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Messages - turtlies

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Game Discussion / Re: Interesting Topics
« on: July 18, 2020, 04:50:47 am »
I like the idea of a little tour of historic FH landmarks in the old maps (N/Z, 'Priderock', L Island, etc.) and maybe some descriptions of some of the sub-cultures that were prevalent back then (examples like how Pokemon RPs were usually in Ficho, Bonfire's TLK on the hill, I think there was also horses by the water in bonfire pretty often lol). Just a small cutesy thing so older players can be nostalgic and newer players can learn about some of the iconic locations :)

This is a really fair thread to make, and I completely agree with all your points. I was definitely someone who wanted the old maps and all the old features back before, but the entire idea of Feralheart being a product of its time is really important to bring up.

I just don't see that culture that was prevalent back then making much of a resurgence---the whole "random XD rawr" humor and blind friendliness of the internet back then just isn't something I see around as much anymore, which are some traits I kinda associate with peak FH and my childhood. I personally wouldn't find myself suddenly jumping into silly roleplays with strangers like I did before just because of the old maps returning. Things seem a lot more cynical overall nowadays, though to be fair I don't really spend as much time on FH or spaces geared more towards kids/preteens, so I don't know for sure what sites the younger kiddos are going on or will be nostalgic for 5 years, but this is just based on what I've observed.

I'm aware the circumstances are tricky so I don't blame the staff, but if future updates for FH were more concrete and people were aware of what was happening and if it was happening, it might be easier to move forward rather than spending all the time wishing for the past. Either way, it sucks I can never truly experience the feeling of people-watching in Bonfire or hanging out at the N/Z rock in Fluorite again--the old maps may be accessible but they're not populated--but it might not be bad for those to just exist as fond memories.

Community Activities Hub / Re: ArtFight!
« on: July 02, 2020, 10:55:45 pm »
Gonna bump this for this year's ArtFight (and edited the original post a tad)!

The site is very slow and error-prone rn due to the influx of people, but this happens every year and gets better pretty soon! I really want more people to attack so drop them links or character refs

Game Discussion / Re: What one thing makes your characters the same?
« on: June 25, 2020, 11:18:59 pm »
I can't stop myself from doing the same leg cover marking (just a different color from toe to thigh) on all my feral characters. Their legs just look nakey overwise ,,

And I don't know how anyone can do creative tail markings, I just slap a different colored tail tip on and call it a day 8)

Specifically FH-wise, I always use the Sharp Ears and Black or Whole Eyes and pretty much the same slightly-above-default height/width/length, all my characters really just be reskinned versions of each other

I usually stick in single player, but I might check this out! Any estimate how many people are usually on at a time so far?

Media / Re: for all the kedamono haters
« on: June 04, 2020, 01:19:13 am »
I only watched the first season of Popee, but Kedamono is quite a cutie.

I only found out about Popee from TikTok cosplayers lol

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: In-Game User Bio AND Character Bio
« on: June 02, 2020, 06:58:09 am »
Ooh I really like this idea! I personally forget to write character bios all the time so having a player bio would be much easier to put information (like linking to a place to download all my presets). Honestly I'm surprised FH didn't have this function already!

Forum Games / Re: Agree or Disagree
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:47:07 pm »
Agree. I just can't handle the smallest bit of spice.

Minecraft is a good game.

Discussion Board / Re: Are you a furry?
« on: May 23, 2020, 03:56:39 am »
Kind of a tricky question. I think literally speaking I probably would have to be considered one, because I do make fursonas and have a ton of animal characters and engage in the community. However I've never really been involved in the legit anthro two-legged characters that much (most of my characters are feral and stay on all fours :]) and never really go near the fursuiting side, which I understand isn't the only definition of a furry, but definitely is what the label brings to mind and usually implies to me. I also do not fall under the category of wanting to be my fursona or an animal like some definitions imply, it's all just for fun for me.

Then again I still be roleplaying make believe animals and making art of them and calling myself a furry as a joke every two seconds so...

In conclusion, yeah :/

(also if you're someone who can proudly rock the furry label, especially outside of furry-orientated places, you are very courageous and i admire you! keep rockin' on)

Forum Discussion / Re: New Names for Forum Ranks?
« on: May 20, 2020, 01:35:03 am »
Thank you for the tweaking and explanation! I'm liking these ranks a lot more, I can understand the progression more easily. Are the number of posts for the respective ranks still the same as before?

And Immortal Legend is a pretty epic last rank.

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