Author Topic: LAN Function  (Read 1121 times)


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LAN Function
« on: January 30, 2012, 10:03:07 am »
Well.. since its been over a week that Feralheart has been offline, It had me thinking about something me and my buddy started talking about recently, If this is possible at all to add in Feralheart.

As you know everybody has connection issue's including me.

I had this wonderful idea of, Adding a "LAN Play function" in Feralheart. It would be wonderful for People, Buddies, Friends, Etc. To have LAN Parties, Get togethers, Meetings.

hence the fact, Their are many "Trolls" in such way of calling "Players" like me harsh names... Many other reasons, but the whole idea of Players playing offline with their Buddies in Feralheart is the whole point of the "LAN Function" If possible to be impleted.

My friends and I have exprienced these harsh people, (And, I seriously don't think that turning the server off is much help to anybody, considering trolls WILL still be in Feralheart no matter how HARD we try to get rid of them Obviously.) That being said,

My Buddies and I, we're thinking how sweet would it be to play solo in Feralheart to enjoy the game, without the heard of cussing 24/7 Surely everyone has a understanding since we've all played the game LOL...
Plus moderaters need a break ;)

Anyway, I would apperciate healthy Criticism, Its only a Idea i hope everyone could give me some feedback on this, And Thank you for taking you're time reading this to Everyone (Including Admin, Moderaters...)

I can only hope this will be a Future Development.

Regards MetalDude.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 10:05:00 am by Dudley »


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Re: LAN Function
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 03:34:38 pm »
I think, it could be a good idea. But LAN play is like, its when you can only play with the people sharing your network right? So you'd be limited to those who live around you? I'm not really sure how it works otherwise. o.e Can you connect to the networks of people far away? I don't think so.. <-Not meant sarcastically.

Your characters are stored on the server, so I don't know, how in example, say the server's down, how the LAN play would be effective unless Kov changed that up too, so you can get 'em.

Unless you're saying you just want a solo campagin? Or not really a campagin, but to be able to run around the in-game maps alone? I guess that /could/ be possible since the maps are stored on your computer.

I think it's a good idea, in a way. I just don't think, if its limited to people's personal networks, it'll be a big hit amongst players? :s


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Re: LAN Function
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2012, 02:25:58 am »
Precisely, thats the whole issue server-sided content over to client-side.

However, Iv'e studied game titles such as "Call of Duty" "Battlefield" From "Big Titled Gaming Industries" And among them all have: LAN, Co-Op, those are the main studies.

And, Of course not everyone around the world will be able to join you're LAN Party, only friends that you know, College buddies, high school friends. That know you're IP address, since LAN is solely based upon IP Connection.

Alittle side note: LAN doesn't Require Internet Connection to play, Hence the name "Local Area Network". i forgot to add that into my post sorry about that. Im glad to get a opinion on this, hopefully Kovu will Reconize this topic.

Thanks, Regards Metal.