Author Topic: ~Shadowed Memories~ {Story based Rp} [Inactive since 17/05/2014]  (Read 35580 times)

Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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(( Note this that it's a based off my made stories.
I once Roleplayied with my friends about this story and it was an epic Rp, but sadly it died.
Anyways, to see/read about the story you can find it here: Note that also, I will change this Rp, a bit.
Also, if any MOD thinks this does not belong here, please move it where it does belong. Thank you. ;) ))

Shadowed Memories


It all started when Darken had a son. Everything was like a dream.... a wish that finally came true... A true family....
But soon... It all changed, when Darken heard his mate and son's scream.
Darken ran to them, but he was too late, his mate was dead by a monster... a creature maybe? Nobody knew what it was, or why it came... But Darken, just had the time to save his son and run away.
Soon after, when his son... Dante reached the age of 5 months, Darken, left Dante alone to go and hunt. But when he turned, he saw a black monster... creature... call it whatever you like, but his true name was Xiverent, the king of all lords and the lord of all kings, demon king, demon lord.
Darken, ran to his son, but nothing was there, only them two. Dante turned and sight of relief.
But when he turned, the black figure stood there right before his eyes. Darken turned and screamed. "Dante run and don't look back. Run my son.." And Dante did ran away, as Darken turned to face the black figure, as the black figure attacked Darken, soon after killing him, as the black figure, turned into Darken and followed Dante everywhere his paw setteled.
But the king of lords and lord of kings, the king of demons as well as the lord of the demon's, saw that Dante was saved by Long. Another pup, but Long wasn't just an ordinary pup, he was a born fighter.
Now, Xiverent, seeks to kill Dante, before it grows up, when Dante grows up, Xiverent, will have no chance before Dante, but he'll try everything he can.....
Now the question is..... Will you be by the side of Dante or Xiverent?
Choose wisely my friend, and may the god/satan follow you to victory!


You arrive as an ordinary pup at the Felix Meadow in search for Dante. To seek to kill him, or to save him.
You'll find your power's, by then when your journey.
You may have the power of forest, or you may have the power of wind, maybe fire? Or water? Or maybe earth? Also maybe poison? Maybe all of them? It depends where your born.
If in the cave, then darkness, if in the mountains, earth, if near the water, then you'll have the water power.
If your born in the forest you'll get your power of the forest, if near the volcano, the fire power.
If near all of them, you'll have all the power of the Loins Island.
The island is big.
Now, to ask you one question.... Who are you?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 12:26:51 pm by Scallywag »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {WIP}
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2014, 09:24:00 am »
The map...

The Volcano
The Forest
Skin Color alike: The Meadow
The River
Black: The Cave
The Wind

The Volcano is called: The Hell Gates
The Forest is called: The Nature
Skin color alike: The Felix Meadow
The River is called: The Rushing Waves
The Cave is called: The Darkness with in
The Wind Temples (Up)

The Locations....

The Felix Meadow

The most beautiful meadow in the big island.
This is where you begin your journey is search for Dante, to kill him... or to save him, more likely to stay at his side or to kill him when the moment appears.
You will most likely like to be here, but if your evil, you have no chance to be there....
If your lucky enough, you may see a wild pegasus herd.

The Rushing Waves

The amazing waves of the ocean/river that rush near the volcano, forest, meadow and the cave.
Legend has it, if you drink The Rushing Waves water, you will get stronger and faster but soon after die of thirstiness.
Nobody yet tried it.
Maybe you'll try it? Lets see eh?
Pay attention to the water, and you might be the lucky one to see the golden tailed mermaid.

The Nature

The beautiful forest, full of mysteries and stories.
Legend has it, that if you see a red fox, pay attention to her eyes. Maybe if your lucky, you'll see your very own feature.

The Wind Temples

Look in the sky, maybe you'll see the wind, but the wind is like the faith, you can't see it, but you can feel it.
Pay attention, and you might see running horses.

The Hell Gates

The most nasty looking place, The Hell Gates is a rather nasty place to be near, you might get fire power there, but you may also get an evil personality.
Legend has it, whoever gets near the volcano, never finds away out, as if someone would grab them in the volcano.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 10:11:54 am by Hackers. »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {WIP}
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2014, 10:13:16 am »
The Characters....


Xiverent, was sumoned by Long's parents, but Long does not know it yet, until Long reaches adult age.
Also Xiverent, is the hell king.


Rather unknown looking creature, but a brilliant father, now he is dead, but his soul still roams the lands of Loin.
Darken, was once a ruler of Loin lands. Now, he is dead.


Dante, rather looks strange, but truely he is an awesome friend, and a true friend at trouble.
Not to mention that Dante, does not look anything like his father Darken, Dante looks more like his mother, but that does not change the love between his father and him, Dante loved his father very much.
Dante is the prince of Loin Lands, and the rightful ruler of them.


Long, is a handsom wolf, he is a rather normal looking wolf.
He is a born fighter, but what you don't know about Long, is that he is a half demon inside and a half wolf outside.
Long, pretends to be Dante's brother.


Charlotte, is a beautiful wolf, but sadly, she is a demon.
Dante will kill Charlotte, when they all meet up, because Dante, can't control his full powers.
Charlotte will hount Dante, of problems and such.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 05:54:52 pm by TinyTail »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {WIP}
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 10:39:18 am »

1. Follow all FH Rp Rules.
2. Be active.. Please, I don't want this Rp, to die....
3. You may have more then 4 characters. Thoes in the character selector, such as Dante, Long, etc. Thoes are the characters you may choose, but you may create one of your own. ;)
4. Hate the character not the roleplayier.
5. If your leaving the Rp, or going on a vocation, please PM me first.
6. If you will be inactive for more then 2 weeks withough a reason, you'll be kicked out of the Rp, and we may move on withought you.
7. If you have read the rules, put Filson in your application.
8. Have more then 1 liners, if you have a reason, that's fine, but don't do it always.
9. Be literate in this Rp, or atleast semi-literate. Realistic characters or such, are not acceseteble, because this is a rather demi-god, demi-demon, demon, god, etc. Rp.
10. If you wish to be anyone in the character selector, that I have posted, please imform me true a PM, don't just take it.
11. You may read the storie about the Shadowed Memories, to know more about this Rp, but as I said before, I will change this Rp a bit.
12. Have fun! ^.^
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 10:46:34 am by Hackers. »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {WIP}
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2014, 10:47:25 am »

If your own made up character...

Code: [Select]
Spiecy(Demi-god, demi-demon, god, demon, etc.)
History (Optional)
Personality (You may just say, ex. Nice, Charmin, etc.)
Master (If evil, say Xiverent)

If choosen character from the listed above.... (You'll have to PM me first to have the character)

Code: [Select]
History (Optional)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 10:53:49 am by Hackers. »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {Story based Rp} [Open & Accepting]
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2014, 10:55:08 am »
This Rp, is now open for posting! ^.^

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {Story based Rp} [Open & Accepting]
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2014, 02:31:45 pm »

Name~ Winter
Age~ 5 Months
Genger~ Female
Spiecy~ Demi-god
Power's~ Wind
Weekness~ She does not know yet as she haven't accoured to any lately. But she will Rp, it out.
History (Optional) Ask her yourself.
Personality~ Nice,
Parents~ Ara (Mother, Dead) Storm (Father, Dead)
Siblings~ Ginger (Sister, Dead) Fear (Brother, Lost or Dead) Bella (Sister, Dead)
Master (If evil, say Xiverent)
Extra~ Filson

Name~ Fear
Age~ 7 Months
Genger~ Male
Spiecy~ Demi-Demon
Power's~ Darkness and Wind
Weekness~ Fire
History (Optional) Ask him yourself
Personality~ Find out in the Rp
Parents~ Ara (Mother, Dead) Storm (Father, Dead)
Siblings~ Winter (Sister, Lost or dead) Ginger (Sister, Dead) Bella (Sister, Dead)
Master~ Xiverent
Extra~ Loins
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 06:26:28 pm by TinyTail »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {Story based Rp} [Open & Accepting]
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2014, 04:00:15 pm »

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {Story based Rp} [Open & Accepting]
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2014, 10:10:04 am »
I feel so lonely... :'( ))

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Offline Chunky_Squirrel

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Re: ~Shadowed Memories~ {Story based Rp} [Open & Accepting]
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2014, 07:23:22 pm »
Bump again. -.-

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