Author Topic: Tanatus (Revived from IT; WIP)  (Read 2811 times)

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Tanatus (Revived from IT; WIP)
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:26:36 pm »
Tanatus: The Basic Information

Species: Tanatus (Sin. Tanatu)
Pronouncification: Tah-nah-too (Pl. Tah-nah-toos)
Anatomy: Griffin/Lions
Maw: Beak
Mane: Miles "Tails" Prower styled (head), Mane and Tail must be the same color
Weight: 500-600 lbs. (50-200 lbs. less if female, depends on frame/health of the female)
Head structure: Bat ears (more precise hearing than most species because of echolocation)
Behavior(s): Protective, Territorial, Social, Daunting, Saucy, Vigilant/Valiant
Diet: Small prey, Elk, Boar
Consumption: Carnivore (or Omnivore, which is rare unless genetically engineered)
Life Span/Expectancy: 100-500 years old (which is unfortunately shortened due to global warming)

Tanatus: Where did they come from?

Tanatus normal live in the rocky, mountainous regions of Fawnda (Pronouncification: Fah-wun-dah not "Fawn-dah"), a secret place hidden in a fog. No one knows much of the inhabitants of Fawnda but the strange shilouttes of the creatures that live there and thrive. Those that attempt to access it will fall into prey of carnivores that lie close to the brim of the mountain or some fall-related death or injury. The lucky ones who make it through the whole ordeal knows that these creatures often reside in dens that are cloaked with scents of other creatures or under shrubs of leaves at the mouth of their dens.

The Social Life of a Tanatu

Tanatus are very friendly and social, often traveling in groups, but are very capable of handling themselves independently due to their mass and structure. When traveling in packs, they often allow the lead male/female weaken the prey before the group proceeds with the group kill. When alone, the Tanatu will persistantly seek out and attack at the weak spots of a huge prey (most likely bears in this type of manner) to weaken it or use their poison-ebbed claws that lie deep within the tip to slow them down and paralyzing them to earn game easier. When kits arrive, everyone from the group will crowd around, congradulating thier newborn members. They can get along with other species as well. -but be cautious, as they can overwhelm others with their massive strenght and mass.

(WIP, to be continued sometime later...)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 05:45:34 pm by Carmen »
