Author Topic: Passeh's Guide to Role Playing! (Good 4 ur bunz n' thighs)  (Read 2875 times)

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Passeh's Guide to Role Playing! (Good 4 ur bunz n' thighs)
« on: December 08, 2014, 01:04:23 am »
Notice me!
Most of the ideas expressed in this 'tutorial' are mostly going to be OPINION BASED (i.e what I personally think would make a good RP) so I am aware that not everyone is going to agree with the aspects and thoughts that I pick up on. However if you do, GREAT, give yourself a high-five; if not, great too, here's a sandwich.


I am going to structure this thing into a number of steps, 1-5 (1 being the most important and 5 being the least).

Definition: the narrator knows all the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. (Education-Portal)

This term will be used frequently if you choose to study English literature and language in college. I'm helping you out by teaching it to you early (yay!), unless of course you've already come across the term. :P
It's a very easy and very effective technique to use and one of which will certainly help in your RPing!
In 3rd person omniscient you narrate your characters actions but also slip into the very mindset of your character. Describe everything that they're doing and everything that they're thinking.

Definition: visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work. (Google)

Imagery is essentially where you use a number of descriptive words to create an image in another's mind. And no, that doesn't mean throwing an adjective in at every possible opportunity... Add a few in where you include a key object or thought to give your fellow RPers an idea of what it may look like or to signify its appearance. Read through what you're typing. Does it create a certain picture within your mind?

Definition: Wolfspeak is a bunch of words created by animal roleplayers to make them sound fancy and intelligent, when it really just makes them look like a pompous ass with a dictionary. (Urban Dictionary)

Wolfspeak.... We've all been there right?
To my knowledge (and correct me if I'm wrong) wolfspeak is a collection of words with the same meaning but are used to make a person's RP seem overall more complex and sophisticated. For example, auditories instead of ears. Come on people... What's the point of RolePlaying with someone if they can't even understand what you're saying?

Definition (Simile): a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion ). (Google)
Definition (Metaphor): a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. (Google)

Similes and metaphors are what I perceive as better ways of describing something. I am finding them ultimately harder to explain than the other points and so I am going to give you some examples instead.
Simile: The cat was as fierce as a lion.
Metaphor: The cat was a fierce lion.

The difference is that a simile makes a clear comparison whereas a metaphor applies traits to something but not in a literal sense. When the metaphor states that the cat is a fierce lion, it doesn't literally mean that the cat is a fierce lion. It is just a way to describe the behavior of the cat.

Definition: the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics. (Google)

You may be shocked that I've placed this last but honestly I don't think grammar is too much of an issue. As long as you've basic knowledge on how to use commas and full stops then you have the makings of a good RP. Yes I understand that correct grammar can sometimes influence the impression that you give to others but does it matter as long as they understand what you're typing? It's not essential to tidy up the package with a little neat bow so why bother? It's only RolePlaying, you're not sitting an exam which may impact on your future.

So yeah, I hope this helps you. Feel free to express your views and if you want me to extend on any of the points that I made just ask me to. I tried to keep things brief so not as to bore everyone to sleep. :P


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Re: Passeh's Guide to Role Playing! (Good 4 ur bunz n' thighs)
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2014, 04:32:16 am »
Gurl...gurl...I love dis. *grabby paws*
I wish I could show some of this to people that try to RP with me, escpecially when they use wolfspeak, ugh. Though I never thought of using metaphors and similies very often, I will have to now though. ^^