Author Topic: ? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]  (Read 4476 times)

Offline .Blur

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? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]
« on: October 06, 2014, 12:57:42 am »

??? ?? ??? ?????
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The bravery of the pack was always held together by the alpha male Sky. He was strong and his bravery always shone through no matter the situation. The pack, Shadowed hearts had always believed their alpha would keep them safe from what lay outside... As beyond their territory was the dark mysterious part of the forest. There was no purity in these parts and it was said that horrible creatures lurked there. The creatures where known as Hobbles and they lived under ground and in the trees outside of Shadowed Hearts territory. The Hobbles where known for their destruction, and that was what lead Shadowed Hearts to flee and make their own territory with the lightest part of the forest. Their pack had green trees with healthy bark as well as long green grass and a clearing where the dens stood in rocky lumps. It was safe from the Hobbles who never dared to go into the territory for it's brightness. So instead they decided to ruin the rest of the forest and keep it for themselves. Sky had always told his pack to never leave their territory or they might never return. But one day when he was out for a walk a daring Hobble went into their territory and kidnapped Sky. And although he put up a fight, he wasn't strong enough for the stubby troll like creature and it took him and he never returned. The pack took this as a warning to never leave the boundaries of their territory and when a new alpha was made, everything felt almost normal.

Since the day of the new alpha, things seemed more peaceful. Shadowed Heart's territory grew larger and the forest slowly began to turn to it's normal green ways. The Hobbles where still in the forest though. They still lived amongst the trees and deep underground in their burrows. Prey had returned and things were near enough back to normal. Sky's burial place had gotten a large waterfall next to where he lay underground. The waterfall gave off a beautiful sparkle and fresh smell. The pack members often liked to visit Sky's grave to ask a question, or even just talk to him. Everything seemed normal ... For now.[/i]

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? All FH/RP rules apply.
? Writing limit is no less than 4 lines, 3 if writers block.
? Reservations last 24 hours, Pm me if you need more time.
? No cursing or swearing, even if you star it out, it's not allowed on this site.
? No mating your own characters, it's rather boring.
? Try to keep genders even, no one likes being left out.
? No killing/ seriously injuring other players' characters without their permission.
? Keep this PG13, no extensive gore  fade it out.
? You may have as many characters as you want, just keep up with them.
? This is a strictly realistic RP, no crazy colors or powers.
? No gay/bi wolves, sorry but it's not what they do in the wild.
? If a female doesn't want to mate, she doesn't have to, no force mating.
? Let me know before hand if you're going to be inactive.
? Hobbles will be seen sometimes, but not every five seconds.
? I would like wolves to age and die off when they reach 10 years as nothing lives forever.
? That's it for now, I may add more later.

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? Always respect the alpha and beta. This includes calling them by their rank. e.g alpha Dylan
? No attacking pack mates no matter how bad of an argument you may be in.
? Shadowed Hearts is to never communicate, mate or befriend a loner.
? All dogs in the pack must be respectful to each other, omega's excluded.
? The alpha must be told of all matings, or your puppies will be taken from you.
? Any loners are to be attacked on sight, as they might be working for the Hobbles.

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chosen by (__)

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we accept the love we seem to deserve wrote:

Dylan & Constadine like each other
Luca & Rebekah like each other

none yet

none yet

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??? ??????
The alpha male and female lead the pack through everything. They both decide on important decisions but it's usually the males choice in the end. They are always to be respected and if not they have the right to attack the dog disrespecting them, but they don't usually. The male is more in charge of the pack than the female but the female can also do as much as the male. When it comes down to law making and difficult decisions the female can have her opinion and say but it usually comes down to the males choice.

??? ?????
The Beta Male and Beta Female are the Mates who will take over when the Alpha Male dies. They back up the Alpha Male's orders, and go on patrols or hunt. Even if the Alpha Female is still alive, they will become in charge once the Alpha Male dies. The alpha's puppies don't usually take their parents rank.

Healers are the wolves who help when another wolf is injured. They are specialized with herbs and are often good at sniffing them out. Healers can do most forms of healing but can also do surgery if required.

These dogs hunt for the Pack. They cannot go on patrols. They eat after the Healers and Mother-Dogs, and must be treated with respect. Hunters are the smaller, quick dogs in the Pack. Because they are smaller and quicker, they are able to hunt better than bigger built dogs.

These dogs patrol the borders and fight off attacking dogs. They cannot hunt. They eat after the Hunters, and are treated as a normal dog. No respect is needed. Patrollers are the bigger built dogs in the Pack. Because they are built larger; they can fend off intruders better than smaller dogs. In the winter time, they are allowed to hunt because there isn't much prey.

The Omega is the lowest rank. They cannot hunt, patrol, or order other dogs around. They cannot have Mates, and they eat once all the other Dogs have had their fill. These dogs are to be treated with no respect at all. During winter, when prey is scarce, they are allowed to patrol borders while the normal Patrollers hunt.

Pups cannot leave camp until their Mother-Dog brings them out at the age of four months. After that they may come and go as they want, but always with the Omega. They become a Apprentice at the age of five months, but if a runt they will be made a Omega. If they are born with something wrong with them then they will become a Elder.

These dogs have turned five months old and are now training as Apprentices. They are able to choose their ranking; Hunter Apprentice or Patroller Apprentice, not Delta, Beta, Alpha, or Healer. Healers pick their own apprentices, as well as Deltas, and Betas & Alphas don't have them. Apprentices train until they are a year old, then they will use one more month to learn basic healing and what ever skill they didn't choose. They become a full hunter or patroller at the age of one year two months.

Loners are the dogs who are not part of the pack. They are thought of as rebels and are not to be communicated with. Loners fend for themselves and don't like the company of another dog.

Offline .Blur

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Re: ? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 01:09:40 am »

>>>>? I????ss???: Hard to get.
>>>>? P??????: Bold.
>>>>? P?s?????: Nurturing. Helpful. Protective.
>>>>? N???????: Low pain tolerance. Cares too much.
>>>>? L???s: Dangerous males. Adventure.
>>>>? D?s????s: Rudeness.


>>>>? F??? N???: Stormy Ray
>>>>? N???????: Stormy \/ Storm
>>>>? A??: Three
>>>>? G?????: Female
>>>>? B???? D??: December 27th
>>>>? Rank: Alpha Fae
>>>>? Breed: Husky \/ Arctic wolf.;


>>>>? B??? S????????: Sleek, Slender, agile
>>>>? H??? D?s????????: Plush white coat.
>>>>? E?? D?s????????: Icy blue.


>>>>? S????? C??s?(s): OPEN {PM ME}
>>>>? C??s?(s): OPEN
>>>>? ????: OPEN
>>>>? F?????: N/A


? ?? ? ?? ? ? ?? ?
B E C A M E O N E.

Label Kamaria

Gender Female

Age 5 Human Years

Breed Alaskan Gray

Rank Hunter

Desired Rank Beta Female

Likes Water, Snow,

Rain, Storms, Affection

Dislikes Loud Areas/Wolves,

Heat, Wind, Pups, Disrespect

Positive Traits Protective,

Dedicated, Hardworking, Loyal

Negative Traits Hostile,

Manipulative, Deceiving, Cunning

Coat Completely black,

solid and nothing else

Eyes Vibrant yellow

Family Ravana, Mother.

Jarog, Father. Ciye, Brother

Shadi, Sister. [ ? ]

Crush [ tba ]

Mate [ tba ]

Pups Yet to come

Detailed Personality Kamaria is who she is known as, her name literally means "Beauty of the Moon" and it's a coincidence her mother named her this as she takes a particular fondness to it. Do not underestimate this fae for just a pretty face, she has an awful temper to her that he doesn't feel the need to conceal, if needed she can and Is capable of unleashing such fury. That meaning, she personally loves revenge. She is deceiving, cunning and manipulative, she will not hesitate to cause destruction on anyone who may oppose her, it would be wise to remain on the good side of this particular fae.

Kama is a hunter in this pack and a rather proficient one at that, she has thrown in much dedication to earning the rank she has and refuses to give it up with ease. As one with the shadows she does indeed prefer darkness and silence over any other surrounding, her dense ebony coat blends with it and creates a comfortable feeling for her. Due to this fact, she is a rather sneaky fae who sneaks off at night to engulf herself into her own personal fantasy, but few know where she does go.

Kamaria is a distant fae who is notorious for her sneaky persona that appears mysterious as well, she refrains from revealing the littlest bit of detail about herself. Most would define her as quiet but that isn't exactly true, deep down she is rather adventurous and outgoing but appears silent in order to eavesdrop on conversations, obtaining quite the bit of knowledge about wolves doing so. Naturally she is an observant character, not one to charge into battle without a plan or level head.

One shouldn't bother her with their petty discussions unless you are positive it would intrigue her, she takes no interest in the petty squabbles within the pack. Unless you are of high ranking or perhaps one of her hunters, do not expect cooperative behavior as she is immensely selective on whom she associates herself with. Yes Kama can seem to be such a hostile fae but in reality this is merely but a defense mechanism against any harm that can and will be caused to her, deep down lies a true sweetheart. But are you capable of revealing such a persona?

The Tale of Kamaria Kamaria's life didn't begin In her contemporary region as she was birthed in the lands known as Alaska, this indicating she is an Alaskan Wolf who does indeed prefer the cold over the summer heat. The faes family consisted of her two parents and two siblings, she was the middle wolf in this trio of pups.

While her siblings had sleek ivory and grey coats, she herself had a pure black one which then made her the victim to the siblings torment. It was constant and a daily basis to be bullies verbally by her brother and sister for appearing different, at first it was both but as her sister, Shadi, matured the less her abuse would continue. It wasn't that way with Ciye, her brother whom was relentless in doing so which then generated a pure hatred between the two. Meaning quarrels that drew blood was not something rare, the winner naturally being Kama.

The parents were nothing different in disrespecting her, mainly the father was to blame for any defects Kama has, if any. Her father, Jarog, had a mighty temper to him which is where she got her own. The slightest action could set the brute off in which he would rampage, taking it out on whatever he could, this was Kamaria. She was the personal punching bag for his own use, as the daughter she felt no need to fight back and dreaded him which caused her being cowardly and refraining from doing so. Ravana, the mother, was feeble and could never stand up against her companion so Kama despised her as well, for letting such a thing continue.

This is evidently where all her scars come into place, the majority of them are concealed by her sense fur with the several exceptions. Her left ear is fragmented with a decent chunk nonexistent, she has a vague scar below that same eye and a minuscule one under her chin. If you attempt to peer through the fur on her body then it is possible to determine the rest of them.

Kamaria endured this torture for a complete 3 years until she finally managed to escape the firm grip of their paws. The day she broke and her courage was released.

Jarog was furious over the lack of prey and decided to seek out Kama who was out fishing for a meal of her own. Being a larger as a brute it was evident he could overpower the fae with ease and did so, his enamels piercing her fragile skin as several claws penetrated the surrounding skin. Agonizing. The only way she can possibly describe it as. It was during the middle of this sequence when a sensation overwhelmed her, a new feeling of confidence when she managed to stabilize herself into standing position, returning the favor of several skin tearing strikes. A full on battle went out, of course he had conquered her but this only generated determination into the fae, striving to be stronger than she was yesterday. But it also granted her freedom, she was abandoned by them for causing a quarrel with Jarog, not that she minded, her pain an suffering came to an end.

Later that same day she was found by Steel and the pack, she was feeble and nearing her own demise from the previous battle as it was certainly a tough one. Taken in and returned to full health, her lithe physique and swift movement determined Kamaria as a hunter from that point on. She was given high expectations of living up to Steels standards for taking her in, for his gratitude she should prove to be a useful tool in his pack. She has put a lot of dedication a work into becoming the proficient hunter she is today and remains honored to serve under him.

????;; Aurora
???;; 3 years
??????;; Female
?????;; Wolf
??????;; 24 inches tall, smaller than average.
??????;; 90 pounds
??? ?????;; Warm amber; honey.
???????? ;; Many, whom she never knew.
????;; (You're deciding, right? if suggestions are available, Shaman)
????? ;; Open
????;; Win her heart. <3
????;; None at the moment. Hopefully one day.

Aurora. Yeah, like the lights. They're just wonderful, aren't they? I used to look up at them when I was a pup and imagine what my life would be like when I grew up. I grew up in Alaska, along with my 8 brothers and sisters. I'm sure you know how litters go, and I'm sure you know that in every litter, there's a runt. Well, you're looking at the runt of that particular litter. I didn't get as big as my brothers and sisters like I was supposed to. I did not have much of an attitude to make up for my size, either. I was too 'fragile' ... my personality was 'too soft.' Before I was a year, a terrible storm blew through the East. It was tough on my mother and siblings, and unfortunately it took their lives. I do not know how I survived. I am a small, weakling. I still ask the stars how on Earth am I here. After the loss of my family, I began traveling. And as I grew up alone, I learned how to take care of myself. I survived mainly on berries and small mammals, but it got me through. I also learned a thing or two about herbs, since I ate a majority of them. I learned how each different type of plant functions and helps you, and also which ones leave you with an achy belly. Eventually I was taken in by a pack, I really love it here. It's easy to find a friendly face, and that feeling is like a warm breeze compared to how I was formerly treated.

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Re: ? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2014, 04:00:21 pm »
sounds fun! ^D^

Offline skye061341

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Re: ? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 02:01:20 am »
 :o :o i love this group accepting and i want to be a part of it!!plz im sending a reply to let you know about me.....and my character    

   Name:Skye (real name)
   Age:12 months
   B-day:April 31st
   Rank:A- rank
   Breed:Black Grey Wolf

likes:pranks,funny stuff, laughing, playing, chinese food,rock music,rave,dance and rap music,hunting,acting weird,talking,cursing (even know not allowed,but im not going to curse though),energy wolf,sweet guys,funny people

Dislike:yelling,bossy people,teachers,working even know hunter and energy wolf, :-\ :-\,mean people,sarcastic people

Fur:black soft
Eyes:yellow lighting eyes
Body:hourglass shape,big bushy tail,big soft behind





Position ill will be in:

« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 11:42:22 pm by skye »

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Re: ? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2014, 06:59:41 pm »
Is this mapped? Just wondering. ovo
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" Y'ever wonder what stars are? Where light comes from? "

Offline uilop89090

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Re: ? ???? [ ?? ????? ] [ ??? ???? ?? ] [ open & accepting ]
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2014, 01:51:13 am »
personilaty:loves to hunt,is kind,loyal,friendly,and adventures.
looks like:white wolf like snow and blue eyes with fur coming down and covering one of her eyes.                                                                              note:hope i get in ill tell u when i get back on feral heart it glitching out a little so u can get me on feral heart at uilop89090. :)