Author Topic: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse  (Read 29486 times)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2015, 02:47:07 am »

          A dank city, a billowing cloud of dust, and a lumbering figure that had a gait very much like a bear but a body type that was none of the sort. It appeared to be a dog. One with a dirt-streaked coat that, while matted and very tousled, appeared to have some sort of inner beauty; perhaps suggesting that, before the humans started disappearing, that she led a very privileged life. Now however, the pure-bred saluki female looked tired and broken. Her body ached and her tangled tail hung low beside her paws. A tortured groan escaped through her muzzle from deep within her throat. A sound of a dying cat, apparently, in the distance. Yet the saluki continued plodding on as if she'd heard nothing save for the twitch of a long-haired ear.

        "Oh, dear God. Just let me die already," Cephei moaned, throwing her head up in what seemed to be unimaginable anguish. After the rogue dust cloud passed, she let out a dramatic and strangled cough. She'd been travelling in the direction of the sound from the presumably murdered cat had come from. "Helloooo?" the saluki whined, tail wagging slightly at the prospect of meeting more dogs. However -- she'd been told by an actual doctor (meaning, herself -- a completely inaccurate source, but that was of no matter) that she was coming down with a case of the infection. A horrible disease that had not only destroyed her family and her dreams, but had destroyed the dog herself upon the realization that she had it. Despite the fact Cephei hadn't experienced any symptoms of the oncoming disease, it was so obvious she had it. Why else would her fur be dirty? An intelligent, sentient dog like her would never allow a lavish pelt to be coated in this.. horrid layer of grime.

          Upon reaching the conclusion that she could in fact see a figure in the distance and it was not just a delusion from the illness (oh, the irony), Cephei decided to keep quiet and inspect for now. If it was one of her "brethren" -- an infected -- she'd purely avoid it. If not, she'd most likely lay down and whine about how she was absolutely dying and that you should take pity on her right now by doing something nice. With a twitch of her wet nose, the female continued padding forward until she was at a safe distance where she could listen and, hopefully, not be caught.

[note to those who don't know; Cephei doesn't actually have the infection. she's delusional. lol.

also-- your posts are long, I'm not used to reading that much so sorry if mine are a little shorter.]

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2015, 10:38:12 pm »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2015, 11:49:12 pm »

"...Be Careful What You Wish For..."

Name: Boga
Age: 3 Years Of Age
Gender: Male
Species: Canine
Breed: Belgian Malinois

Personality: Energetic & Curious: This young male could chase his tail for hours, not giving a hoot about what's going on around him. His stamina is similar to that of a shaken soda can ready to explode. Boga is one to often seek more about something, hitting him with a 'curious' persona. Learning new things is a must for him especially when it has to is with his training or anything about the island's nature.

Adventurous & Brave: Even if its a short hike in the woods or a stroll on the shores, count this dog in! He loves to experience life and see what's out there. The surroundings of nature put him in a peaceful mood, but mainly in the moments of solitude. Then their are the moments where tremendous bravery is needed in order to get something done. Boga will often to volunteer for these things, as he always viewed heroic actions as doing something 'good', even if he is too young for the task at hand.

Loyal & Honest: Remaining loyal to his pack is something Boga promises to do. He looks up to his alpha, who he sees to be one of the most loyal dogs he knows. Boga always lives up to his promises, and if he doesn't, he feels as if he is swimming in a pond of regret. With his honest attitude, it makes it easier for one to trust him, even with the littlest things.

Backstory: Woke up the next morning. Boga went to his owner's rooms and realized they were missing. Strangely, it was Sunday, and humans didn't work on a Sundays. Searching he looked throughout the entire house and still didn't find anybody. By the time he reached out, he started hearing werid groaning sounds. But deadly... He looked around and turned behind, seeing the most horrible sight. His owner peeled and dead; eyes rolled back and hunger for blood. Whining yet having the fighting chance, he jumped and took it for the throat. Within an instant it died. "You're not my master" Growling he jumped above the fence and struck the amazing land. He looked up and realized it was a new beginning.

Infected: Nope; free as a bug.
Group(?): He is willing to, but not at the moment.

Crush: N/A (But would be pleased to have one)
Mate: N/a
Pup(s): N/A

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2015, 02:46:06 am »

@DelightfulRevenge - Of course you're accepted! Hop in whenever you feel like it.

Also, I have updated the second introduction. I have decided that in order to keep the roleplay a little more interesting, dogs and cats are in fact immune to the virus; although some aren't aware of this. However, if being bitten they do suffer for several days with vomiting, aching muscles and joints, exhaustion, heightened aggression, weakness, fever and a few other symptoms. After this the dog may begin to pick up, or remain on-concious for a few days - then after that they should be fine, and only a little startled.

Although, you will also have the option of not being immune. Which is usually towards puppies and elders, seeing as their immune systems aren't as strong. However, they can be prone to this at early/late stages in a way. Even if you're a dog which is still young, yet older you may get ill and actually get the virus - this being because of your immune system. These dogs will suffer the symptoms which all go through, then knock out for a day or so before coming back as the mutant/zombie type dogs.
If you too have any ideas, feel free to share.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 02:58:23 am by Taylor »
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2015, 02:47:25 am »


His eyes blinked. He felt his jaw clenching onto the peeled skin of the owner he once knew; his teeth ripping through the throat and deep within, through the bones. The zombified owner groaned louder moving its undead arms, gripping on the large canine's pelt. Then and there, he growled and his jaw grew intense. His jaw clenched even tighter before and felt the unpleasant taste of the blood, while it drooled to the side of his lips and down his muzzle. Suddenly, he closed his eyes and knew it was over. He whimpered at himself and blamed this was his fault - being the reason why his master was like this creature. He opened his eyes and looked down at the zombie who was now dead. He whimpered remembering the face of his master, as if it was behind the zombie mask. But sadly, it was just his mind that was fooling him. "Maybe next time I'll do better.Then again, you are not my master"

Panting he flashed out. His paws were moving and on the go. Was he running? Oh, that's it. He was. RUNNING FROM A LARGE PACK OF DOGS..or dead? --Nevermind, time couldn't be wasted. Boga jumped and over the car he went, following by the others behind. Panting he begged himself to find a shelter that no other creature can find. Or hopefully someone who he can meet up and get the heck of this place. In the meantime, main objective: Lose the hungry [yet] ugly mutts. Running for his dear life, his paws kicking him off the ground then back down, he ran in an smooth move before turning the sharp corner, which he managed to controlled since he was in few dog racing before.

Dog racing? Ah, yes. Boga was listed first place for Dog racing and most possessive dogs. Spooky, yes, but Boga was a sweetheart; girls loved him. He first started when he was only a pup and just a beginner. But over the years he grew with power and strength. They said they were going to send him away for popular dog show, but sadly, his owner didn't have the money. It didn't bother Boga because soon afterwards he fell in love with the love his life. The female surprisingly lived next door to him too.

A short month later, she randomly moved away to South American and never saw him again. It was sad for Boga.

Finding a hole leading to a building Boga didn't hesitate and began crawling. Luckily no one saw him since he left them after the sharp. Now safe and sound, he sighed with relief and felt to the wooded floor, closing his eyes.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 02:50:38 am by DelightfulRevenge »

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2015, 04:45:23 am »

{I'll give the others tomorrow to post, if not I can just move on. Or somehow bring Hobson into it and maybe you could see him. Of course, he isn't to be fully interacted with - and those whom get to speak to him never really do it face to face. It'll be through a door, or he'll be hidden by shadows.}
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2015, 05:46:57 am »
i'll post tomorrow, i've been busy with school x.x)

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2015, 07:24:20 am »
I'll be posting asap. Just studying for a test. <3

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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2015, 07:41:21 pm »

{Ah alrighty then, I shall hold on}
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Re: <|~|> The Left Ones <|~|> Mature&Realistic Dog&Cat Apocalypse
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2015, 10:27:49 pm »

Vera turned to the voice, her hackles raised and her teeth slightly bared, she couldn't be too careful. She looked at the female Malinois, her brown eyes looking her over, she soon calmed down and didn't look aggressive "My name is Vera, who am I speaking to?" she barked. Vera was still tensed up, prepared for almost anything that was thrown at her. She peered back at the female "What brings you here?" Vera's head  turned to her left, the sound of a stick snapping drew her attention. The wolf dog's hackles raised once again "Hear that?" she growled as she stalked forward. The female's ears twitched as they were listening for any other movements. She glanced back at the canine before standing straight and backing away "I guess it was nothing." Vera saw movement behind a fence, her teeth bared she turned to it "Who is there?" she growled before turning to the Malinois "Did you bring someone with you?" Vera began to wonder if she were going to be attacked so she tensed back up, she would let the dog speak before she jumped to any decisions.

Sorry for the lousy post, I just threw stuff together. I was also having trouble with what to do. Once things get more interesting my post's will become better.)

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