be happy to answer!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2022, 08:59:00 am by Ame88 »

Profile picture by Telluric
Thank you ;u;
Bio | My Creations
Renegade Row | FeralHeart Resort