Author Topic: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} [Inactive since 08/11/2014]  (Read 21546 times)

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2014, 02:19:17 pm »
[[Sorry about the posts, I rarely do first posts! Also, that is fine Concern.]]


"You can do what I cannot do. I can do do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things."

Like usual everything remained peaceful and still as the herd slowly begun to wake at these early hours; birds tweeting from the branches of the trees, singing their beautiful, daily songs which sent a calming feeling across the area. Through the shreds of grass large colours of; greys, browns, blacks whites, creams could be seen from a distance. Slowly shuffling around and flicking their tails as the minutes slowly passed and they would slowly shuffle onto their hooves, ready for what the day would hold. It was at this time when the sun would rise and most animals around the area would begin to get themselves out and ready for the day ahead of them; some waking up before usual hours to find themselves some breakfast and others, longing for the extra minutes in bed. Now and then a cool breeze would blow through the sun lit area; causing most to stir. Snorts and  neighs passed through the lands now, it was obvious the hope herd had begun to wake, one by one.

Standing tall on the top of a near by hill was Lesharo, the proud leader of the hope herd; a one he had been running for many years and many more to come. His light palomino pelt standing out against the green surface his hooves rested upon; long, flowing, silky tail flicking out behind him as he watched over his trusty herd; watching them with contempt as they begun to shuffle. For a few minutes the intact stallion stood atop the hill watching as the equines shuffled onto their hooves; a range of shapes, colours and sizes stood beneath him. With his body in a dominant yet calm stand the stallion glanced around the area seeking for any danger, as usual it was clear for now. Turning his broad head to check down on the herd he watched as a small line of brown shot across the ground; a nod taking over his head as he recognised it as Dichali. Seeing as their territory was now safe the equine decided a lookout would nod be needed for another hour or so; now, he would go and spend his time with his fellow herd members. Large, cream hooves beating at the rough ground beneath him as he trotted down the steep hill towards the herd, mane flowing behind him as he excelled into a light trot; until reaching his herd.

Once arriving near his fellow equines the large stallion skidded to a halt and took a quick glance around; now, most of the herd had decided to wake and were either communicating, eating, lazing around or just enjoying the free time. Allowing his head to lightly bod Lesharo slowly took a walk through the herd, looking at each equine and greeting them with a friendly nod and a welcoming snort; his long tail flicking behind him as his brown optics continued to scan the area; even though he had just recently made sure the area was safe, he needed to be completely sure. Coming to a stop at the boarders of the small crowd the palomino continued to send friendly glances and nods at his herd members; but also split up his time to glance around their surroundings.

Michante & Dichali

"Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning."

The large chestnut mare remained happily asleep for a few more minutes whilst the herd began to slowly rise; the dark lids of her eye's blocking out the blinding sunlight. Ears perked the sound of thudding hooves and a deep, yet similar voice of a foal sounded through her ears; one she knew all too well. Allowing her eye's to shoot open and whipping her head up the chestnut pelted mare glanced around rapidly, until her eye's rested upon the charging foal. Dichali had woke earlier than his mother in order to sneak off; not away from the herd, just so he could go on his early morning, hyper few minutes. Tail raised and eyes widened, the young colt begun to charge around the field; weaving in and out of the larger equines whom were scattered around the open field. Small hooves thudding against the grass sending shreds flying; happiness was clearly shown through his facial expressions as he then joined one of the other colts in a game of chase. Chuckling lightly Michante decided to let her son have his morning fun, she didn't want to disturb his social time either and it seemed to be the only time he would actually interact.

Turning her attention from the cantering foals her eye's rested upon the stud trotting from the hill towards his herd; dipping her head in respect but also as a hello the white patched equine then slowly, but steadily lifted onto her long, sturdy legs. Now, she was standing at full stance, towering over some of the horses of the herd. Snorting, the mares nostrils flared as she gave her head a light shake in order to wake her up a little more. Giving her tail a vicious flick and shaking her mare to get it back into place Michante was now feeling wide awake and ready for what had to come. Pawing at the ground with her large, dark hooves the large horse then turned to watch a small group of foals; including her son, gallop carelessly around the herd. Smiling, the mare begun to graze, her gaze still locked tightly on the colt from time to time; making sure he didn't get up to any mischief.

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2014, 05:31:51 pm »

"The world isn't any smaller... There's just less in it."

The comfortingly familiar soft thud of hooves meeting the ground awoke Leala from her slumber. She had slept well, the best she had slept in a while without those dreadful nightmares and her body was buzzing with energy. Pushing herself up from her lying position, she steadied herself on all fours and shook out her legs to relieve the tension from the previous night. She ignored the fact that her mane fell into her eyes and broke into a quick canter, letting out a few snorts of amusement as she turned in a large around the herd. Slowing down to a trot, the dappled-grey mare returned to the place she had been before in the shade of a towering tree.

The mare's eyes scanned the herd around her, letting out a short sigh of contempt. Her eyes briefly rested on the lead stallion of the herd, Lesharo, and bowed her head in respect and greeting as he passed. She would go and converse with him soon, but for now she had to see to her morning graze. It had been a habit since she had just joined the herd to wake up slightly earlier than most to graze for a while so that she had enough energy to travel. Recently Leala had noticed the fact that the herd were travelling a significant amount more than what they were used to and the familiar dread made itself known at the back of her head.

Pushing aside the negativity, she lowered her head down to meet the gorgeous green blades of grass still moist from the morning dew and pulled up a small mouthful. She let the fresh sweetness bring a brief smile to her maw before leaning down again for another bite. Leala flicked her tail to ward off the pesky flies, briefly closing her eyes in satisfaction. There was nothing better than a fresh bed of grass to wake up to.

"Trust my rage."

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2014, 12:20:27 pm »
Sorry if I'm being impatient and sorry for double posting but, bump? ^^

"Trust my rage."

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2014, 12:50:29 pm »
No worries. Sorry that you 2 had to wait till I post. I haven't had a chance to post, but I glad I found it! ^-^' ))

"I run with the wind. Are you running with the wind?"


The painted stallion yawned as the sunlight beated his coat making it warmer every minute. He blinked once observing the Lead Stallion. He whimped.
"Pffff... Show off..."
He snorted. Polivino, wasn't always the good guy, he really wanted to be the Lead Stallion, but his mother always talked him out of that concern and he listened to her quite well.
"One day... One day.... You and I Lesharo..."
He whispered to himself and turned around. He walked away to graze alone.

Arriving at his liked spot, the stallion observed the tasty grass that was shivering from the winds blewness. He leaned down and started nibeling at the tasty green grass.
He moved his dock side to side, until he looked up at the sky. White clouds passed by as he snorted.
He turned to Lesharo and grunted. He turned back and trotted towards the rushing water to get  drink.

While drinking Polivino, looked around to see if there was any danger around.
Being secured, the male started drinking the water again.

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2014, 03:43:57 pm »


"You can do what I cannot do. I can do do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things."

After minutes of observing Lesharo was now sure that they herd were safe, no danger appeared to be lurking around in the hour or so he had been watching; so, it was safe to say the herd could linger around a little longer. They had begun traveling once again, in order to make ground between them and the poachers, giving them a higher advantage to them. Nodding in satisfaction the large equine gave his mane a rough shake, sending half of it falling on the left side and the other falling on the right. Slowly pivoting around the palomino came to a halt and like before took a glance at the herd. Everyone was more or less awake now; this bringing a smile to his lips. Figures moved in the corner of his eyes which caused him to turn his head towards the source of movement that collected his attention.

Turning his broad head the studs eyes rested upon the painted stallion, familiar known as Polivion. Brown eyes locked onto the equine who seemed to send cold glances in his direction; then trotting off towards the lake. Watching the older equine, Lesharo then let out a sigh and shook his head, deciding to leave the stallion be for the time being. Instead, his attention rested upon the other herd members who appeared to continuing on with their morning grazing; all seeming happy and contempt. Flicking his tail to swat at the irritable flies attempting to land on his rump. The echoing laughs of the foals caught the stallions attention and caused his head to whip around; there he seen the younger members of the herd gallop after on another. Looking down at the smaller equines as they passed, allowing a chuckle to blow past his lips as he stepped back.

Rearing up the stud pushed out his front legs, then neighing playfully. Front hooves slamming back onto the ground causing several shreds and small clumps of mud to lift into the air. Snorting, the larger equine cantered after the youngsters who looked behind them, seeing the light pelted stal hot on theit heels the group of four lunged forward. Flicking his mane the stallion drew his head back then pushed it forward - lunging forward and past the youngsters with ease. However, the white blazed stallion pulled himself back to be at the same level as the foals, then allowing them in front of him. Chuckling, he nudged one of the smaller foals along to catch up with the others. Drawing back he trotted towards the center of the herd.

Michante & Dichali

"Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning."

Once filling her stomach after the grazing Michante pulled her head up from the ground and glanced around. Whilst she had been grazing it seemed that the herd had woke and now all were either grazing, exercising, playing or communicating with one another. Allowing her eyes to observe each familiar member of the herd a smile grew across her face as she watched them go around on their daily rounds. Allowing her tail to flick several times the made then shook her head in order to send her mane back and from covering her eyes. A hot, burning feeling shone onto the chestnht equines pelt causing her to back up ever so slightly, but then she came to a stop and pawed at the ground with her front hoof.

The sounds of giggles and chuckles along with the slight feeling of the ground shaking Michante turned to see the group of foals join with Lesharo; watching, she tilted her head. Dichali continued to laugh and smirk as his small paws thudded at the ground as he continued in the games with the other foals; it had went from chasing one another to now race each other. But, the young foals watched as the much larger horse passed with ease. Looking up at their leader Dichali smiled in amazement as he tried to pick up the pace, Lesharo then slowing down and trotting off. Giggling, the chestnut foal continued running with the other foals.

For a few minutes the fairly light pelted mare watched as the foals enjoyed their morning games, her eyes resting upon the stud as he joined in but shortly after stopped. Shrugging, her attention turned on a painted stallion not to far off; who was of course a  part of the herd. Watching for a few moments she then turned to the rest of the herd; for now nothing really seemed to interest her. Sighing, then snorting the mare carefully lowered herself onto her stomach then onto her side; carelessly she begun rolling around, ears still perked to hear her son.

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2014, 04:09:36 pm »
I apologise for my constant change in pictures but I think I'm gonna stick with this one ^^ I also wasn't sure about this post, if you think I'm creating drama a bit too soon just let me know and I'll edit my post :3

"The world isn't any smaller... There's just less in it."

Now that she had finished her morning graze, Leala raised her head high to glance at the clouds. It was going to rain soon, maybe late afternoon, bt other than that the weather was beautiful. The slightly-higher-pitched neighing of foals brought her attention down to the ground again where a group of foals played. The mare let out a soft chuckle as Lesharo joined in their fun. She watched the group for a few seconds before dragged her gaze away to something that had caught the corner of her eye a minute ago. Her chocolate eyes rested on a near by stallion, one that she recognised as Polivino. She snorted in surprise as she watched him send cold glares to Lesharo. Couldn't he see that there were more important things right now than being lead stallion?

The distraction reminded Leala of something that had caught her attention the day before and she shook her head, turning her attention to the hill overlooking the plains. Bursting into a quick trot, she made her way up the steep slope, only stopping once she had reached the top. Turning to face the herd, she lifted her gaze to a few miles behind, a wave of panic similar to the one she had felt before rose up inside of her. Only roughly a daywalk away from the herd was a thin white stream of smoke rising to mingle with the clouds. It was much closer than before and it didn't seem to have caught anyone's attention just yet. The mustang contemplated whether to tell Lesharo or not. They still had a steady lead from the humans and they weren't in danger just yet. But if they didn't get going soon, that space in between would begin to shrink.

Attempting to gallop down the hill, sliding on the soft earth, Leala made her way towards the head stallion. She was very close to the leader of the herd, he was the one that had accepted her into the herd in the first place. In fact, she had developed a small interest in Lesharo in which she had told herself could not be good. Pushing back her shyness, she slowed to a halt a few feet away from the stallion. "Lesharo! I think you should come see this." She said breathlessly, her face unusually grave.

"Trust my rage."

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2014, 05:43:29 pm »

"I run with the wind. Are you running with the wind?"


The painted male held his head up and sniffed the air, as something familiar cought his nose strills. It was a fire smell, not the forest burning type. He got concerned and went to investigate. As foolish as it seemed, the stallion didn't cared about the herd, as he was never welcomed there. He hated seeing Lesharo, every single day. He wanted to be the Lead Stallion, but as that old cracky lead stallion chose Lesharo over him, it made Polivino really mad.

After arriving at the nearby fire place where it came out, he saw some horses tied up, they grunted at him and told him to get back, but as Polivino always acted as a hero, he went to investigate. He saw the 2 leged creatures lying there. He snorted, as he walked closer and sniffed one of them. The one he sniffed, was a very stinking one, he snorted and turned around. He lashed his dock over the 2 leged creatures nose, making it sneeze. He saw Polivino and wanted to capture him. Polivino turned and saw the man awake, he reared up and made the man fall on his butt. The man woken up other 2 leged creatures and made them chase Polivino.
"Great!" He grunted and ran as fast as he could, to try and get away from them. Of course, he didn't went straight for the herd, otherwise, they would of hated him forever, as foolish as he was, he was also, when needed, a smart one. He kept galloping as fast as he could.

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2014, 12:46:04 am »


"You can do what I cannot do. I can do do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things."

Standing quietly the stallion continued to watch over the herd, his thick tail whipping at the flies that continued to annoy him.Everything seemed rather, normal, until a few birds scattered from the trees and the faint scent of smoke wafted into his flared nostrils. Stomping a hoof against the ground the palomino horse gritted his teeth together as he began taking a few paces forward to investigate. However, one of the mare's had approached him, one he knew as Leala. Nodding his head in respects the large equine stood quietly as she began to speak about the strange sightings in the distance. Stepping back a little he smiled "Thank you Leala. I shall go and investigate, if you don't mind would you get the herd ready in case we need to leave?" he questioned, but as she scent of smoke seemed to thicken he needed to investigate. Turning around the white blazed stud hurried up the steep hill within seconds, his brown optics locking onto the streams of smoke that lifted into the sky; his gaze following it down into a small fire, a group of horses tied up, people on the floor and others must have been in the tents. For a moment he stood silently, glaring down to see whether there was any movement and surely there was; from one of the members of his herd. Narrowing his eye's he pawed at the ground, as he then watched as the painted stallion woke the beings up; watching as they chased his fellow equine Lehsaro shook his head and quickly whirled around; rage filling him as he bolted down the hill and towards the herd.

Skidding to a halt, Lesharo looked at the gathered herd; both anger and worry being shown in his eye's. Stomping a hoof at the ground Lesharo took a cold glance behind him, glancing down the hill at the echoing shouts in the distance; then looking at his herd members. "Ok, the human's seemed to have picked up the pace and are moving in. Somehow" he spoke coldly, but didn't mention the stallions name "The human's have risen earlier than usual, so we need to move out now!" he snorted, trotting towards the edge of the hill and watching as the stallion headed in the opposite direction; but Lesharo couldn't leave him, even if he disliked him. Turning to the grey mare he cleared his throat "Palivion accidentally woke the humans, I need to go and help the brute lose them; would you mind leading the herd to safety? Just don't head anywhere in the opposite direction, maybe head for the hills, a forest, mountains or canyons; the humans won't follow I promise" he spoke softly but in a rush hoping that the mare would help out with the situation. 

Michante & Dichali

"Never give up. There is no such thing as an ending. Just a new beginning."

Despite what was happening Michante was still unaware of this as she was more interested in what Dichali was doing. He had wondered off a little with the others, and this made the other protective mother chase the group of around four across the field, round them up then of course lead them back to the herd. Not only was it dangerous for a foal to wonder around with the obvious prey, but now the herd had humans to worry about on top of everything else. Now, still remaining on her feet Mich watched as Dichali continued to bound after the other foals, they had been doing so all morning. Flicking her mane the mare leant down to rip up a few blades of grass, until she watched a few hers members begin to stir. Tilting her head the chestnut equine watched as Lesharo had a private word with one of the mare, seeming worried he ran up the hill; his body language showing sign's of annoyance. Everything seemed to have happened rather fast, yet she was still completely unaware of what was causing her herd mates to go a little skittish. Tilting her head slightly she remained curious, but her gaze was also split by watching her curious son. Even though the scent of fire was slowly wafting its way into her snout she couldn't see the fire nor the smoke, this only panicked the horse even more as she didn't know what the cause was. But, when she noticed Lesharo rushing down the hill with that familiar look in his eye's she knew right away that something was up.

As the herd began to gather Michante shouted the chestnut colt over, so he was safe at her side; wrapping her muzzle around the foal she pulled him in closer and a lot faster, until she was right by her side. Listening to what the stallion had to say Mich allowed a grunt to escape her vocal chords, as well as her nostrils flaring in annoyance; but Lesharo was against telling the herd of the cause. Narrowing her eye's she stepped towards the direction which they were sure to be moving out in; listening as he gave instructions to Leala to lead the herd to safety. Despite wanting to know what was going on down there she didn't allow herself; Dichali would only follow and maybe run off. The sudden sounds of shouts and the sounds of horses caused the herd to rise slightly and panick; the sooner they left the better.

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2014, 08:13:33 pm »
Bump? :P

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Re: {The Hope of the Fallen Horse} |Horse/Human/Animal Rp| {OPEN FOR POSTING!}
« Reply #19 on: October 31, 2014, 08:43:09 pm »

"The world isn't any smaller... There's just less in it."

The growing panic in the atmosphere of the herd caused Leala's heartbeat to speed up as she listened to Lesharo's orders. "Please... Come back safe." She nickered before turning away and trotting over to one of the many foals' mothers, Michante. Casting a glance down towards Dichali, she pawed at the ground with her hoof. "I need you to look after the foals, make sure they don't run off. Try and stick to the front of the herd and I'll get the others to follow you. We're heading for canyon nearby that leads to the forest. If you need them, I'll shout to you the directions. I'll be staying at the back of the herd to be sure that no one falls behind." Her voice was confident but the words came out fast, causing her to cast a questioning glance at the mare to ensure that she had understood. Shooting a quick smile towards the colt, she turned to the rest of the herd.

Never before had she been given so much responsibility. What if someone was caught? It would be her fault. The whole herd would lose trust in her. Lesharo was relying on her to keep his herd safe, so she would. Taking a deep breath, she gathered just enough courage to project her voice across the plains. "I know this is scary and you are worried about the safety of yourselves and the rest of the herd. I know that some of you may not trust me but, please, we need to stick together to win. Stay calm and keep a level head. Trust in each other and in me. Let's go."

"Trust my rage."