Author Topic: Your views about love?  (Read 7756 times)

Offline Aroxy

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Your views about love?
« on: March 02, 2011, 03:06:24 pm »
So, I was on facebook and this girl I know posted this as her status:
"You say "i love you" to someone in barely a month... you have no idea what love is."

So, I commented on it, and someone else commented back opposing what I had put. Read the two comments down below, and if you agree with one of the two, post here with your thoughts about it, and if you don't agree with either, tell me how YOU feel about this subject. I really am interested in different people's views. I only have one request, please don't make this topic get religious. This is strictly about your views on love.

"Hmm.. I used to think this too.. about people who say 'i love you' after such a short period of time. But if you really think about it, who are you to tell them they don't know what love is? But that's not what i'm getting at.. I do agree with you, but to a certain extent. I don't think that those couples necessarily 'love' eachother in the sense that they know what love is (..but what IS love in your book?). When you first start dating someone, you just feel like everything is perfect. They're perfect, you're happy.. You feel on top of the world, and that's what gives you the feeling that you're in love.. but.. isn't that what love is all about? And besides.. you tell your friends you love them don't you? But.. you mean it in a different sense then what a couple would mean it as. You tell your parents you love them.. but that's a different kind of love as a relationship or friendship, is it not? Love has all sorts of different meanings, and I don't think that just because two people tell eachother they love eachother even after what you say is such a short period of time is such a big deal.. When you get in a relationship with a guy that you feel is right, you're going to be waiting for the moment that you can tell him you love him.. but you're going to be wondering when that right moment is. If you feel it, it's there.. and some people might feel it quicker than others.. I don't really know what i'm trying to say.. but I know there was a point in that whole rant somewhere... lol"

Opposing Comment:
"allie- i don't know who you are or how old you are, but might i be as bold to say in short your comment was saying "love is a feeling, just go with it."
i strongly disagree with that. again, since i don't know you i'm not sure its my place, ...but i know love is NOT a feeling. ITS A CHOICE.
if you go through life acting as if it's a feeling then every time you say "i love you" to that boyfriend or girlfriend your giving small parts of your heart away every time..
if you keep giving small parts of your heart away, how much of your heart will be left for the person God has for you to marry??
but i do agree with what you said about there being several different types of love. thats something the Bible clearly teaches.."

So.. who do you agree with?
(and maybe you don't agree with either)

« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 03:08:54 pm by Aroxy »

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2011, 08:03:32 pm »
Please tell me who that person was so I can go strangle/smack/beat them up. 'The person God has for you to marry?' The [edited]? And 'giving small parts of your heart away every time'? That's like saying every time you tell your parents you love them, you become less of a person. Love is not a 'CHOICE'. Love is an emotion, and a state of being, one that generally goes hand with happiness. And sometimes, with a great deal of pain. It's not something you choose. Obviously, that person had never loved anyone.

Edit: Please don't curse on the forums. Thanks! ^^ ~arsenicCatnip
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 11:24:48 am by arsenicCatnip »

I didn't really want to make this my signature, but... this thing is scarily accurate.

Offline Aroxy

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2011, 09:04:59 pm »
Yeah, I wrote this back to her.

"I suppose everyone has different views. To me, love IS a feeling. And just because you say I love you, I don't believe you're 'giving parts of your heart away'.. I don't understand what you mean by saying love is a choice? I don't choose to love someone, the feelings they give me is what makes me love them.. Now, if you were to say "I love God" well, THAT is a choice.. not a feeling.. but this conversation is getting on the religious side.. and I respect your thoughts, but like I said.. some people have different views then others."

I kind of thought she was retarded for saying that love is a choice too.. and the whole speal about the person god has for you to marry made me laugh out loud. lmao I love you ny<3 and no pun intended.. hahahah that was from the seriousness of my heart <3

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2011, 09:13:50 pm »
I agree with your comment. See, (true) I'm positive I'm in love with this boy, Nathan, in my class. (Can't ask him out, too scared, the whole bundle.) But anyway, I'll probably look back when I'm a adult and say "Hah! I thought I was in love... hehehe..." But for now I'm positively certain. So you never can know... :)
BTW, for my personal safety, his name was shortened. Lets just say his nickname is JJ. ;)
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Offline Nyla

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2011, 10:33:17 pm »
Awww, I love you too, Ali. :3

OH NO, COME BACK HEART PIECE! *Grabs at the air*

I didn't really want to make this my signature, but... this thing is scarily accurate.

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2011, 10:51:40 pm »
My friend and I say this to each other, but we mean it in a friendly way since we've known each other for what... two years? Love is a feeling, and I find it weird how two friends can say "I love you" to each other and not get freaked out, when one says "I like you" and it's like whaaat.
I guess that had nothing to do with the topic. xD Onto what I was trying to say.
Love is a feeling. It's something natural that we all (hopefully) feel eventually. It's an emotion, and a rather strong one in my opinion, we all have different views on it and it's not something you can criticize someone about.

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2011, 11:43:19 pm »
Love is a feeling, not a choice.

You don't choose to love someone, you either do or don't.

I've only ever /truly/ loved two people with all of my heart, and I'd do absolutely anything for them, to be honest. It sucks that both were Internet relationships (WHICH I HIGHLY ADVICE AGAINST) and both ended. xx

I love my close, close friends, but not in the same way.

Also - don't be offended by what I'm going to say, or any of the following. If you are, I apologize.

1. You can not love someone until you've really gotten to know them, and I believe you can't get to know them FULLY until you've meet them or dated them. Anything before that is just liking or crushing on them.

2. This .. is sort of on topic? Idk, bothers me. Being bisexual is NOT SOMETHING YOU PICK OR GET USED TO. I'm bisexual, but with reason. I'm naturally attracted to both genders in a loving and -content deemed inappropriate and removed by moderator- Bisexual should /NOT/ be a fad. It is not 'cool'. It's just who some people are, and they can accept that or not. / shrug

Also, I don't believe in God. So I don't believe God has chosen anyone for you to marry. It'll happen if it was meant to happen. o3o
« Last Edit: August 04, 2018, 10:46:55 pm by Warriorstrike »
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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2011, 06:50:40 am »
God Shmod

Seriously, I agree with the first post, it is a feeling (But a feeling you can make choices about, you can choose to act on those feelings, or choose to dismiss them) Religion has nothing to do with love at all in the end anyway. If 'god' chooses our husband/wife for us, I feel sorry for the world. Because 'god' obviously has no idea what he is doing. The amount of people who divorce, the amount of people that marry into abusive relationships... Is that what 'god' wants? I think this person is just a bit delusional...
  And is it just me or do they seem to be saying you have to be a christian to understand what love is? Seriously, that's what I'm getting from this person.

  And here is a good point to consider, if love is a choice, why in the world is there someone chosen for us by 'god'? It's a ridiculous thing to say, to say love is a choice and then go and say that 'god ' chooses your husband for you... Hypocrite XD

  Don't take this the wrong way, but if 'god' really chooses who we marry, I am praying that he chose a dog for me! I'd get more love an loyalty from a dog any day, a dog would be willing to overlook my disability and appearance, and would know how I feel, and respect my decisions. I wouldn't ever be mistreated by a dog. That, and I don't take to people (online I can get along better, but in my head I'm talking to a machine XD)

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Offline RyuuWolf

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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2011, 08:45:02 pm »
No one shoot me please xD I love sharing my opinions, but just to note, I do believe in God, but also science ^^

After watching some shows about (somewhat) the meaning of love, I have came to a decision. Love is just like a hormone in our body. It takes control of us as we find a partner that isn't from the same family. We find them by, voice, scent, and what they might have to impress us (cars etc.). I also believe that it could be a spiritual thing, like finding someone with a similar aura, or possibly with a lot of the same attributes that make into us.


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Re: Your views about love?
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2011, 11:17:06 am »
I'll be keeping a careful eye on this thread since the topic can be a bit touchy, especially if you throw religion in with it and all that other stuff. Please be mature in this discussion.

As for me.. well yes I agree with all those who have posted previously. I think that person on facebook is a complete (religious) nutter and has never actually been in a proper relationship before.