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Topics - Neowulf

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Poems / Neo's Poems
« on: June 06, 2014, 02:35:48 am »

Leaving / To California!
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:14:29 pm »
I will be leaving for California tomorrow(Friday, may 30 to Saturday may 31[2014]). I will be gone for a week, and then I'll take a day to return. And then at some point in June or July, I will be moving to California. So I will be gone for a day, and then for however long it takes to set my computer back up after moving. Bye in advance, my floofy friends!(will leave at 4:00 AM PDT on Saturday because parents are tired and rescheduled the vacation :P)

I have returned from the vacation. :P Yaaay computer  :)

Game Help / How Do You Move The Cape Portal in Map-Making?
« on: May 30, 2014, 08:57:22 pm »
So, I need a bit of help here with map-making. I'm making my second map at the time this was posted, and I can't move the portal to the Cape out of the corner where it's inaccessible. So I need help from someone who has made maps before. And thanks in advance if you choose to help!


Game Help / Accidentally deleted a file! Help!
« on: May 29, 2014, 06:36:30 pm »
So, I'm trying to make a preset and I'm stuck getting the UV lines. I've already tried several times, and I need help-- I accidentally deleted "preset_9.material" and I don't know how to get it back. Can someone help? :'(

Forum Games / Weird, Nonsensical Questions for the Forumgoers
« on: May 26, 2014, 09:16:04 pm »
So, I just went to the SB and asked everybody this random question that makes no sense at all: "On a scale from 1 to 10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?" And so a person who shall remain anonymous said, "Mayonnaise?" I then proceeded to shout, "CORRECT!" and resume being a derp. Feel free to post nonsensical, weird, or just stupid questions here like the aforementioned stupid question about colors of the alphabet.

Game Help / What Does The FH Patch Do?
« on: October 25, 2013, 10:50:06 pm »
Now, if you read the subject line, you will see: I don't know what the patch does. I'm guessing it does something similar to removing glitches or resetting stuff in the files. But I'm not sure and I don't want to click on it without knowing. It's not just my curiosity: I accidentally installed Feralands.... Into my game. And I want to remove the stuff and I can't reset the textures and... To put it short, I want to reset my FH experience back to how it used to be. If you can help with this or tell me what the patch does, I'm accepting any answers. Just don't lie.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Reptiles maybe?
« on: May 04, 2013, 11:33:54 pm »
This is just a simple idea. It'd have fins/strange appendages/etc. instead of manes. Its default could be green with a creme color underside. ::) Maybe its tongue would be forked. This model(If ever added) could make it easier for dragons and instead of chin/cheeks it could have teeth, and for ears it would have either Normal or Dragon. Just a thought.

Forum Games / Make a Creature!
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:57:59 am »
Read the title! Basically, you describe a creature from your imagination OR you can start a chain of stitching limbs and heads and etc to the beast and start like so: Player 1. Grabs a lizard. Player 2. Stitches bat-wings to the lizard. Player 3. Stitches a mouse head onto it. Player 4. Shrinks a goat head and stitches it next to the original head(Tiny Chimera!). And that is how you play the game. I'll start by describing something random.       A red spider with bat-like wings on its head where ears would be, a snake head, bird feathers in a straight like along the side ending at the tip of the abdomen in a long, forked and feathery tail.

Request a Preset/Marking / Randomz Preset Request.
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:08:44 pm »
Kudos to you for clicking. Anyway, I would like a preset that is black with electric-blue(Teal, Cyan and Turquoise are aliases of this color. If made, please be a bright tint and for canine form.) lines that swoop down towards the tail and as it gets closer to the head and starts to look like it fades into gray-black coloration(And I don't want bulky, thick and close together lines. Thin and evenly spaced is more preferred. Plus, even if I downloaded Gimp, I suck at digital art. So I need to can-has-request. Plus, I don't mean to sound demanding and bossy.)
Also, I can't post reff. pics, but the character is a black canine with no invisible mesh. It's probably relatively easy to make, the lines have large spaces and are pretty thin, but they kind of fade into grey into the pelt.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Wolf's Ground
« on: April 22, 2013, 01:47:03 am »
Wolf's Ground(Not to be confused with any Wolf's Rain groups and not to be linked to them in any way) is a semi-lit to Literate, semi-realistic, nomadic pack that roams primarily around Red's Map Pack(No land-claims intended. NOMADS!) seeking active members. There is no storyline yet, we need someone good at plotting to help me with that. Liz(Group leader) can be found advertising in the Cape when populated most and in Fluorite when the Cape isn't populated enough for effective advertising. No neons,unrealistic bright colors, or wings. If you want to join, say the character's name, your username, gender, personality, bio, and a roleplay sample(If wanted, I'm desperate!). If you have a pic you want to post, put it in and I'll view it.
Update: C'mans, people! Why you hate on mapped-ish nomadic packs? Ugh.

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