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Messages - TwistedProud

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Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Please make?
« on: January 11, 2018, 03:32:51 pm »
There is already a free preset of this character.
You can look here :

Hope it's what you needed <3

Request Maps / looking for someone to create me a height map + mask
« on: January 11, 2018, 02:45:33 pm »

I wish to take a little break from Serenade and work on something else, which would be a TLK based map
However, I swear I'm not good at all when making heightmap and mask.

Is there anyone willing to make me a height and mask that would look like TLK? [river,crocodile place, gorge, upendi, etc]
I can't pay with point but I wouldn't mind making a free design or a preset as a gift.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Oh wow! Those look fantastic! You add some small details that add so much character and fullness to the end result like the poppy seeds!
I cant get over the amazingness of them all.
Please teach me how to make maps.

Haha, thank you!
Yeah, I add a bunch of details which may end up with the map done in a year x'D I should calm down a little haha~

Ermm, humm...Let your..creativity flow! Think about what you want to do, make a drawing if you want then search for the mesh and start working on <3

Look like a really nice animation.
However, I cannot download it as it say the account of the person who put this download is suspended.
All Mediafire links I posted are not working as I've switched to Google Drive, I deleted my Mediafire account as I no-longer want to use Mediafire. I've completed the Feline animations completely, but Blender crashed, I can't create more variations of the dances without completely re-editing the animations. Link to most recent version.

Ah, I see.
That suck when you can't update animation, but I'm sure people love it how it is.
Thank you for the link~

It's looking so good heck. Wish I could explore it sometime. xD Can't wait to see it finished though!

Haha, thank you!
You'll be able to explore it someday as for now it may become a private map until these groups become less active

Jeez, are these beautiful. You've kinda inspired me to get back into map-making, honestly! This made me want to create for FH again, haha. These are really really pretty & they have very unique little touches that just make them so wonderful. I really like the names, too!

Oh, I am quite happy to make you want to start creating FH stuff again!
Thank you my dear <3

Currently working on a map pack [8 map in total so far]
The map will remain PRIVATE for a moment since I'm in a group looking for a map but as soon as I see the group dying, I will release it to the public so you can all enjoy it!

[01/06/2018] : I'm not dead! I simply did not made any update on the forum since I was busy. The map pack is getting bigger as I got new ideas and some are almost done.

The map will contain
Serenade [Main] ---- 2 %
Arena ---- 100%
Christmas party   ---  [Will be added in an update]
Halloween party ----- [Will be added in an update]
Easter party    ---- [Will be added in an update]
Summer party    -----  [Will be added in an update]
Wedding  ---- 100%
Tunnel [New] ---- 100 %
Graveyard [New] --- 70%
An Deireadh [New] --- 1.6%
Moonland [New] ----- 0.6%
Prison {New} ---- 5%

The main map is 24 000 x 2 200
It's the first one I'm working on. Screenshot will be added each time an area is done or to show small things I'm proud of.

Shaman den
I added some cobweb, poppy seed root bark and some other plant to make it look okay. I'm proud of it

Serenade [Main map]

Starting a kind of cave. Will be the entrence to the tunnel map, where all the other portals will be

The forest is getting better slowly. Added some elk.


Portal to Serenade

Portal to graveyard

Winter Party


I love the tree. I was scared to never find one

Bajjar is having some fun.


W.I.P It's only the map terrain, nothing was added so far

Arena portal to tunnel

Fully new arena.


The big rock is where the two lovers are.

Showing the small rock where invited sit and the path.


W.I.P like the arena

Portal to tunnel

New look, new portal

An deireadh
For an upcoming group that wished to be part of the map pack.


It's part of An Deireadh map


Another map for a group

Some comment would be nice about how it look so far since I'm hoping to release it one day.

IMPORTANT: I'm in need of three map tester once the map pack will be finished. I already have 1 which mean I need 2 more person.
1. Silent-Serenity/ .Silent-Scream.

Thanks FlyingGrass for the information about mediafire. It worked and I'm more hype than ever now <3

Haven't played for a while, I was too busy with irl stuff.
I'll be sure to come online as it's a wonderful IT server ^^
Late merry Christmas haha

Look like a really nice animation.
However, I cannot download it as it say the account of the person who put this download is suspended.

Presets & Markings / Re: Vengances Preset Shop/REQUESTS! (OPEN)
« on: December 05, 2017, 02:05:33 am »
contact (to send files to): Either here or on skype [If accepted, username will be given in PM]
scars(if any): Yes
payment: free
extra information: if you can do a nose piercing, go for it! If you can't its ok <:

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