Author Topic: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood [Inactive since 08/04/2012]  (Read 15888 times)

Offline okami129

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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood [Inactive since 08/04/2012]
« on: March 29, 2012, 10:58:32 pm »

Ed and Al, brothers closer than anything, had lost their mother to an illness. Desperate to get her back, they tried to transmute a soul so she could return to them. It was forbidden alchemy and so the downside was Al lost his boby and Ed lost his leg trying to save him. Feeling terrible, Ed used his own blood to transmute Al's soul to a suite of armor until they can get his body back, so without an arm and without a leg, I don't know if he's lucky or what to have a mechanic as a friend, Winry. Winry made him an automail arm and leg... but when it comes to breaking it he better keep low for a bit. >.>
And then there's mustang who offers the boys to be military alchemists. And now all I can say is they are looking for the philosopher stone and have to watch out for homunculy and most the time be cautious of chimeras. Blah blah blah... yeah you get the idea.

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 10:59:04 pm »

Star out swearing. No txt tlk, godmod, mary/gary-sue, or power play. Keep gore to a minimum but it's allowed. There will be violence, burning people, shooting, head smashing, chobbing up, and stabbing, maybe even more so get used to it. This is in the past so the only very cool things they have are alchemy, automail, and chimeras, cause it's a boring cauntry so get used to it. They don't have phones or iPODs but otherwise they have stuff like cars and markets and trains. If you plan to get freaky then you and the character your doing with have to disappear and return later without detail on what you did. Your character can be the biggest jerk but out of character take fighting to pm. Lastly don't be emo suicidal attention/mate/family beggers with your characters and pull stuff like "Thinks how she has no friends, tear rolls from eye and jumps off a cliff plummeting to her death" or i will laugh at you and forbid you from any of my rps for at least a month.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 10:16:45 pm by okami129 »

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 10:59:15 pm »
Main Characters Needed
Alphonse Elric:
Edward Elric: Katsa-Novari
Winry Rockbell:
Riza Hawkeye:
Roy Mustang: The_Hidden_Lies


[Picture (Optional)]
Left Eye:
Right Eye:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:
History: (Optional)
Likes: (Optional)
Dislikes: (Optional)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 08:35:19 pm by okami129 »

The liar and the thief

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 10:59:26 pm »
« Last Edit: April 02, 2012, 12:32:51 am by okami129 »

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2012, 10:59:38 pm »

Name: Yuna Utaku (AKA Talian Statella)

Gender: Female, duh xD.

Age: 15

Personality: She is rather quiet when she is uncomfortable or is alone with someone she doesn't like, or is a guy. She is slightly social and cheerful. When she's with friends and family.

Left Eye: Pupiless, Turquoise.

Right Eye: Pupiless, Turquoise.

Hair Color: Silver, with a tint of blue.

Hair Style: Her hair is down, and the length is to the slightly past the base of her tail.

Fashion: Umm, picture? But anyhow, description of clothing: She wears a violet, Xing-like, short-sleeved shirt underneath her long, thin, jacket, which is half violet and half silver and outlined in black. When she is hiding and doesn't have her special disguise, she has another long violet jacket outlined in black. When she wears this jacket, she ALWAYS wears the hood up. She wears lacey, almost white, blue pants. A necklace hangs from her neck with a peridot lime green charm. Also, she wears tan sandles that seem to fit perfectly fine and stays intact when she is running at fast speeds, considering she's a feline chimera with mixed blood.

Automail: Uhh, no?

Scarring: No xD.

History: he was once a girl who went to the same school as Ed, Al, and Winry in Resembool. Her name was Talian Statella. Kids always used to pick on her for being quiet and a bit personal, she never took it well but she stayed strong. She had a kitten named Lucy, which she spoiled greatly. As much as she can remember now, she used to think Ed, Al, and Winry were the coolest kids in the school, so she looked up to them. Al and Winry were always friendly towards her, always happy to help her out, while Ed was being stubborn and silent. Her father was studying a special alchemy, based on the Philosopher's Stone, which lead to him having to leave for a few days. Talian was very fascinated by her father's studies, so she began to learn more about as much alchemy as she could. But that lead her to only trouble, HUGE trouble. One day, after being invited to learn some alchemy tricks by Alphonse, a group of armed military men busted the front door of her family's house. (REASON THIS HAPPENED: Her brother and Sister were insane murderers). Her mother told her to run as fast as she could and don't stop until she was somewhere safe. And so the girl did, with a sack holding her belongings and kitten in hand. Something soon snatched her and dragged her away into an abandoned apartment that had rooms filled with transmutation circles. After being knocked out by her kidnapper, the frightening happened. Alchemy seemed to turn on her. Her kidnapper, a teenager that looked about 19, dug Lucy out of her bag and threw the kitten at Talian. The transmutation circles fused Talian and Lucy into one being, turning Talian's pretty long black hair into matted strands of silver, calico ears and a tail sprouting from her body. The pupils in Talian's eyes faded into a deep abyss of turquoise and agony. She was now a chimera, made from a kitten and her owner. When the process was complete, a gunshot was heard and the teenage 19-year-old fell onto the floor, blood gushing out of his head. Her father approached the newly made chimera, sobbing in horror and terror. Talian awoke to the sobbing, and brought her father to happiness. When the father and daughter returned home after the military left, they only found even more horror. There in their living room floor, were the lifeless body of her mother, who have interrupted the military's mission, killed one of the men to save Talian , her older sister and brother nowhere in sight. Talian's father told her that he was sorry for all he has done, and that he never meant any of this to happen, but he didn't know why it happened. Talian accepted this apology, but told her father that she was leaving Resembool, for she thinks the military might be searching for her, which they are. So they departed, each choosing their own paths, and traveled alone around Amentris. After 4 painful years of critisizing and insults, nothing has been heard about Talian's father since. Talian now hides in the shadows of day, and the darkness of night, hoping and praying to find someone she could trust and rely on.  But now she dubs herself as Yuna, acted as if Talian never existed, and did what she thought revenge could handle. (Killed a few good men of the Military)

Likes: Cats, Felines, Birds, the Color Blue, Drawing, Technology, Ed and Al(In Future), Winry, Riza, Cooking, AND HER EPIC ALCHEMY.

Dislikes: Roy, Bradley, the Military(Who are secretly hunting her down, but Roy, Riza, Ed, Al, and all the other friendly characters in the military, do not know this), Canines of any sort except for Foxes and Wolves, and also.... Rich, snotty people who think they're so special.

Extra: She is a feline chimera, and has a HUGE love for cats. She herself can turn into a cat and understand the feline animals' language of 'Meows'. Her tail and ears were both from her calico kitten Lucy, whom she was infused with by a psychotic chimera-making alchemist who was searching for victims; so her Ears and tail are colored Black, White, and A Sun-colored Ginger. She also loves seafood and is a extremely good cook at many baked recipes. She also loves fresh fruit. FRESH AND TASTY NOT INCLUDED IN ANY RECIPES. That's how she likes her fruity snacks. :3
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 12:47:58 am by okami129 »

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2012, 10:59:47 pm »
Spot Savor
« Last Edit: March 30, 2012, 09:20:07 pm by okami129 »

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 09:20:38 pm »
Spot Savor

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2012, 09:20:54 pm »
Spot Savor

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Wip~)
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2012, 09:21:13 pm »
You guys can apply now

The liar and the thief

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Re: FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Open|Accepting)
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2012, 11:50:05 pm »

Name: Hana Shizukesa
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Personality: She has a mixture that is hard to judge. Sometimes she will be quiet and serious, kind of peaceful, other times she's playful and mischeivious like a child who wants to play.
Left Eye: Blue
Right Eye: Brown
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: All of it straight and down with bangs.
Fashion: Baggy geans and a white T-shirt with a black hood/cloak she uses to hide her appearance.
Automail: Her right arm and both legs, but the automail needs replaced.
Scarring: On her right side was burned.
History: When she was 6 her family ended up dying in a shooting. Her parents, siblings, even the dog were shot dead for reasons of unpaid dept they owed. She wasn't seen for she was hiding under the bed terrified and heard them shout where was the last one. They didn't want to take chances so they left and lit the house on fire. She crawled out at the scene and ran for the door but saw it was jammed. She looked around and saw a window but also saw her hatchet she kept close for protection and grabbed it. The bed canape bar fell on her legs and was burning it as well as trapping her. She gave no second thoughts and cut her legs free and tried to bare back the pain until she climbed clumsily out the window and onto the alley. She used cloth to bandage her missing legs and continued crawling down the empty streets that seem to almost turn it's back on her. after some time she saw boys running out on an alley and kept hidden as she saw one had a knife covered in blood and the other had a dog leg. She became curious and went to see what happened as she dragged herself into the alley and found a young 3 week old puppy with her front right leg missing. Feeling soft for it she wrapped a bandage over it's wound where it lost it's leg. The pup was a young australian shepherd german shepherd mix and she named it Mel. They soon became a team and worked together for 4 years. She had soon crafted a metal leg for both her and Mel that have a blade in them so a good kick with that leg will cut almost anything through. How she lost her right arm is a mystery
Likes: Animals, but especially puppies and kittens, which she will almost always try to hide with her
Dislikes: Fire, water, and guns for they remind her of her terrible past, Also being commented on age/height
Extra: She's trying to learn Alchemy but barely has a clue, also she is a pick pocket and thief


Name: Rebecca Shadowstar
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: She has a little bit of a temper and often takes a lot of things seriously. Sometimes she might let her hair loose and have fun but moth the time besides that wild streak she is a serious chick who isn't afraid to pick a fight.
Left Eye: Red
Right Eye: Red
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: No real style, just straight down and long, she has spiky bangs though (Picture)
Fashion: She wears kinda typical black sleek pants and a bullet proof vest under a black jacket. She carries around a whip and two hand pistols.
Automail: None
Scarring: She has a scar making a wavy Z between her eyes on her forehead, a scar on her chest above collar bones, a scar sown her left cheek and a gash wound right now both on her shoulder and side, -which she covered in bandages. Her arms are a little beat up but otherwise all this, she's just peachy.
History: A band of ruffians attacked her family when she was 8 and the only thing she had left was her border collie puppy, May. History like that would always ruin someones childhood and scar them for life. She was angry and swore revenge, but after she got it she just really liked fighting and couldn't stop so when she saw any opportunity, from little argument to fight circles she isn't satisfied until she gets that first punch in. She hasn't killed anyone luckily. She trained May and herself fighting skills and teamwork
Likes: Weaponry and fighting, she's almost always in beat up shape.
Dislikes: Wimps, pests, and well pretty much everything. She has an odd fear of being forgotten.
Extra: She might join the military later, she has a very bad temper you don't wannu mess with and almost often is either seen fighting or laying down beat up. She's also secretly part Ishvallan. She is the frigid-blood alchemist because she mostly uses her alchemy with blood or to hurt people.


Name: Xiao
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Personality: A spoiled rotten kitty cat who rather eat and sleep then do anytyhing, she is mean as heck. All I need to say.
Left Eye: Red
Right Eye: Red
Hair Color: Purplish black
Hair Style: Long reaching all the way down her back, with spiky tips and bangs.
Fashion: A black fancy dress like one for tea party's, it was frilly and looked quite expensive but she has in both forns a black collar around her throat with a two sided, the front had the wicca star symbol and the back had celtic lupine symbol.
Automail: None
Scarring: None
Extra:She's a black cat chimera
« Last Edit: May 02, 2012, 12:51:48 am by okami129 »

The liar and the thief