Author Topic: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership positions+Map! Member count:[12]  (Read 25462 times)

Offline Haruki

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The West Island Tribe of Santa Catalina Island, a small band of wolves that were cut off from their mainland timberwolf cousins. With a steady climate and a bountiful supply of food, the wolves were able to slowly evolve to match the challenges and advantages of their new home. Almost a century has passed and this emerging species is thriving. The West Islanders are of Neurtral alliance, but leaning more towards the good side. They are of survivalist mentality, and will retaliate when provoked.

This tribe isn't meant to get too large, about 10-15 individuals. The territory and den can accomidate up to 25 at maximum. I mean for this tribe as a causal roleplay group for fun. A way to make friends and get involved. :3


-The Chiefs are in charge; Defy them and receive swift action
-Thou shalt respect thy fellow tribemate.
-Mating within the tribe is accepted, but mates outside of the tribe are preferred to join. It is strongly frowned upon the mate with a partner from the opposing tribe on Catalina; Expect exiling or removing of the ties. (**Except in cases of peace marriage**)
-Do not cross islands or into other territories in belligerence; Swift action will be taken either by the receiving party or the member's home tribe.

-Just be respectful. Always. Regardless of rank, character, age, etc. Everyone is equal OOC. C:
-If someone is harassing you, and blocking does not simply solve the issue, contact me and I will have it dealt with.
-Be especially conscious and courteous when roleplaying or hanging out at the tribe map.
-General Noobiness is forbidden. Forealz.
-Please be at least a semi-literate roleplayer. 2 sentence minimum. c:
-I would prefer the majority of this tribe to be a Catalina Wolf.
If you want to enter a feline into this tribe, you must have at least one canine character enrolled; except; If applying as child of an established pair.


Chiefs- The dominants of the tribe. They are trusted with control of the tribe and foreign threat safety. They are those who handle large decisions and hold the tribe together. (Maximum- two; Not always a mate+mate pair)
Commanders- Second-in-commands. They are the leaders during the periods when the Chiefs are unable to, or are not present. They lead large hunting expeditions and are most trusted with protecting the Chiefs. (Maximum- two)
Council of Elders- A small group of older tribe members who are more learned and help the Chiefs in their decisions. They are held with high respect amongst the tribe. (Maximum- five. A minimum of 15 years of character age to be accepted as Council)
Tribemates- The members of the tribe. They divide chores of [hunting], [scouting], and [babysitting] amongst themselves. When danger arises, they form a militia.
Young- The children of the tribe. They are cared highly for, and trained in customs and skills of the adults.
The Lost- Those who have died or have gone missing from the tribe. They will be missed.


Member Count: 12

Males: 5
Females: 7
Canines: 12
Felines: 0



Ingame username ;; Haruki
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Catalina Island Wolf
Age ;; 11 years (approx. 22 in human years)
Mate ;; None, willing
Offspring ;; None.
Personality;; Feisty, brave, intelligent, fair, fearless, determined, patient, has a bigger heart than she shows


-none, do not apply. Rank earned.-



Ingame username ;; Haruki
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; Catalina Island Wolf
Age ;; 28 (56 human years)
Mate ;; none
Offspring ;; (Stepfather of Lurai)
Personality;; Kind, learned, patient, thoughtful, loving, jolly, great pupsitter

-do not apply. Rank earned.-



Ingame username ;; smilodon
Overall Assignment ;; Pupsitter
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; Catalina Island Wolf
Age ;; 13 Years
Mate ;; None looking though
Offspring ;; None
Personality;;Kind-hearted and very caring. This young wolf can become fierce in an instant if anyone of his fellow members is in danger, is very protective of his family if he had any. He knows the rules of the tribe and knows how to obey to the leader, he'll fight to the death to protect his leader and his tribe from any attack even if it means to his own death.

Character name;; Tien

Ingame username ;; Kamaete
Overall Assignment ;; Hunter
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; CIW
Age ;; 13+
Mate ;; None.
Offspring ;; None.
Personality;; He is a funny, outgoing kind of wolf, always willing to lend a hand and help others.  He loves helping others through their problems and is extremely laid back.  He finds himself listening more than talking, but he's fine with that.  He loves being active and concentrated on one thing.  He dislikes having nothing to do, and if he doesn't have anything to occupy him, he'll become very disinterested and bored.  He's very loyal (to a fault) to those he respects, admires and privately dubs family.  Once he is friendly with the leader of the pack, everyone therein becomes family to him, as well, with few exceptions.  His emotions are either "love it," or "meh," about anything and he works hard to make sure nothing and no one falls into the "meh" category.

Character name: Teiya

Ingame username ;; Kamaete
Overall Assignment ;; Hunter, pupsitter, whatever helps more.
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Catilina Island Wolf.
Age ;; 13+
Mate ;; None
Offspring ;; None
Personality;; Fun, calm, and loves other animals. She has a less open exterior than most, but she's likes talking about nothing.  She also prefers cultured conversation and will easily get bored with just chit-chat. She won't say anything if she thinks there is nothing to say, or she will state. "I don't know how to respond," which is her way of saying, "I can't think of anything to say/change the topic."  She's very forward about her opinions and affections.  If she likes you, you'll know it, if she doesn't, you'll know it, and if you don't know how she feels about you, it's because neither does she.  She's very protective of Kei, who is her family/adoptive brother/close friend. Or something to that affect.


Ingame username ;; XxKalixX
Overall Assignment ;; Hunter
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Catalina Wolf
Age ;; In human years: 13.5 In wolf years: 27.
Mate ;; None
Offspring ;; None
Personality;; Persistant, brave, won't give up on a challenge, has a kind, caring side to pups and fellow tribe-members, but is cold-hearted to enemies.


Image Username;;GekkanibakaOfWoW
Foram Username;;Gekkani
Overall assigment;;Hunting
Species;;Catalina Wolf
Age;; 6.5 wolf years(13 in human)
Mate;; None yet
Offspring;; None yet
Personality;; Shy, Brave, fast, caring, mother like, and aggressive. She can run fast. a little underweight. She would get killed for someone she didn't know. She is clumpsy at times.


Ingame username ;; Liekos
Overall Assignment ;; Tribemate; hunting
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; Catalina Wolf
Age ;; 12
Mate ;; None (Looking)
Offspring ;; None
Personality;; An extremely laid back, cheeky character. Often found dozing off under trees in warm mornings and afternoons. He is quite flirty and arrogant at times, but under that lazy smile Zuul can show a serious side that will make the fur on the back of your neck rise. When night falls, he makes his way into the water. No one really knows why, but it has become a strange hobby. Some say that Zuul is quite the mystery, others say lazy and immature. There is no right, or wrong.


Ingame username ;; DallasKittay
Overall Assignment ;; Pupsitter, Better at Fishing than Hunting on Land
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Catalina Island Wolf
Age ;; 19 Human Years
Mate ;; :c
Offspring ;; Don't want any. [yet.]
Personality;; Fiery yet kind, she's loving to those she knows and sassy towards those she does not trust.


ingame username: tia77
overall assgnment:hunter(if not can u pick)
species: Catalina Island Wolf
age:11.5 years
mate: none but looking
personality:secertive but kind when u get  her trust



Ingame username ;; Tawny
Overall Assignment ;; Pup
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; Catalina Wolf
Age ;; 6
Mate ;; --
Offspring ;; --
Personality;; Pleasant and friendly, though he carries a lack of confidence that is common for young creatures. He is wary of strangers, cautious and somewhat quiet by nature, meaning he doesn't tend to speak to those he is not familiar with until he starts to feel comfortable. Only then will the other party earn verbal responses. However, he is a sociable creature and goes where there are people, only settling when he is close to another Tribe member even if he does not know personally, though does know better than to stray too close to those that he is unsure about.

Ki Ki
Ingame username ;; XxKalixX
Overall Assignment ;; Orphaned Pup
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; CIW
Age ;; 5
Mate ;; X
Offspring ;; X
Personality;; Fun-loving, adventurous, brave, daring, your general naive pup.

Apply? :3 (Currently accepting applications of orphaned young, just to get
some activity. 8U This is not permanant.)

:[:The Lost:]:
None, thank goodness

« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 05:16:18 am by Haruki »

Offline Haruki

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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]:
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2011, 04:43:53 am »
Code: [Select]
[color=maroon]Character name[/color][color=teal]
-300 x 300 image here-
Ingame username ;;
Overall Assignment ;; (Pupsitter, hunter, etc.)
Sex ;;
Species ;;
Age ;;
Mate ;;
Offspring ;;


The territory is located on the west end of Catalina island, in the jungle region. It has less land claim, but richer fishing and slightly safer waters. They are, and have been for quite a long while, in an ongoing tension between themselves and the east end of Avalon (This area is gonna be donated to another pride/pack to claim as their own. Roleplay shall be teh shiz.)
Here is a map reference; Blue being West Island, Green being Carpe Diem Pride, Red being unclaimed as of yet. (Area known as "Avalon".)

The island of Catalina itself is near other island, with other tribes inhabiting them. Because of the abundance of timber on the islands, the tribes have learned to make canoes for trading, transportation, and foreign outreach (mostly on the parts of the higher ranked). But things definitely haven't always been peaceful; The islanders are still recovering from the Catalina x Clemente war. Amazing, that the feuding west and east sides united to fight.

Here are the surrounding islands.

I ask that you only download this map if you have made a Catalina Island Wolf or are
a member of one of the two Tribes. Thank you.

:[:Roleplay times & Plots:]:
Official Roleplay Date&Time;;
Fridays from 5:30-?
Saturdays-all day.
Sundays- all day.

***these times are in Pacific Standard Time; Please convert your time to this. :3
These aren't the only times we can rp, this tribe is 24/7. (;

Please report ingame to join in at these times. Repeated and unexcused absences
from these official days will result in being moved to the loser section of inactivity,
and eventually kicked from the tribe. D:


The past war between Catalina and San Clemente island has left the West Islanders vulnerable and scarred.
Build whatever stories and plots and ties you like from it. :3

New plots will be emerging soon.



None. Herpderp



Ingame username ;; Haruki
Sex ;; Female
Species ;; Oceanic Lion





« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 09:42:53 pm by Haruki »

Offline Haruki

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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2011, 02:23:43 am »
Open for applications. c:


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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2011, 02:29:48 am »

Code: [Select]
-300 x 300 image here-
Ingame username ;; smilodon
Overall Assignment ;; Pupsitter
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; Catalina Island wolf (Perhaps?)
Age ;; 13 Years
Mate ;; None looking though
Offspring ;; None
Personality;;Kind-hearted and very caring. This young wolf can become fierce in an instant if anyone of his fellow members are in danger, is very protective of his family if he had any. He knows the rules of the tribe and knows how to obey to the leader, he'll fight to the death to protect his leader and his tribe from any attack even if it means to his own death.[/color]

Offline Haruki

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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2011, 03:50:01 am »
Added, love. C:
Once we get up to three or four members, we can start roleplaying in the map. 8D


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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2011, 06:09:40 am »
That would be cool :D and thanks for adding me :3.

Offline Kamaete

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    • Kama-ItaeteXIII @ DeviantART
Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2011, 09:03:05 am »
I'll make a wolf for this, but I can't see the link you posted.  Otherwise, it'd be fun to join~!
...In my pants.

Offline Haruki

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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2011, 01:35:52 pm »
Oh my, I would very much enjoy that. :3
Here is the link reposted, if it helps. |:

(you'd need an account of IH to see it. xD)

Offline Kamaete

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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2011, 06:33:12 pm »
Character name;; Tien

Fullbody Image
Ingame username ;; Kamaete
Overall Assignment ;; Hunter, open to negotiation (Pupsitter, hunter, etc.)
Sex ;; Male
Species ;; CIW, or whatever.
Age ;; 13+
Mate ;; None.
Offspring ;; None.
Personality;; He is a funny, outgoing kind of wolf, always willing to lend a hand and help others.  He loves helping others through their problems and is extremely laid back.  He finds himself listening more than talking, but he's fine with that.  He loves being active and concentrated on one thing.  He dislikes having nothing to do, and if he doesn't have anything to occupy him, he'll become very disinterested and bored.  He's very loyal (to a fault) to those he respects, admires and privately dubs family.  Once he is friendly with the leader of the pack, everyone therein becomes family to him, as well, with few exceptions.  His emotions are either "love it," or "meh," about anything and he works hard to make sure nothing and no one falls into the "meh" category.

I have a female wolf I just created as well, if you want a girl instead of a guy, but I'd rather RP a guy.
Also, I looked at your map, and OHMIGAWD it's beautiful.  It's gorgeous.  I'm jealous and just might have to apply to claim the other territory. (I'm kidding, because I don't even have a pack. :C But it is so~ beautiful!)

Oh--is he too dark?  Please tell me, and I'll make him lighter! C: The female I have looks and acts like him, but she's a lighter, peachy-strawberry-brown.
...In my pants.

Offline Haruki

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Re: :[:West Island Tribe:]: -- Leadership spots open! Map!
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2011, 10:35:34 pm »
Aww, thankya. x3 I worked a lonngg time on that map.
If you're serious about that offer, you should totally start a pack. ;3
And nah, I like him. :3 He looks darker in that photo, but I noticed that its just Sly's mod you got thur. xD
Apply the female as well if ya like! The more the merrier.

Anywho. Added.
I get home about 6:00 pacific time, so we should roleplay ingame then you guys can. :3