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Messages - turtlies

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Forum Games / Re: Count to 2022 Before 2022
« on: December 01, 2021, 07:26:42 am »

Forum Games / Re: Count to 2022 Before 2022
« on: November 11, 2021, 04:10:12 am »

Introduction / returning player #6724
« on: November 08, 2021, 08:56:55 pm »
hullo  :-*

i do literally lurk the forums at least once a day to see whats going on but I haven't really participated in anything for a loong time, but i've been regaining interest and decided it's probably best for an official sort of return! as a now college student I don't have as much time to go ingame, but I still like checking threads on here and might try and crack open the ol' map maker.

about me, i've been playing since 2012 and have gone by a billion different names and honestly that list will probably grow even more, but I can't seem to permanently leave behind FH since it had such a huge effect on my childhood, so I'll follow FH and its related projects wherever it goes, and for however long it may last. i'm currently studying biology and am super interested in anything environment or nature related, i also like basic alt rock, games like genshin impact or skyrim, and honestly i love most mainstream cringe fandoms lmao.

also whats embarrassing is that i was gonna make a joke like "call me whatever you want, just don't call me late for dinner! *canned laughter*" and i literally searched that up on the forum and found that i had already made the EXACT SAME JOKE VERBATIM in 2018 so clearly i need some new jokes.

That's all, I hope I get to meet some of yall soon! :D

Other Games / Re: FHU History Help? ^_^'
« on: December 31, 2020, 10:39:23 pm »
Apologies this isn't going to be the most eloquently written but I'll give my two cents on these

1. What are the differences between FH and FHU, if any? I've heard they have the old, un-updated maps?
I hope I'm not incorrect saying this, someone can correct me if I'm wrong: I'm not in the Patreon or anything so I don't know much about development, but FHU isn't at all released yet. Right now they do have the FHN(?) servers up which are mostly just to tide people over until FHU's release. FHN does have the old maps but with some of the new features.

2. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of active as FH?
I'd say oFH is a lot more active. The FHU forums are super dead atm (there's not much to discuss anyways haha) but the FH Neighborhood Discord is still fairly active, but slowed a bit as of late. Whenever something happens in either community I'd assume traction would pick up.

3. Would you say the FHU community is more, less, or the same amount of friendly (especially to new players) as FH?
Considering FHU hasn't been released yet I can't say much, there's not a huge amount of new active players joining FHU afaik. I am very excited for FHU but I will admit the community seems a bit more closed off? Idk I just did a lot of cringey stuff on this game since I joined in like early middle school/late elementary school lmao but I feel like if I had done anything close to those things on the FHU forums I would not have received as understanding as responses haha but in my opinion the games seem to have different age ranges as their primary playerbase. I'm not sure if any of that makes sense, just kinda the vibes I get as a lurker

4. Have you been witness to, or been involved in, any of the public accusations against FHU that anon sources online keep talking about? (I don't want to be specific here. There are a lot and if you answer 'yes' to this and want to elaborate, perhaps take it to PM, wouldn't want anyone in trouble)
I've heard about the claims and idk seems farfetched, a lot of claims seem to be totally made up or very stretched. But I don't know anything about it so I won't say much on it. I can understand some claims that have been made (like things that can literally be viewable in a discord server) but others are way too serious to just be posting on an anon tumblr blog imo

5. Can you tell me something good or positive about FHU and its community so I can have some nice things to say?
I am very excited for FHU to be released! I really hope there's actually progress being made, the updates have been pretty slow ever since the hype of a new FH game died down. The idea of there being progress and something new for FH was really exciting at first.

6. When did this darn game start? Their website doesn't tell me! I can only guess based on post dates. Oldest Patreon content seems like its from March 2020.
I joined pretty quickly during March, I don't know anything further than that unfortunately.

7. If you don't even play FHU, do you have an opinion on it based on how the community here has interacted with it?
I think both communities are way too divided. I'm trying my best to keep an open mind for both games, but seeing how many people on FHU have a grudge against oFH, and posts here on oFH that are so negative towards FHU and people who play it... I think it's really unfortunate. Both games should be open to criticism even if you like both communities. Unfortunately both oFH and FHU seem to suffer from cliqueyness but I guess that comes with the smaller playerbase, but it often bleeds into a weird sort of rivalry between two games that are barely interacting.

Very insightful questions! I'm sorry I can't offer much besides just what vibes I get from lurking the forums and Discord. All in all I like both games but there are certain patterns within the communities that are a bit upsetting to see.

Forum Discussion / Re: Your FH Status
« on: December 16, 2020, 04:11:46 am »
For sure a lurker, I'll do surveys and check and forums everyday but don't post all that often anymore. It'll be kinda neat to see how many active forum users we have.

^ I'm in the same boat. I check forums pretty frequently but just don't have much motivation to go in-game.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: The Feral Heart Revitalization Survey
« on: December 13, 2020, 08:56:36 pm »
Submitted. I'm not an active player anymore but I can give my perspective as basically an 'outsider'.

Good luck with the survey!

Forum Discussion / Re: Site Features
« on: December 02, 2020, 05:31:32 pm »
I just want the forum to be finished/to match the rest of the site lol
also the return of the banners on top :( just having the banners again would add a little spice to the forum

I don't think it's entirely feasible but I wish we could see statistics about our characters, like seeing the date created and maybe some basic information about them from the user panel

Game Help / Re: Modern way to make items?
« on: November 27, 2020, 03:13:19 am »
Making items is absolutely a mind-boggling thing for me when it comes to the positioning but there's a couple things that make it a little easier:

There's .blend models of the Canine and Felines that make it easier to build around (I hope I'm allowed to link to it, if not I'll remove it):
I'm not 100% sure they're the right scaling or not and I know some of the animations are bugged but for item making it can help.

DeleD is definitely not the best program by any means, it's super buggy and doesn't give you many options but it does directly convert to .mesh. I usually model in Blender, save as an .obj or pretty much any other format and import it into DeleD to convert. It's easy to scale in DeleD in case the item ends up being a little smaller/bigger than anticipated, just export and restart so it's not too much of a hassle. I could never get Blender plugins to work since I'm computer illiterate so that's one work around

But in summary, basically there's no good way to make items still as far as I'm aware lmao, I'm still waiting for someone to make a tutorial on how the item codes work :( Some people seem to be able to pump out items pretty fast though but there's really not much for public tutorials/resources. 

I really hope someone with item knowledge can give some more input cause I wanna know too haha

Game Discussion / Re: Your favourite FH songs
« on: November 18, 2020, 11:28:25 pm »

plains2 end of discussion

Jk but I love the original FH music, sometimes I can't play with music on if the original tracks are present because they make me way too nostalgic haha. The new tracks are pretty good too, though, they don't evoke the same nostalgic feeling but they still do remind me of the first day the new maps dropped and fit right in with the tone of the original music.

I tend not to play with any music on, gotta keep the other sounds on though, so I mostly can only hear the sounds of clicks and people running around when I play lol

Forum Games / Re: Count to 2021 Before 2021
« on: November 10, 2020, 08:06:39 pm »

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