Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 167995 times)

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #650 on: August 18, 2013, 04:09:16 pm »
Zelos. Pawfist man. I do agree. It is criticizing me. Must stop.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #651 on: August 18, 2013, 04:26:37 pm »
There are lots of people in this community, many hundreds. It should be noted that staff cannot please everyone, as much as they try to please us and keep the game going smoothly as best they can, both at the same time. It's one of those facts of life; there will always be some people who aren't impressed or want something different.
I'm sure this decision was considered extremely carefully before coming to the final choice. Sometimes, if you have one thing, you cannot have the other. In this case, the staff couldn't hope try to reduce the amount of spam and abuse with General there. Something had to go.
Nope, not everyone's content about it, but with the previous points in mind, we must try to accept this and adapt to this small change.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 04:30:24 pm by DoctorFlob »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #652 on: August 18, 2013, 04:34:32 pm »
Once again. Good point. I hate to be angry with the MODs. I really wish that lord was listening to our opinions though. Zelos has a point here as well. 

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #653 on: August 18, 2013, 05:38:59 pm »
Suragaha.. you are stating that all you do is try to make the community happy... well, I am sorry if this sounds rude, but that, my friend, is a lie. That is not ALL you do. If it was true, then General wouldn't have been removed, or you would have given it back a month ago. You can CLEARLY see that most of the people WHO HAVE COMMENTED want General back. Yes, there are people who don't care, or they want to keep it. But face it. More people want it back. And as for saying that all we are doing is flaming and throwing 'tantrums', and not explaining why we want it back? That is also NOT true. Many people here have explained their reasons, just as I have. Almost everyone has explained their reasons, at least once or twice, but it is true that we are sounding like a broken record. You are not paying attention to what we are telling you, you are merely insulting us. You tell us to respect you, but you do not respect US. You yell at us for giving our opinions, and say we're just big babies throwing 'tantrums', or that we are 'ungrateful'. Well, guess what, Sura. We are NOT ungrateful. We are grateful for most of the things you mods do. We are grateful to have FH. But you know what we AREN'T grateful about? THIS. Why would we be?! And we are not grateful about the way you just put down our opinions, and treat us like we don't even really matter. You may see it differently, but that is what it feels like. We are telling you that WE WANT GENERAL, and MANY people HAVE explained WHY, but you are not actually LISTENING to what we say. If your claims about listening to us were true, we'd have General back by now. Yes, I KNOW it is just a chat, but it was IMPORTANT to many people. It is no longer just about the chat, it is about the fact that you won't LISTEN to the community. Oh, and do you know WHY a lot of these posts are the same person posting over and over? Because you haven't LISTENED the first time! You won't listen after just one post, so we post again! Really.. you should just give General back and be done with it.
The fact that you are calling Sura a liar really concerns me, floof. If she didn't care, and wasn't looking for the best in this community, she wouldn't be a moderator today, and wouldn't have helped so many or given so many kind words to those on this forum, or even bothered to make the thousands of posts she has today.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg, of course.

However, there are a few things I want to remind you of.
You continue to say that most of FeralHeart's 1500+ users that come online every day are against General's removal.
If you only looked at this RIP General thread, then yes, I could see where you'd come to that conclusion.
However, for those who didn't care that General was gone, or approved of it, do you think they would bother to come on here and post their opinion if they didn't feel as passionate about it?


This said, this thread is a grossly inaccurate way to gauge the entire community's true opinion on General's removal. This also means keeping in mind the many active users who haven't actually set foot on the forum since they downloaded the game. And that accounts for a very large amount of the community. The forum is a very tiny spectrum in comparison.

But getting to our point of "not listening to you," I have to whole-heartedly disagree.
Listening means acknowledging your points and giving them appropriate consideration (which we have been doing); NOT giving in to your demands, however much they are repeated.
We do love you guys, and it's our job to be here for you. And many of the staff have been keeping tabs on this thread-- we aren't going to ignore you all. As Flob said, we can't please everyone, but at the same time we do have a little more knowledge about the game and what exactly goes on within the chats as staff members. And if we didn't have so many reasons behind keeping General gone, and that your own reasonings could have overpowered the reasons we had, then yes, we would have given it back.

However, they have yet to overstep our reasons for taking it away. Our answer still stands with this quote I posted a few pages back--
Now, as for our decision regarding General, it does stand until further notice. However, it's only been a little over a month and a half since it was first taken down, and some users are still either in a tizzy over it, or are still figuring out how to adapt to the change. In the larger perspective, 3 years of the game being online with Gen versus a month and a half without is only a fractional amount of time, and not much to make a decision like this.
After all, it was a big decision to remove General, and it will take solid reasoning, time, and patience to even begin to turn the decision back.

We only ask that you continue to have patience. Our decision about our judgment period still stands, and we aren't going to leave you hanging when we do come to a final decision. But it's not that time just yet.

So while you wait, we ask that you don't feel bitter about this decision. I mean, you can live in-game like you've been put through some horrible oppression from some uncaring, unseen force, or you can recognize its true purpose was meant to be for the best, in the end. Just as well, you can join so many others and put General on the backburner, recall the good times made in the past for now, and continue playing, making friends, roleplaying, and enjoying yourself like so many still do.
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Re: RIP General
« Reply #654 on: August 18, 2013, 06:20:01 pm »
Not sure how many times it has been posted in this thread regarding certain users behavior and lack of considerations of the picture as a whole, but also about how other things must be looked over that some players really don't put any thought in what so ever.

So with the whole "face it" then it can be flipped around to say that you need to face that there's a good amount that doesn't. The respect is double sided as well, if a staff and even players take their time to look over the situation and explain why matters are like they are, just to get completely nagged over due to a change they have the outmost right to do or at least try then maybe their human side shows too in their replies. To put it bluntly, what's the point of having a general chat if there's no game to speak of to hold it. The players in the game and the community as a whole, no matter how helpful people that might be out there is a weight and responsibility that must be taken care of, and the function of general chat, or the fun it brought has been put aside for now to change how the game plays out. There's no need to sit and pretend like the mean staff do it just because, or to make the game so much more worse for the players. There's good reasoning and thought behind it all which has been explained and voiced quite a few times in this thread as players don't understand or see why it's no longer there.

Now this might be the wrong thing of me to do since Raz wanted this thread to be here for discussion. But this thread is nothing but this thread has many time just been nothing but pointless drama and lack of proper insight or consideration where users throw their little fit regarding this change left and right. The positives of this change has been clear as the sky, the negatives has so as well, so no need for users to make their lists that will end up far from biased, or pretend like the staff or players that do not mind this change cannot see. I had concerned members coming to me, and said how this thread should've been locked long ago, and I really don't see much point in letting this lay around.

Taking care of a big game like FeralHeart is no easy task, even harder so when a staff need to take actions that many might dislike throughout the game or community, but if you know there's good reasons for it a reputation or image is not everything if you really care for the game to be around and work properly. We have read the majority of the comments and posts, if not all, the staff has been very patient and replied and explained their reasoning many times. This is not a case of giving in and be done with it if you have spent years looking over players both in and out the game and what a chat like general are capable of.

So for now, unless someone feels the need to unlock, I will leave this thread locked until further notice regarding general chat. I don't want this sort of behavior going on here on the forum in this thread any further.
Former community manager of FeralHeart