Author Topic: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess [Inactive since 27/04/2014]  (Read 11279 times)

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Hello!  This RP is basically a roleplay where you are roleplaying in minecraft... That doesn't make sense does it?  No, it doesn't.  So.. you roleplay on here, but you make it seem like you are the character you are in minecraft.  Simple enough?  Yeah :D  So the main setting of this RP is the Floofy Server - Survival (ip:
Make sure you have a look around to get to know some of the stuff you might encounter!


Picture(optional but preferred):
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
Where do you Live?:
Relationship Status:

If you do not supply a picture, please include a detailed description!

My Form:

Picture(optional but preferred):
Name:  Hannah Farley (Nickname: LaQuisha Farley)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Pale..?
Personality: Hyper, Energetic, Talkative, Reckless, Dauntless, Caring, Daring, can be shy around new people, but opens up quite quickly.
Occupation: Porta Potty S.C. (Will learn about during RP)
Pets?: 7 dogs :D 12 chickens, a horse, and getting sheep/cow/pig soon
Family?: None
Where do you Live?: Fatality Island (owned by Lord Suragaha)
Peers: @Zady, @LordSuragaha
Enemies: You really wanna know?
Relationship Status: Single

Have fun guys!  There is no specific plotline, so have fun with it!
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 12:21:42 pm by Scallywag »

Previous Username: Woofkita
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Offline zady

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 01:10:25 am »
Name: Zady
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: lightish
Personality: Happy, hyper, funny, but can also be: sad, depressive, pessimistic.
Occupation: Horse breeder / racer - also hunts and explores (also at Porta potty S.C)
Pets?: lots of dogs, lots of horses,  two Iron golems, four Pigs.
Family?: None
Where do you Live?: Lord sura's lsland
Peers: @Hannah @Sura
Enemies: None
Relationship Status: Single
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 01:26:34 am by Zady »

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Offline Tenturo

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2014, 01:13:14 am »
((Welcome Zady-poo c: You wanna start, or shall I?))

Previous Username: Woofkita
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Offline zady

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 01:20:15 am »
((I'll give it a shot!))

Work last night had been killer, Zady was slumped on her bed still at gone midday, only the feeling of three or four hungry dogs licking her face woke her up fully, even then she fell out of bed and could have sworn she felt the whole boat bob because if it. Groaning and rubbing her soar head she would rummage through her storage in the captain's cabin to find her white, black and orange hoodie, which was found rather quickly, and pulled onto her torso. Today was the day of a rather big race, she had to tend the horses, make sure they were all ready, groom them, feed them... Slinging a saddle and some reins over her shoulder she would make her way down the dock which was attacked to the side of her boat, custom made actually. See her boat never went anywhere, no it was not just used as a giant house. The docks held a three tiered stables, the best jumpers were held at the top, where as the breeding pairs were held at the bottom, the breeding pairs were often also the race horses, being the fastest. She also had a slight feeling she may get bothered a little later for one of these horses by some of the other residents of the island, it wouldn't surprise her.

MESH edition
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Feel free to pm me for help!

Offline Tenturo

  • Elder Grey Pelt
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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2014, 01:25:39 am »
Hannah stretched for a few minutes as the sun broke through her windows.  Her roommate, Fao, had already left for work.  She checked her watch and grumbled slightly - she had overslept.  She peered out her window and saw Zady heading towards the stables.  The race was today!  She hurried over to her chests and dug through them, looking for her favorite sailor blue and white blouse.  She slipped on her shoes and dashed out back.  From there, she paced back to her barn, where her swift and steady mare, Avali, was waiting quite hungrily.  She filled up her feed bin, and once she was finished she began brushing her coat, then her mane and tail.  She cleaned out her hooves, then she tacked her up.  She led her out of the barn and walked her out to the practice track to loosen up her muscles.

Previous Username: Woofkita
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Offline zady

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2014, 01:34:29 am »
Pretty soon Zady was out on the track too, if anyone wanted her or her horses they would have to come find her, she was taking part to and had to practice. She rode one of the fastest horses around, good blood too, His name was Bolt, he was part of the Joker line, one of the few that she had actually kept. Trotting around the inner ring Zady would nod to Hanna, giving her nothing but a cheeky grin and a wink, last had certainly been interesting, though most nights at S.C were. Giving Bolt a short nudge she urged him forwards into a gallop, he easily flew over the fence between the inner ring and the track, now they rode around it, practicing the jumps and the orders of the laps, she'd rather not mess up, it would damage her horses reputation.

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Offline Tenturo

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2014, 01:40:02 am »
Hannah giggled slightly, but quickly regained her focus.  She urged Avali to go at a gallop around the longer track.  The graced easily over an obsidian jump with a few strange Villagers lurking inside.  They soared over the gate jump, and eventually they reached the jump that she kept having trouble with, which was a water bank.  She nudged her gently with her heels, but Avali jumped too soon.  Her leg grazed the top of the fence, and she stumbled down into the water on the opposite side of the jump.  She flew over the front of her horse and landed in the water.

Previous Username: Woofkita
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Offline zady

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 01:49:25 am »
She couldn't help but laugh at the sigh she saw, Hannah sitting in the water on the other side of the jump. Zady had no trouble with any of the jumps, maybe that was because she had helped build thoes jumps too. Leaping over the hurdle she landed on the sand behind willow, turning her horse on the spot to a standstill before dismounting and offering a hand to her. "Are you ok? That looked like... Quite a fall!" Despite the fact she could be hurt, She couldn't help but smile, it was all so comical

MESH edition
Preset & marking edition

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Offline Tenturo

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2014, 01:53:56 am »
She nodded her head slightly, standing to her feet. "Yeah... We always seem to have trouble with that one jump.  I dunno what happens - we never make it." She murmured.  She grabbed the reins, the tips of them wet from the water.  She led Avali out of the murky water and back onto the track.

Previous Username: Woofkita
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Offline zady

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Re: The Floofy Server - Survival RP ~ OF Sweginess
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2014, 02:32:49 am »
Shrugging, Zady had no advice to offer, save for some basic tips. "Make sure you hold her and don't let her jump to early, hold around the corner more, it's a sharp one." Taking the reins of her own horse she would pat his neck before mounting him again. "Good luck."

Soon enough the races had come, they ran, they jumped, thing turned out pretty well for Zady, she placed first once and second twice, all in all a good set of results for her, only faltering once at the water jump, it was indeed the hardest jump on the track, even she had troubles with it.

MESH edition
Preset & marking edition

Feel free to pm me for help!