Author Topic: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)  (Read 1182 times)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
« on: December 29, 2012, 06:14:27 pm »
Well, my family is bored hearing about this topic, so I decided that (because on feralheart, people are awesome and will talk to me about nearly everything) I would bring the subject up here and see if there are any HUGE fans like me.

Where did you hear about it or why did you start watching it?
 Basically, why are you into it now?
Well, for me, I was in Florida. We were bored in the hotel room and it was on, so we watched it and BOOM. That was it. No more watching Spongebob ALL DAY LONG for me xD

Why do you like the charries?
 Why do you like and dislike the turtles?
Well, I do like him (I do like them all) but he isnt my favorite.. I like him because he is a good leader, and, in this version, he sounds like the oldest, and most mature.
Well, again, not my favorite, but I do like him. I gave him the nickname "Raphy" which I pronounce Waff-ee, which, is something he would like, dont you think? xD It's just so baby sounding and it annoys my sister (she LOVES Raph)! so I stick with it xD Okay, I like him because he is protective and an awesome fighter, but I do not like him because he is rather rude. Tell me I'm wrong, go ahead, but this is my opinion xD
Not my favorite (Gee, no one knows my favorite now considering there's only one more >.>) but I like him because he is smart, and smart-sounding. I like the gap between his teeth too, it just fits him.
Mine <3 That's all I've got to say about that. He is mine. I love him, everything about him. He is funny and kind and happy-go-lucky. He is just so calm and cool and hilarious and he tends to relieve stress in every situation. I cannot say there is anything I hate about him, as I even love his stupidness that often gets him in trouble xD He is by far my favorite, and he is so awesome at naming things and he is just wonderful <3

I cannot say I have a least favorite, as I do like them all (even if Raph has a tendency to be rude all the time. It's his personality, and I really like it that way.) I dont want any of them to change, or any of them to be gone, because the team would be nothing if one if them was missing.

Well, that's it for now xD I created this to talk about it so that it's not weighing on me all day. If any of you feel that way (or if you dont and just want to say something xD) go ahead and post. I love to hear what other people have to say about them ^^
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