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Messages - alexterri

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See, this topic has me in a mumble jumble of feeling because it honestly depends for me. Its when a role-player can really pull off a dark or tragic character that I find it acceptable. The melodramatic, dark and tragic character, while indeed cliche and attention-seeking, can have both its ups and downs. Now, I'm not saying, "Oh, these types of characters are so overrated and annoying, nobody should play them", I'm saying something more along the lines of, "If you're going to play this type of character, make sure you can do it the right way." I'm very open-minded, since RP is an art that really doesn't have a per say, right way, but in this case, if you want to make sure you're not being that overly cliche person that people drone on about, then you have to play this type of character in the right way. Invest time into the character, just don't spit out a tragic backstory or an evil personality. Lay out the backstory in a chain of cause and effect, or perhaps give this said character some motivation or issues that would cause them to act in such a dark and evil way. Think of it logically of how some "evil" figure in today's time might have gotten that way.

Now, in addition to thinking out the character, you have to know how a character in said circumstances with said issues/motivations/goals would act. You can just say they'd go around, killing everyone, being gloomy, edgy, etc., because in reality, nobody actually does those things on a whim. To spice it up, have your character have an internal conflict, with more than one reason to do/not to do this evil deed. Also, character development plays a HUGE role in creating a successful evil character, as there is no such thing as a set personality since birth. Personality and ideology is something that is developed through life, which is likewise developed through RP.

I could probably drone on more about this subject, but I don't wanna drown you all out with an essay. xD I've been there and done that, as one of my most well RPed and most well rounded character is a psychopath, comparable to maybe, a character like Harley Quinn in order to give you more of an idea. But yeah, long story short, there's really nothing wrong with these types of characters as long as you put some time and care into them -deep breath, finally finished- xD

I will say that I do agree with what you said: that dark characters that are evil and/or have a tragic past can be great if written well. I have several characters who fall under one or both of these catagories. What I'm saying is that I think people should also try and put effort into making interesting characters that are nice, and that when they make evil characters with sad pasts, they should put more thought into them and make them interesting

My character suffers from a land where homosexuality is forbidden unless it is only for sexual acts. He is repressed, but that is part of the plot. He reacts in a way any homosexual wolf would to him.

Adding on that his upbringing was that of 'I am king wolf, I must make peasant wolf bow down to king wolf' he has possession and controlling problems. These, as well, are part of the plot.

My character has many weaknesses and strengths- hopefully well balanced out and realistic.

He hides his sexuality via that he emotionally and physically is attached to the same gender by flirting with the opposite gender.

He literally created the homosexual ban, might I add!

In a sense, he is a control freak that could be seemingly be a dark, bad, emo-wulf guy. But he's simply a normal wolf that has reacted to his surroundings like anyone else would in his position. <3

I believe people like myself love characters with problems. Because that spices up our characters, giving them something to overcome and balance out. If they were given the chance to be role-played out a long time, they would be normal, happy wolves like you said.

I guess people like to be realistic. (shrugs)

Okay but  a character doesn't need to be dark and edgy in order to be realistic or interesting. I do agree that dark pasts and the such spice characters up a bit, but they dont ALL have to be that way, is what Im saying. Variety is awesome c:

Forum Discussion / Re: Reminiscing
« on: June 18, 2016, 05:49:07 pm »
I was incredibly illiterate and annoying

That's basically it XD

Game Discussion / Re: Regarding the new public maps
« on: June 18, 2016, 03:37:14 am »
I can't wait for  a snow map!! 8D

A savannah/TLK map would be cool too

Game Discussion / Re: Dens?
« on: June 16, 2016, 11:37:27 pm »
What maps have you guys found dens in so far? I've found dens In Cherika and I believe one in Kwimbe

Game Discussion / Re: Dens?
« on: June 16, 2016, 05:35:54 pm »
I just thoroughly explored Cherika [best map btw] and I found four dens. There might be more and I just didn't find them, but still 8D

Game Discussion / Re: Dens?
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:23:35 am »
I'm probably not looking hard enough then XD

I'm sure I'll find more as I explore

Game Discussion / Dens?
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:18:30 am »
So how many dens have you found in the ne FH?

I haven't found any XD

Characters / Alex's characters [WIP]
« on: June 15, 2016, 09:30:23 pm »

My Characters


Name: Lilyanna
Age: 11 years [22 in dragoncat years]
Species: Dragon/snow leopard hybrid
Gender: Female
Home: The Grounds
Fur colours: Silver fur, blue scales underneath, very dark blue [practically black] snow leopard spots
Eye colour: Icy blue

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