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Topics - OnionKnight

Pages: 1 [2]

Literate - Sited - Mapped - Realistic -  Triple Clanned - Active - Friendly - Plotted
Welcome one and all to LotS! We are a new community of dedicated members looking to start up a warrior cats roleplay!
Lets take a deeper look at some of those tags, and what they mean to us!

Yep! We consider ourselves to be a literate roleplay. What this means to us is we expect the length of a post in this RP to be between 1 and 1/2 paragraphs, or 1 and 1/2 Feral Heart posts. If you struggle to gain this length, then try describing things in your post. What is your character feeling, or thinking? What do their surroundings look like? Is it rather hot or wet at the moment IC? Mention it and your character's reaction to it! This also means that if you are accepted into the RP, the rest of the staff and roleplay will expect you to keep the quality of the sample you sent to join. If we notice that your roleplaying has become less literate compared to when we allowed you to join, then we have a bit of an issue. Lastly, please keep your "wolfspeak" on a leash. We try to cater to and be friendlier to the side of roleplay which doesn't understand wolfspeak.

We've got a website and registry is required. Why you ask? For communication purposes! Not only do websites serve as a useful tool for you to tell us if you're not gonna be on, they serve as a place for us to bond as a community. Whether it be by sharing art, playing games, reading character bios, chatting in our Meowbox or reading up on announcements it gives us a place to chat outside of the actual game itself. It's a very useful tool!

Regardless of if we are a roleplay in a game or not, we strive for realism in both character creation and roleplay. Please do not make your characters super tiny or insanely massive. Two clicks to the right from default is the highest, and one click to the left from default is the smallest. This also means that no neon colors are allowed on your character, and please only use markings that could be found in real-life. By this we mean spots, stripes, etc etc... Nothing like the "Biohazard" marking or "Triad" marking. Furthering this, obviously wings and full lion manes are not allowed. Items are allowed but only items you may find in nature such as feathers, flowers, leaves, twigs etc.

We consider ourselves to be active. Don't get us wrong we understand real life happens, and the staff themselves will have their days where they won't be on. Active to us means you're online and participating in roleplay or recruitment at least 3-4 times a week. We'd like to get to know you, and we can't do that if you're never around! :)

We do have a plot! However as we are a newer roleplay with ranks still needing to be filled we are putting that plot on hold. The plot will be released in pieces and parts once the roleplay is standing firmly on all four warrior cat feet and we've got members logging in and roleplaying! Basically, we want interest before we start anything up!

We have a private map created by our very own catsoup! They spent quite a bit of time on it and its really great! ;; It is something that needs to be downloaded, and if you cannot do that then I'm afraid this may not be the roleplay for you. However, if you are willing to follow instructions then the other staff and I will happily walk you through the steps!

We strive to foster a friendly and respectful community of roleplayers, bullying by ANYONE OOC regardless of rank is not tolerated. Here are a few points I'd like to bring up before you join, you'll find them in the rules themselves but they should be mentioned here as well:

Dirty jokes are funny. I know that. Yet, if someone asks you to stop due to being uncomfortable, offended, etc. then you must stop. It's a respect thing, laugh about it with people who also find it funny! Don't force it on those who may not have the same sense of humor.
There are topics that should not be discussed, joked about, or even mentioned. This includes molesting, rape, abuse, and suicide. These are very real things, that very real people have gone through. It isn't a joking matter, and joking about it perpetuates the idea that these real situations are the source of humor. It's not. Regardless of if you agree or not, it will not be tolerated in this roleplay. If you are feeling suicidal, or feel like you do need to talk about this topic, please feel free to message a friend or staff.
On the end of that very heavy note, we try and include everyone in your conversations and RPing. Our goal is to make everyone feel welcome, not out-casted!

Now that we've told you a little bit about us let me introduce you to our current staff members and what ranks we happen to have available for application on the website!




High ranks available for application are:
[you apply for these on the website:]

Caveclan Leader
Meadowclan Deputy
Caveclan Deputy
Meadowclan Meddie
Caveclan Med-App
Meadowclan Med-App
Hollowclan Med-App

Whew! Thanks for taking the time to get through all of that with me! Here is the application! Please respond below with it completely filled out, I or another staff member will friend you on FH if you have been accepted. You may also join the website and send the application to one of us there! OR -- Simply wait to catch us online and recruiting, our recruiter account is -Moriarty-!

Code: [Select]
FH Username:
Character Name:
Clan Wanted:
Rank Wanted:
Activity IG 1-5:
Roleplay Sample:

Leaving / Gonna be gone for awhile...
« on: December 01, 2016, 10:43:01 pm »
Sadly, my time in FeralHeart is over for now. I've made many friends here and will miss all of you, but now that I'm older and facing... Well, what quite frankly is a money and time crisis I no longer have the time to log in, and roleplay... Which, is pretty much the core of my FeralHeart life. Roleplays in FeralHeart demand consistent activity, and it can get stressful for some of our older players who are unable to provide that activity due to whatever reason. I've been here since 2012, but it's time for me to go... At least for now, I don't know how long it will be until I return [if] I ever return. Years, months.. Hopefully someday when things are more stable... But yeah, for now, au revoir! <3 Until we meet again!


Member Bio & Journals / That Strange Lurker OnionKnight [Small Bio]
« on: November 11, 2016, 09:56:53 am »
Hey everyone! I figure I've been on FH ever since 2012 and I'm only JUST getting started on the forums portion of the game, might as well introduce myself with a small little biography of general information! I'm always willing to make new friends on FH so feel free to comment ;) I don't bite!


Name: Kayleigh
Age: 19
Birthday: July 18
Location: Oregon
Religion: Atheist
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
FH Account: CuPcAkEiSyUmMy and OnionKnight are my mains. My other account [long abandoned] is the horribly embarrassing one I created back in 2012; puppy-girl
Pets: oml don't even get me started I could fawn over this fuzzy child all day <3 She's my emotional support animal.

.:Facts and Likes:.

>> I aspire to be either a web designer, interior designer, dog trainer, or veterinary assistant.
>> I'm an anime fan. One Piece, and Magi are two of my absolute all time favorites.
>> I'm currently running a WC roleplay by the name of Revelations *shameless advertiser*
>> My DA is Taco-Cat-Cupcake, feel free to stalk but its not that impressive, I promise ;o;
>> Favorite DA artist -- give em some love <3
>> Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Once Upon A Time are the name of my game!
>> Percy Jackson Series, The Mortal Instruments, and Tigers Quest are a few of my favorite book series!
>> Favorite youtubers include PewDiePie, GenerationHollow, Philip DeFranco, and VanossGaming [and all his crew]
>> Most notable FH characters are Aslyna [from New Dawn], Blackstar [OCoTNA], Bumblestar [LoANA], and now Sootstar [Revelations]
>> I'm a memelord, bathed in the waters of our lord and savior Harambe and blessed by Shia LaBeouf's wisdom. //dabs

and much more! ;o; Anyways thanks for listening to me ramble, and I'm happy to be here on the forums now after 5-ish years of playing this game!


Literate - Sited - Mapped - Realistic - Skyped [Optional] - Deviantart Group - Some High Ranks/Staff Needed




Brief Plot Description:
Hickoryclan and Galeclan, once one clan split into two are now at eachothers throats. Families have been torn apart and friendships ruined over differing opinions, during the split each cat joined the clan they thought would fit them best. Completely focused on one another, enter Brookclan. Brookclan is a newly founded clan searching for a home, upon stumbling into the territory they've found their home and have begun construction on their camp. Hickoryclan and Galeclan will have to deal with these newcomers, and Bookclan will need to either forcefully take their own land or negotiate their way into the territories. I purposefully left it open and up in the air for suggestions.

Meet Our Staff:

Head Administrator



hazel freeze

As the roleplay progresses I'm hoping people will start showing interest in helping out in different ways <3 Staff ranks are up for application on the forums, and each rank has their own responsibilities.

Interested? Please fill out the application and post below! I'm really excited to see where this goes, and how far it'll grow! c: High ranks and Staff are ONLY available for application on the website itself. Feel free to join and fill out the application there if that is what you're interested in! Feel free to ask any questions!

FH User:
Character Name and Looks:
What Clan?:
RP Sample:

Characters / OnionKnight's Plethora of OC's
« on: November 02, 2016, 10:30:31 am »

The new! The old! The wild and shy, it's no lie that I've had a gazillion OC's. A majority of them come with fairly unique and interesting backstories [well to me at least]. Disregarding my young-ish Feral-Heart days, here are a couple of OC's that have stuck with me through the years, and newer OC's who have snuck their way into my heart. <3


lineart [c]

A black tom with icy blue eyes. My absolute first Warrior Cats OC, which could be why he holds such a special place in my memory. <3 Also, he was the OC which I founded my very first Warriors roleplay as well. c: OCoTNA [if any even remember it] -- Blackstar was a kindhearted tom to those within his clan, however he did not tolerate rulebreakers and even went so far as to exile his own niece for breaking the code on multiple occasions. Some viewed his beliefs as harsh, yet he remained firm. As moons passed, his leadership was challenged by a rival clan, and their leader Skystar. This lead to moons of conflict between the two clans, and Blackstar found himself losing faith in Starclan, himself, and his beliefs changing. Regardless, he carried on for the sake of his clan. After many battles, Windclan began to realize just how insane their leader Skystar was becoming and a revolt began, half of the clan splitting off to follow the deputy's leadership and the other half remaining loyal to Skystar regardless of his insanity. Blackstar took the rebel faction into his own camp with open paws, and worked closely with Windclan's deputy [who soon became his best friend] to overthrow Skystar. Plus more... This character was incredibly interesting, and that is just scraping the tip of the iceburg, not even diving into his history or some more important events and stuffs.


art [c]

A more recent warriorcats leader. c: Bumble was a tawny she-cat with a striped tail and spots on her hind legs. She and her family were born into Breezeclan, where she grew up peacefully and eventually became leader. Under her leadership her clan thrived, until conflict with the neighboring clan, Streamclan began. Water is an invaluable resource, especially during a drought and this particular dry season was nasty. Prey was scarce, a majority of what was left were small skeletal rodents. Water was drying up, and Streamclan thinking of their own survival locked down their borders, cutting off Breezeclan from their only water supply. The typically chipper and cheery she-cat would fall into a depression at the state of her clan, and only through the encouragement of her kin and closest friends was she able to pull herself back up and move forward. This lead to border battles between Stream and Breezeclan as they fought over what little water was left. Starclan looked down upon the four clans with disappointment, they knew what was coming, and knew that if the clans didn't cease their bickering it'd spell disaster. Relations between Breeze and Streamclan became worse and worse until one gathering, Wolfstar broke the peace treaty by allowing her temper to get the better of her and blatantly attacking Bumblestar during the night of the full moon. The fight raged on until a crack of lightning struck the earth, shaking each cat to their core and putting an end to the fighting, without another word the four clans departed. .....aaannnddd again that is scraping the tip of the iceburg. xD There is just so much to write when it comes to my characters so I share snippets.


art [c]

Oh man, this character. She'll always hold a precious place in my heart. <3 Caveclan was a clan that valued strength and size over everything. They loathed weakness, and loathed outsiders. Sadly for my little sphynx kitten, she was born into this clan. In fact, she nearly didn't survive the birth. Not due to complications, but because the clan's Medicine Cat [who happened to be her father] was taught by his mentor to snap the neck of any newborn runt. For the good of the clan, only the strong may survive. Luckily, Tinykit's mother refused to allow that to happen. Over the moons as Tinykit grew, she remained distant and fearful of the world around her. Everything was a danger, and it didn't help that within her clan arguments leading to physical tooth and claw fights were commonplace. She was treated with disgust, and was often made fun of for being hairless and small. Her self-confidence and drive were at an all time low, and then she became an apprentice. It was during her apprenticeship when she met Willowwisp [played by Rudo <3] and her confidence began to grow. Steadily, she became more outgoing and actually went out of her way to initiate conversation... And then her mother died. In a fit of rage for [unknown] reasons her father, the medicine cat, murdered her mother. This was hard enough to cope with, and a day or so later in guilt her father threw himself off the cliff and ended his own life. This left Tinypaw alone as an orphan with her two siblings Mottlepaw and Vixenpaw. The three siblings were distant after that, none of them spoke a word to each other until Tinypaw decided to approach Vixen. Visibly upset, Vixen poured her anger out on Tiny and accused her of being the reason their father hated their mother so much. If Tiny wasn't born, none of this would have happened... Distraught, every ounce of confidence Tinypaw had was demolished, she even AGREED with her sibling, so she turn and ran. Far away. ;; This marked the end of any conversation between Tiny and her family, and a moon later she was murdered in cold blood by an outsider. The last thing Tiny heard was that it was her fault, and her siblings hated her. *sob sob*

Of course, I adore all of my OC's, but there are always those particular ones who you'll always look back at with fond memories! These are those for me. :) I've got more, maybe I'll update this later but its uh... 3:30 AM and I need sleep. xD

Update: Pictures of a bunch of my past and present OC's <3 Image heavy!

Michu the Fox:

Lines [c]


Lines [c] BoogaMouse


Lines [c] TaintedRemorse

Rosalii Vanrose:

Lines [c] I actually don't know ;; lmk if you do!


Lines [c]


Lines [c]


Lines [c] unknown ;;


Lines [c] wintaria


Lines [c] unknown ;;


The Light of a New Age

"On which side will you be when darkness strikes?"


Literate - Mapped - Sited - Skyped [Optional] - Semi-Real/Realistic - Active - Friendly Community
 Plotted - and RPS Required

Now then, if those tags suited your roleplaying tastes! I'm glad to have caught your attention. ;) LoANA is a devoted community of warrior cat roleplayers who enjoy working together as a community to enhance the roleplay itself. You'll find many plot suggestions and quite a bit of worldbuilding suggestions were suggested by members themselves, which the staff team took into consideration and then implemented into the roleplay. Speaking of the staff! Here they are!



Forum Moderators:

In-Game Mods:


LoANA's staff team works well together, and we hope we'll be able to work with some of you guys in the future as well coming up with roleplay adjustments and improvements! Anyways, I'm sure you're interested about the clans too, aren't you? Well our clans are slightly tweaked in an effort to have a unique impact on the roleplay itself. Due to this, we have included some "tribal" ceremonies within our clans. I'll link all clan information [and the four clan history] below. We try to ask that our members do their best to follow the clan guide's we've posted, as some clans have specific requirements. Of course, we aren't going to forcibly restrict a player's wishes, but we ask you work with us in order to come up with some sort of compromise which works all around.

Four Clan History:
Breezeclan Information:
Streamclan Information:
Caveclan Information:
Leafclan Information:

Please keep in mind that our clan-worldbuilding is always a work in progress, and if you happen to join and have any ideas to post them in the Suggestions board on the website!

Did our clans interest you at all? If yes, great! If not, thats okay <3 Not every roleplay is everyone's cup of tea. If we piqued your interest enough to the point where you're considering joining, we have an application board. Post your application and check back on your application every so often to see whether it has been accepted or not. I would also reccomend reading our rules to make sure this is 100% the roleplay for you:
Here is the application board:

We hope to see you sometime in-game! We really are just a bunch of wrinkly, for the good of the clan derps. <3 However, please note LoANA is on a temporary hiatus until July 10th. Two days left to go <3 We needed to take a bit of time off while we implemented some changes to the roleplay, and sorted through some things. However, soon we will be back in action and ready for some more roleplay fun! Don't let this stop you, though! We're always welcoming of new members, hiatus or no hiatus. c: It's only a day or so away.

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