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Topics - Thornscars

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Can't login to my account?
« on: July 18, 2019, 05:02:52 pm »
my username in-game is supposed to be Ellie The Fox... was it changed to my current forum name?
i really want to play, but have no idea how to :(

Introduction / hi there, i've returned
« on: August 04, 2018, 07:48:17 pm »
a long time ago, a young girl going by the username Ellie The Fox joined this game... and now she's back!

i hope you have fun with me in-game, i used to be really annoying when online lol. i had some bad sparkledog ocs, but now i've shifted my focus. i might do some tlk roleplaying.

i hope we see each other!

Screenshots / Ellie's Screenshots
« on: November 14, 2015, 01:26:22 am »
This is just a forum where I'll be displaying my screenshots n' stuff. You can look at them if you want, idc.

Ask Me / pester ellie with ur probing questions
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:17:09 pm »
I created this thread so people could torture me with personal questions about me!
Seriously, though. You can ask me almost anything. You probably know what's TOO personal and what's not.
Ask away! c:

Game Help / Mod Requirements/Openings
« on: October 25, 2015, 09:41:42 pm »
I was just curious about the moderator requirements for the game and forum section, as I'd really like to be one if any opportunities pop up. I'm not sure if there's an age limit/post limit or how often I have to be online to be a mod. I'm just a bit curious in case I get a chance. I do have a lot of knowledge regarding the game (and the forums to a lesser extent,) and it would be nice to be a moderator or a mod-in-training in the future.

Request Maps / Countryside Map
« on: October 25, 2015, 09:36:46 pm »
I'd like a map of the English countryside, something that looks like Herefordshire, even. I was going to do a roleplaying with my friend when I realized all of the maps I've installed were city or forest.
I do have a few requirements, though:
Day and night.
Highlands, just some hills around the countryside, that would be nice.
A stream and a wooded area or a forest.
A few houses.

And that's pretty much it, I bet you could probably envision what the countryside looks like already, so whoever fulfills my wishes, I'll leave that part in your hands.

Thank you. c:

Stories / a crappy old ellie goulding fanfiction i wrote
« on: October 21, 2015, 12:16:10 am »
"Share your stories here in this board."
Well, technically, this is a story I wrote.
From Fourth Grade.
Dear God.

Ellie walked in nonchalantly and set the eaglet on a small coffee table. "Where's Ares?" Ellie asked. "Upstairs." Mrs. Winterwood said boredly. "ARES GET DOWN HERE!" Ellie yelled. Ares rushed downstairs hearing her voice. Ellie turned into a fox in front of Mrs. Winterwood. Ares looked at her like she was crazy. "She had to find out eventually." Ellie said then shrugged. The eaglet cooed. "Marglow should be your name..." Ellie said softly back to the eaglet. "Ellie, it's not like you can understand it." Ares said, unamused. "Of course I can." Ellie countered. "ARES YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS A FOX?!" Mrs. Winterwood yelled and startled Marglow. "Is it really that much of a surprise?" Ellie asked and glared. "I guess not." Mrs. Winterwood said disapprovingly. "Cool, I'm leaving." Ellie grabbed the eaglet and walked out the door, she carried it to her abandoned house. "It's not like you can understand me, but have you ever felt like everything is crashing down around you and nobody really cares?" Ellie asked Marglow. "Oh yes, plenty of times." Marglow responded. "You can understand me?" Ellie asked a little surprised. "Yes, I can understand most forest creatures." Marglow said. "Oh, well, I feel like that..." Ellie sighed. "I don't, I wanna fly!!" Marglow exclaimed. "Me too, but in a different context, I want to be free..." Ellie said then looked at the forest.

god this story's pacing

Poems / Little Lost Memories
« on: October 20, 2015, 02:24:23 am »
This is a poem of stuff I've kind of forgotten over time, but then tonight, I remembered all of them... a lot of these reference preschool, but some reference times after preschool too.
Here goes...

Nothing is known, until it is lost
Remember the pattern on the bathroom sink; the one you thought looked like a wolf?
Remember the times that you rough-housed with your brother,
The times that you thought your feet were best friends?
The ones where you thought you were a tiger at the doctor's?
Don't you remember, those sweet little things?
You blew bubbles with your best friend on the play structure at school,
You rolled the hula-hoops down the hill, every single day,
Remember all the friends you had?
The penguin, the sparrow, and the blue bear?
When you watched those simple shows on TV,
That taught you what you knew,
The words I have used, just to speak to you,
Hopefully these little lost memories will come back to your mind,
And when they do,
You'll smile too,
And I'll be proud of you.

Game Help / Preset Download
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:52:00 pm »
I've just finished my Halloween preset, and I want to send it in to be put in the big Halloween pack, but how do I send in the download for it? Do I use mediafire? Or...? Sorry, I'm not that tech savvy. :P If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it!

Game Help / Need Help With A Radio...
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:21:44 pm »
I was thinking of starting a FH Radio Station but I don't know which website I should use and the one I should use that I can spend the least amount of money on and still have high quality streaming. Because I'd love to start one, but I need to start simple before I get a huge audience or if I get one. I don't want to spend a ton of money and have nobody tune in, and my money's just gone. I need to start simple and start spending if I get popular. Sorry if this is the wrong thread to post in, I couldn't figure out which one I should put this in. Thanks for the help if I get any! c:

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