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Topics - TheUniqueDreamer

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Game Help / Trouble With Maps
« on: November 30, 2018, 11:36:14 pm »
Very short post. I have always dowloaded maps and used them. I've done tried multiple maps, and so far I've only gotten one to properly show up in-game. What is this mess?? How do I get these maps to work?

For further explanation, the only map that worked required me placing in a folder into my terrains file (If I'm correct, that is.) The other maps I'm trying to get require putting everything in Exports. However, their portals will not show up in Cape of Distant worlds, and I have used maps like these before! Does anybody have a quick fix to this? Or an explanation?

Species / (Updated!!)..::Fyrens::..
« on: March 11, 2017, 11:41:55 pm »
Original specimen by LpsGamerGirl

What are Fyrens?
Fyrens (FAYE-rin) are the first form of canine to exist in the Feral Lands. They mostly resemble
a wolf with bird-like feathers and wings in places around their bodies. Fyrens are very
rare to find; Some believe they are extinct.

What features do they have?
Fyrens have built, skinny bodies with large amounts of fur; They also have feathers
covering parts of their head, rump, ankles, elbows, and underbellies. Fyrens have short
muzzles with large dog noses. They have stubby, sharp teeth and long, pointy tongues. Fyrens
do not have claws attached to their toes (or paws). Fyrens have large ears and bird eyes.
They also have long, lion-like tails with either feathers
or fur at the ends. All fyrens have large feathered wings that usually match their fur color
(sometimes fyrens will have white or grey wings, depending on their genes). A fyrens' fur
color will usually be shades of browns and reds, but some fyrens have white, grey, or
black fur colors; Fyrens may have stripe markings on their body, and lighter colored under-
bellies and muzzles. Fyrens can be as small as a domestic house cat to as large as a fully-grown
wolf (they're usually around the size of a medium-sized domesticated dog).   

Omnivore, Herbivore, Carnivore?
Fyrens are strictly Carnivore; they eat creatures like rabbit, deer, horse, other canines,
birds, as well as other mammals and animals.

What is their habitat?
Fyrens can naturally adapt to any temperature lower than 100 degrees, and higher than
50 degrees. Most fyrens are located in hot places with a lot of beaches and plants.

Protection and Hunting?
Sense fyrens do not have any form of claws on their toes (paws), they protect themselves
using their teeth; Their teeth can leave a pretty harsh bite, but they can't dig very deep into the skin.
When fyrens hunt, they will stalk their prey around for a while, until they get close
enough to attack. Fyrens attacking from the ground will jump their prey, biting and holding the
neck area of the animal until it stops resisting. Then, they will fully digest their prey all in one sitting,
giving them their meal for the day (fyrens do not naturally hunt more animals then one a day, unless
their food was a very small serving).If the fyren is attacking from the sky, it will wait for it's prey to
become still (or immobile), then the fyren will swoop down, pinning it's prey and strangling it to death
(or unconsciousness). They will then fully digest their prey.

Packs or Flocks?
Fyrens do not live with other fyrens (in Flocks).Fyrens are strictly loners, and live on their own terms,
defend for themselves, and have their own homes.

All fyrens have both female and male reproductive organs. However, they must mate with another
one of their kind to create an offspring. Sense fyrens grow quickly, the offspring will stay with the parent
for 6-10 months before moving out of the home and living on their own. If the offspring tries to stay
longer, the parent may kill their offspring for territorial reasons.

Original specimen by LpsGamerGirl

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