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Messages - .Kiararaa.

Pages: [1]
Member Bio & Journals / Re: Kiararaa's Bio
« on: August 25, 2015, 01:55:56 am »
Ah, well then a late hello to you!
I hope you become an amazing animator some day! <3

Hello to you as well. And thank you! I really hope I will be.

Hello there, Kiararaa!

Your dream is lovely and I hope you never decide to give up on it.
Animating seems quite fun, you can bring your characters to life
and give them a story. I hope you have a lot of fun animating
in the future! (I know you will become a fantastic animator)

When it comes to showing off our faces, I am not comfortable with it either.
I like that you described yourself instead, that is actually quite smart.
(^ Never thought of doing so to be honest, haha)
Your cat is such a beauty! She is so adorable and I adore her eyes. c:

We seem to have a lot in common!

Hey to you as well!
Thank you, it's always been a dream of mine.
And aha, thank you! Tabitha does have amazing eyes. c:

Ask Me / Re: Ask Kiararaa!
« on: August 25, 2015, 01:51:23 am »

1.) How would your friends describe ye'?
2.) Movies or books?
Hey! C:
1.) Hmm, probably silly and a bit nerdy. (And cute but here's just hoping. ;D)
2.) For live action movies, I love the Alien series, Donnie Darko, and Jurassic Park. For animated, I love Inside Out, BH6, Fantasia, and The Lion King. And for books, I love Warriors, Harry Potter, The Giver, Alice in Wonderland, and The Owls of GA'HOOLE.

What's your favorite kind of pet?

My favorite pet would have to be cats. I love how many colors and shapes they can come in, and their distinct personality.

Member Bio & Journals / Kiararaa's Bio
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:53:59 am »
Hi, I'm Kiararaa. I'm not new to FH; I joined back in 2012, but on another account. I'm seventeen and am about to go into my senior year of high school. I really want to go to college to learn how to animate, because my dream job has always been to contribute somehow to Disney movies.

Age: seventeen
Gender: female
Grade: 12/senior in high school
I'm not very comfortable with showing off my face so i'll give a brief description; I am short, 5'2/5, I'm not overweight but i'm not skinny either. I have clear fair skin (it's really hard finding good foundation! xD) and I have thick dark brown curly hair. My eyes are tealish grey, and I have very faint freckles on my face, but they're darker and more consistent on my arms. I have small hands and feet.
Favorite color(s): Red, Blue, greys, and pink.
Favorite animals: Cats, birds, dogs, bears, snakes
Pets: One grey and white british shorthair mix named Tabitha. She's quite the looker. ;D

Movies: Donnie Darko|Jurassic Park|Alien|Mission Impossible|Inside Out|Big Hero Six|The Lion King|Beauty and the Beast|Alice in Wonderland|Peter Pan|Bambi

TV. Shows: Steven Universe|Over the Garden Wall|Gravity Falls|Parks and Recreation|Doctor Who|Supernatural|Twilight Zone|Anything on HGTV

Music: Pink Floyd|Fall Out Boy|Steampowered Giraffe|Disney Soundtrack

Likes: Art|Drawing|Animating|Books|Reading|Writing|Cats|Disney|Winter|Food|Movies|Color|Space|Stars|Moon|The World|Traveling|People|PINK FLOYD!!!

Dislikes: Complainers/Whiners|Rudeness|Depressing People|Debbie Downers|Scary Movies|Clowns| Orange, Green, Purple, Yellow

Go ahead and ask me anything else on my ask thread!

Ask Me / Ask Kiararaa!
« on: August 24, 2015, 11:48:31 am »
So glad to see that we've added a new thread. This is my ask page, whatever question you have for me, go ahead and shoot below! But please read and follow the rules.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Lady Alizarin
« on: August 24, 2015, 09:27:13 am »
Did you ever get the chance to read warriors?
Which ice cream flavor? Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
Coca Cola or Pepsi?

Game Help / Re: FeralHeart does not work for Windows 10?
« on: August 23, 2015, 01:15:54 am »
I had an issue with the game crashing when I had Windows 8.1. I fixed it then, and it carried into Windows 10. Right click the .exe and go to properties. Go to the Compatibility tab and make it run as Windows 7. See if that works. Also, I had another issue where simply opening the exe file would run the program without many of the meshes. If you have this issue as well, Check Run as Admin under that same tab, then go to the Security tab and edit permissions so the full control option is checked. I hope this helped!

Discussion Board / Re: 2015, What age are you floofs turning! :D
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:05:11 am »
Just turned 17 this August. I don't feel any different though. :D

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