Author Topic: « Whispering Woods » In-Development WCRP Seeking Staff!  (Read 1297 times)

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« Whispering Woods » In-Development WCRP Seeking Staff!
« on: April 23, 2020, 03:29:08 am »

Whispering Woods, or WW for short, features the original Clans in a destructive time of war. Continue reading for a preview into the over-arcing plot while keeping in mind that as WW is still in development, plot details are subject to change.

Generations ago, a devastating war broke out which resulted in the complete destruction and loss of SkyClan, battles on the border and cross territories would continue as the Clans began ignoring words of wisdom from StarClan, forging their own destinies with their reddened paws. Out of fear of their own Clans being wiped from the forest, the four remaining merged into their own new groups.

ThunderClan and ShadowClan formed a strange alliance which gave birth to what is now known as the Sunfall Forest territories; RiverClan and WindClan took up an alliance of their own to form the Cascading Fields territories. As these mergers began to take on new life, cats who stood on neither side of these Clans soon took shelter in what is now simply known as The Glade.

As time passed by, the Clans have learned to keep in mind that there is no true peace in the forest any longer. While there may not be an active war going on, everyone is aware that even the slightest side-eye could send the Clans back to their foes throats. At a recent Gathering, cats of The Glade have reported hearing strange whispers at night while around the old SkyClan border. Unbeknownst to them, those of both Sunfall Forest and Cascading Fields have heard what they thought were voices of their deceased elders urging them to investigate the overgrown camp to find a truth they never knew had been covered up. No one knows why they're being called to the territory and there's no telling just what they may find if they decide to investigate.

Was SkyClan truly just a tragedy lost in the action of war, or was there a force that fed the Clans lies strong enough to invoke a multi-generational war solely to berid the forest of one single Clan?

Some general information to keep in mind for Whispering Woods:

‣ In Development.
 I'm stressing this point so that it is known that there is no active RPing at this time. I'm seeking assistance to help progress the group along at a faster pace than if it was just myself and to get fresh ideas to implement into the group. The goal is to open sometime in summer.
‣ Realistic.
 By this, I mean that there won't be any neon or unrealistic colors/items/etc. Items allowed are things such as feathers, twigs, other nature-related items.
‣ Semi+ literate.
 This will be relatively loose as everyone has to start somewhere, it's just asked that RP is done in a descriptive way rather than: *pounces on mouse*. If you're not confident in descriptive RPing or are unsure of what I mean by this, please don't hesitate to message me! As stated already, everyone starts somewhere and I'd be happy to help anyone to improve.
‣ Mapped.
 WW will have a private base map consisting of the camps and Gathering area, as well as an added on Moonstone map. There will be room for expansion if it's desired later on.
‣ Sited.
 The website is under heavy, heavy construction at the moment and contains no information. It will be linked when that's updated!
‣ Discorded.
 Discord is the easiest form of communication at this time and upon opening, while encouraged it won't be necessary to keep in touch or up to date on what's going on.
‣ Canon Integration.
 This is still in development but there will be references to canon characters and events from the WC series. This will be expanded on as more group details are worked on.
‣ Multiple HRs.
 Seeing as Sunfall Forest and Cascading Fields are made up of two Clans each, they will have two of each HR. These two groups specifically still hold onto their old ways and would prioritize listening to their homage Clan leader over the other. As The Glade is made up of cats from all Clans, they will only have one of each HR.
‣ Community Participation.
 While RPing is fun in and of itself, having fun outside of just RPing is just as important. Most of the time, Staff and HR are the ones who come up with many events, both IC and OOC, and while that will still happen here at WW it will be encouraged that members take it upon themselves to spearhead events for the group to enjoy! That can be coming up with IC challenges (i.e who can catch the most squirrels through a swamp in the fastest time?) or OOC games (i.e how many tnt blocks does it take to crash Minecraft?. Along with this, once the group opens there will be an annual fully anonymous feedback survey that will help us to stay on the right path.

As of right now, I'm looking for one or two people to assist in progressing Whispering Woods! High Ranks will not be up for auditions until later on and Staff positions will be discussed via DM. While there are Global Moderators, there are also two other general moderator positions: Community Moderators and Roleplay Moderators! Feel free to reply to this thread, send me a message here through the forums, or via Discord (Blyn#0998) for more information or if you have any questions!