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Messages - G4RG0YLE

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 352
Forum Games / Re: Riddle Me This
« on: April 18, 2021, 11:12:34 am »
Let's begin.

Riddle Me This!
What is always infront of you, but can't be seen?

The Timespan!
48 hours (2 days) starting NOW! (12:09 PM GMT+1)

The Prize!
A free preset made by me.

Forum Games / Riddle Me This
« on: April 18, 2021, 11:12:28 am »
I'm not 100% sure if this is a Forum Game already, but it's been on my mind for the past day or two. Now I'm thinking eh, what could go wrong? The competitive play will be friendly.

So, here's how it works:
Person A (me in this case) will post a riddle but not the answer.
Person A also gives a timespan for how long people have to figure out the answer (i.e 2 days, next 24 hours) up to 1 week maximum. Person A also offers a prize. For example: "if you guess the answer to this riddle, I'll give you dA points/+Floof/a free preset/a free art piece" etc etc.

Then it's a matter of, whoever guesses the answer to the riddle correctly, wins.
Person B (who answered the riddle correctly) then has to post the next riddle, the timespan to answer & a prize. Person C guesses the answer correctly, wins a prize, then posts the next riddle, a timespan & the prize offered.

Make sense?

NOTE!: If you don't want the prize, you're more than welcome to transfer it to a friend or a user of your choice. But please let them know before doing so.

1) Don't google the answers.

Here is the template for the people posting the next riddle:
Code: [Select]
[center][size=12pt][b][u]Riddle Me This![/u][/b][/size]

[size=12pt][b][u]The Timespan![/u][/b][/size]

[size=12pt][b][u]The Prize![/u][/b][/size]
[i](NAME YOUR PRIZE HERE)[/i][/center]

Praise / Re: Praise to some amazing people<3
« on: April 17, 2021, 08:20:29 pm »
Nice to see that a few floofs are being acknowledged for their kind words & benevolent actions.

Forum Discussion / Re: Do Staff Get Bored?
« on: April 17, 2021, 08:05:24 pm »
I have to agree with Ironic, I see this as being a discussion better had with the Staff privately. I appreciate the attempt to engage them for the community to see, but in a way I can see people taking the Staff's word the wrong way.

Staff: 'Yes, sometimes I get bored.'
Someone: 'They have no motivation. We need Staff that are motivated and love their job, not this kind of laziness.'

etc etc.

Praise / Re: A praise for family like friends~
« on: April 17, 2021, 05:10:35 pm »
So nice of you to have made this post. I'm sure each & every one of them will appreciate it! Well done to the lot of you for making FH a safehaven for players to thoroughly enjoy their experiences in-game & on the forum once more.

Game Help / Re: Markings & Items not displaying correctly.
« on: April 17, 2021, 04:04:11 pm »
If people are seeing different items, it could also be that they've got a different Marking/Item pack installed altogether.
Although it's not a common issue, still a possibility nevertheless.

I'd recommend doing as SpicyDirt stated above and re-opening FH first.

Characters / Re: Merthur, the Firefly Prince
« on: April 17, 2021, 03:28:51 pm »
I've always found your character designs/ideas very aesthetically pleasing & I'll happily say so again, 3 years later: the in-game preset is also truly phenomenal to look at and admire.

Forum Discussion / Re: Why So Quiet? Speak Up! :D
« on: April 17, 2021, 12:27:16 pm »
I can transmit some of my talking skills to other people, I don't mind. Honestly I talk too much!

Request a Preset/Marking / Re: Wanting to Commission! | Presets
« on: April 17, 2021, 10:45:26 am »
Hi there, I'd be happy to do all four of these for you.
I can give you a total price via Discord: G4RG0YLE#7364

Forum Discussion / Re: We Need Leadership
« on: April 16, 2021, 08:22:16 pm »
My bad my bad, I misread what you were trying to say.

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