Author Topic: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. [Inactive since 04/12/2012]  (Read 21862 times)

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2012, 03:40:33 am »
((I would've joined your roleplay, but back then I didn't actually consider playing the games 'xD
I'm gonna start before I explode of excitement ;w; My head hurts right now, so this'll be a little failish.))

Voices from another room bounced in the air, sunlight streaming through an open window.

"Zecora, wake up!"

"Alright, alright... Five more minutes." Zecora yawned and rolled to one side, but realized instantly after that there was nothing beneath her. She landed on the floor with a thud, peering through one eye to see her mom at the doorway. The girl slowly got to her feet, rubbing her eyes to show her drowsiness. "Myeh. I'm up."

"Well, good morning, then." her mom replied with a smile, turning and beginning to walk back out. "Breakfast will be ready in five minutes."
"Okay. I'm hungry~" Zecora trilled, brushing herself off and giving herself an approving stretch. It never took her that long to perk up in the mornings, even though it was difficult to wake her up. She smiled and greeted the morning with a yawn, turning on one foot to fix the sheets on her bed, which were laying half on the floor. I wonder what we're having for breakfast, she wondered, her thoughts abruptly cut off by an annoyingly familiar voice. "Zekky, breakfast's ready!" her younger brother's voice echoed from down the hall. Dropping her arms to her sides, she sighed and threw a halfhearted glare over her shoulder. "Don't call me Zekky!" Then she dropped the irritated tone, and added, "I'll be done in a few minutes, I need to get dressed." Zecora shrugged away the smug response of her brother's and rummaged through the drawer for the ivory and maroon laced clothes she usually wore. Dragging them out, she changed out of her pajamas and into her daytime clothing.

After getting dressed and ready for the day, Zecora headed down to the kitchen, the scent of fresh-made pancakes wreathing around her. Her sibling, Aaron, was sitting at the table-- at least, until his sister entered the room. "Nuuuu, no questions. No questions," she repeated, raising her hands in front of her face protectively and taking a step back. "What were you writing last night? A love letter?" Aaron asked with a smug grin on his face, obviously ignoring her plead.
"I was writing down music notes for my ocarina, silly," Zecora replied, taking a seat. She poked at the arrangement of fruits and vegetables in a weaved bowl with one finger, then chose a pear and sat it on her plate. With a squeak of excitement she clapped her hands together in enthusiasm, looking up as her mother plopped a pancake on each and every plate. "Yay, food!" she gasped happily, digging in as soon as her parents said in unision, "Ready, set, dig in!"

Zecora tipped back in her chair and gave another good stretch. "Thanks for the breakfast, mother!" she thanked solemnly, dozing off into thoughts about today. I wonder what we're gonna explore today. With a smile, she grabbed her small white and red tophat and set it on her head, earning a snicker from her kin. "You're just trying to act like Professor Layton!" he teased. The girl took her hat off and hugged it in defense. "But it's my hat," she pouted jokingly, repeating the process of putting it back upon her head, then turned to the door. "I'm going outside," Zecora informed her parents, seeing her father nod in approval. "Be back before sunset!"
"I will!" she answered, tilting her hat on her head and walking out the door with a giggle.

((My post is a little bland, I think, I've gotta get ready for bed. I couldn't help but start because I'm so excited to get this roleplay started >w<
I think I got this right? Considering in the roleplay it's morning. xD))

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2012, 02:37:08 pm »
((That's quite fine. And I might wait a bit before I start as Luke, for now I'll just get Artie started))


It was another fine morning back at the stables, which not far from London. On horseback, it was a fifteen minute walk.
How Artemis loved to shorten that.

With a sigh, the young adult stepped out from the flat where which she had been staying overnight; it had rained rather hard the night before, which was quite unusual for this area. "Bruce, I'm heading out!" Called she, pulling her raven black ponytail behind her head.

"Oi! Be careful riding that horse, you hear? Stay on the side of the road!" Artemis could hear the croaking voice of Bruce, who was the owner of the stables and a good friend of her mother's. "Yeah, I will, I will!" Artemis gave a roll of her eyes as she step down the wooden porch stairs, which gave a creak beneath her leather boots.

The grass felt soggy beneath her feet, but thankfully that rain had turned to sunshine overnight, and it had become a perfect day for riding. She stepped over towards the pastures, where a familiar grey equine had been prancing around excitedly ever since the stablehands had let him out. "Alright, Sully! You ready to go?"

It was a rather quick action. Saddle the horse, Put on the bridle, etcetra. It was no sooner than that that Artemis was out of the stables and headed towards the city, where new adventures and the like await her. Her black hair flew behind her face, bouncing as Solomon's pounding hooves met the soil that made the path, careful to avoid the harsh, solid asphalt that was an automobile's way to get to London.

In a matter of minutes the city drew closer and closer, until the pair began to pass small abodes, apartments, and buildings that would form into clumped cement and stone towers. The path itself had turned to cobblestone, lined with cement sidewalks where the city folk could travel safely aside double decker buses and cars.

Artemis, despite having lived here for nearly ten years of her life, had never gotten used to driving an automobile; horseback was her favorite alternative.

At this point, the young adult had slowed her Percheron into a canter, having noticed the large amounts of busied people and traffic on the streets. As much as she would break the rules for her enjoyment, in this sort of case, it was best to steer clear, especially to avoid endangering other people.

Besides, she was not up for meeting with Chelmey again today.
The sound of hooves against the cobblestone began to slow into a much more gentle pace, until Solomon had come to a steady stroll towards a familiar building, what she called home while school was in session. Gressenheller was where her own flat was, where she could study and research in peace.

Artemis could recall the last time that she was in there before packing up; she was looking up something on Dromaeosaurs. "Alright, stay here, buddy." Said she, dismounting from the grey Percheron and tying his reins to a small pole.

Adjusting her red bandana, Artemis stepped up towards the University entrance, where she noticed something in the nearby newspaper stands. With an inquisitive "Hmm?" The maiden approached the metal stand, where she picked up a bundled group of paper.

It read: "MASQUERADE STRIKES AGAIN!" on the front cover.

((I guess Masquerade is it's nickname, right? And mine's a little bland as well ^^; XD))

^ Sofas are awesome.

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2012, 08:41:13 pm »
((Alright c: And sure, Masquerade will be the nickname~ >w<))

As she left the house and walked down the concrete stairs, the thirteen-year-old's vision was greeted by crowds of people gathering on the streets, and vehicles trying to get past them. "Huh. Busy as always," she sighed with a shrug to go along with it. Zecora had lived in London her whole life, but she still wasn't used to how social everyone was.

Gazing around, she pondered for a moment before nearing the cobblestone road. Suddenly the wind picked up and stirred a torn, crumpled newspaper from the ground, aiming it toward her. She reluctantly bent over to retrieve it, smoothing it out with one hand. What she read just confused her even more. "A masquerade?" she echoed. That name seems familiar... "Maybe it's just another criminal investigation..." As she read more, her eyes came upon a blurry picture of a tall four-legged creature. It was a dull white with a regally narrow snout like a fox's, but it wasn't as small as a fox, nor was it as big as a large dog, either. It had a skull mask hiding its face, eyes just black hollows with mysterious glowing slits in them, like pupils. It was incredibly skinny, giving the girl shivers just to look at it. Maybe it's just a myth. A creature like that can't possibly exist. she tried to convince herself, which eventually worked.

Walking along the road while trying not to get in anyone's path, Zecora laid the paper down on a bench nearby, refusing to let it trouble her. "I wonder what I'll do today," she wondered out loud, a smile stretching wide on her face. She thought about going to visit some of her friends, but then decided it would be rude to barge in just like that. After all, everyone seemed as busy as bumblebees this morning.
She snapped out of her thoughts as an old car passed right beside her, nearly surprising her enough to tip her off her feet. Staring after the mobile machine, she felt frustration tug at her nerves for a moment before moving on along the sidewalk. "Everyone must be in a hurry to get to work today," she mused, smoothing out a ruffled part of her turned sleeve. A cool morning breeze whipped through the city, weaving through houses and tall buildings to small shops. The only thought that stuck in her mind like glue was of the newspaper. Without hesitation she pushed it away with a random phrase: "Everything's better with bacon~"

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Offline WarriorMoo

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2012, 09:04:17 pm »


Folding the fresh bundle of newspaper beneath a sleeved arm, Artemis took no hesitation in pushing open the main doors, which, to her suprise, were unlocked. Some of the professors must be in today. The sound of her boots, much to her own annoyance, rang out through the halls as they clacked against the shiny floors. Thank goodness they weren't caked in mud, or she'd be in big trouble.

Artemis had come here to pick up something, which wasn't anything school related, either. "Let's see here...where's the lost and found again?" She whispered to herself, resting a hand on her chin while her other arm--the one holding the newspaper, rested across her stomach. The student picked her head up to the sound of shoes clacking against the floors as well, and to her eyes came a familiar sight.

"Oh, hello, sir!" She cried. There was the Dean, commonly referred to as Delmona, stepping into the hall as he scratched the back of his head. "Artemis, a pleasure to see you. Are you alright?" He greeted her. Artemis gave a nod, uttering a light "Mm-hmm," While folding her hands behind her back, tipping back and forth on her heels. "I'm here to pick up my guitar. One of the students borrowed it and left it here." She explained. "Ah, yes, it's just outside your flat. You have a nice remainder of your summer, now!" The Dean said, waving goodbye before continuing on with his own doings.

...That was random, Artemis thought. But helpful...Oh, wait!
"Uh, sir!" Artemis hollered to the elderly man in alert. "Is Professor Layton in? I'd like to ask him something!" She asked.
Dean Delmona turned his head, and fixed his small, round glasses. "I'm afraid not. He's out doing research on some new case or something,'s in the paper, that's all I know!"

Well, that answers my question then. The raven haired girl thought to herself, pulling a lock of hair behind her ears. She then pulled out that bundle of newspaper, and examined that vulpine shape that was on the cover of the page, piquing her curiousity. She then made her way up the stairs, on the search for her flat and more importantly, her cherished guitar.

((I'll do Luke in my next post. How far is Zecora from Gressenheller? Sully's around to interact with, if you'd like :3))
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 09:10:29 pm by WarriorMoo »

^ Sofas are awesome.


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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2012, 12:45:10 am »
X.X Is reading the entire 'The Last Specter' wiki 'From Professor Layton's Point of View' good enough when it comes to joining? I'm terribly interested, and I want to slap myself for reading countless spoilers for what sounds like a brilliant game D>

EDIT: I'm downloading some of them onto my computer.. .O. So I should know moar by tomorow! x3.)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 12:55:09 am by -Blacki »

Offline WarriorMoo

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2012, 01:13:38 am »
((Join us, JOIN US! And yes, I recommend looking into the Layton Wiki for all your Laytonesque research and needs. o3o I've played the Last Specter and Unwound Future, and I have the Eternal Diva movie on my ipod. *w*))

^ Sofas are awesome.

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2012, 02:48:01 am »
Yay~! Join us! 8D I'm watching the Eternal Diva movie on YouTube. I only have the Last Specter so far, but I'm endlessly trying to beat the game. It's fun ;w;

She'd be near the top of the crossroads before the road toward Gressenheller, I think. :3 Iamnogoodwithdirections xD))

Turning onto another street, something caught her eye. A white tail-tip appeared and disappeared behind a tall-looking building, gleaming a light silver in the half-light. Huh, maybe someone lost their dog or cat? she thought, stifling a gasp of surprise. The color was familiar-- dull but still white.

"Maybe it was a pet. Yes, it must be," she sighed, half-way convincing herself the masquerade in the newspaper simply didn't exist. Playing her ocarina always soothed her, though she forgot to take it with her on the way out of the house. With another sigh, Zecora adjusted her hat and continued her stroll, humming a little tune she had learned on her ocarina. It wasn't long before she realized she had lost track of where she was even heading. She slapped her forehead dramatically and turned on her heels, standing still for a moment before trying to decide where she was going to head next. I always manage to get myself mixed up, she thought with an amused giggle.

((Sorry it's a bit short, gotta go to bed. ;A;))
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 04:07:39 pm by Temporal »

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2012, 01:21:11 pm »
((No no, Sully is Artemis's horse XD his full name is Solomon, but he's often referred to as Sully XD))

^ Sofas are awesome.

Offline Jackalfur

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2012, 04:06:49 pm »
((dhfjksdhjfhnskj I knew I got something wrong ;w; I was rushed last night, I'm sorreh /headdesk
I feel so stupid xD))
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 04:11:38 pm by Temporal »

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Re: .: Behind the Mask of Unity :. (A Professor Layton RP, ACCEPTING~!)
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2012, 04:55:04 pm »
D> Don't feel stoopid.

And, I'll probaly apply tomorow or later at night .o. So nu posting! Jk, but I'd perfer if you waited for meh abit xDDD)